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  • what do you do?

    silverarrowgriffin - - Friends and Family


    what do you do when you found out that your close friend told someone that she doesn't really want to be friends with you and that she is just going with the flow that's why she's 'friends' with you now?

  • Re: Tardis

    silverarrowgriffin - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from RollinRightInuit: “1. Tennant, definitely, but pre-Tennant I'm a Pertwee fan all the way 2. Em... not sure on this one, does K9 count? :p I'd probably have to go with Sarah Jane, but Rose and Martha were both pretty good 3. SONTARANS! Especially Linx Haha, was sooo glad when they brought them back in season four, but they weren't as good as the originals. Can I add a new question? Which of the old villains would you most like to see reborn in the new season?” I just read somewhere tha…

  • Re: your fav sport

    silverarrowgriffin - - Sports


    i play Tennis,Softball and I'm in Tae Kwon Do I watch: Football,Tennis

  • Tardis

    silverarrowgriffin - - Films, TV and Books


    Well I want to talk to Doctor Who fans and so I've decided to start this thread. I'll start with questions: 1.Who's your favourite Doctor? 2. Who's your favourite companion? 3. Favourite DW villain That's the only questions i could think of hope i get to meet DW fans Mine: 1. 10th Doctor (David Tennant) 2.Donna 3.THE DALEKS!!

  • So I've just graduated High School last month and I'm going to be in college soon. I really really want to take up Filming but my parents had decided that I'm going to Med School. The thing is, I'm fine with Med School but what I really want to take up is Filming and my parents would never listen to me when i try to convince them in letting me study in a Film School. Sometimes I cry about it because my dream of being a filmmaker started when i was 9 and i just find it really depressing that i wo…

  • i've tried that...i usually lock myself up in my room while im angry and play loud music until i calm down or write it down in a journal