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  • Quote from Kuzntskiy: “Stupid is a relative term. If Americans are held in a comparison to developed and indutralised coutry, their IQ at 98 is the lowest. Unless you are comparing America with Congo or Ethiopia, putting IQ of 90 as average seems lowering to standards. The average IQ by moderate standards is 100 when mental age ~ physical age. IQ and Global Inequality I think I can word my posts as I like, freedom of expression and all that. As for Americans being lower than other countries on a…

  • Quote from Kuzntskiy: “FutureNavyMan08 claimed that blacks discriminate against whites in the whole world which is by itself false and ignorant. I challenged him to point out if it is really so, I for one have never been discrimated against by black but seen blacks being badly discriminated against. Real life and online have differences, when a person curses in a forum post, it lingers indefinitely as long as the forum exists. You having friends does not make FutureNavyMan08 free of blame. He sh…

  • Quote from Kuzntskiy: “I am sorry to say you have a grudge which caused your misunderstandings against me. First, I do not think I am better than everyone else. We are all human beings and better than others in our own unique way, no one can be absolutely better than others. Second, I am a student studying medicine and yet to get my degree on three more years. I don't see how my degree matters in this discussion that you have to put it up. Thirdly I do not discuss ramdom topics with teenagers al…

  • Quote from Strawberry_Wine: “Don't you love it when people have NO idea, what they're talking about. Kind of like.. oh what.. YOU. Seriously Kuzntskiy is smarter than you could ever be. He is talking about the personal attacks, that seem to come with the posts that have nothing to do with this thread. So uhm, before you try and debate, read up on the thread. Lynn” I read the entire thread, thank you. I think that's pretty obvious considering I replied (and quoted) random posts all throughout the…

  • Quote from backalleyabortions: “Your thoughts on it? I'm highly against it. I'm against breeding at all really, but especially teenage breeding. Keep your goddamn legs shut, ho.” I'll be nineteen years old in a little over two months and I'm in a very stable relationship with someone that I love very much and am engaged to. He's twenty-three years old, we both have stable jobs, our own vehicles that are paid for, and a home. I graduated high school early, and I'm about to finish with college. We…

  • Quote from Kuzntskiy: “You have said the ultimate bullshit of the century which even a person with average intelligence will be able to see through. I am an Aryan, much more whiter than you Caucasians and yet I never faced racism in the world. I have travelled extensively, much more than you could ever do in your entire life. In fact things are much more easier around the world because of my race and much harder for others. I demand and challenge you to provide at least two independant evidences…

  • Quote from J.Walker: “Yeah...the abolition of slavery paled in comparison to the leaps and bounds towards true equality gettingr rid of black history month would do.:rolleyes: Man, not be offensive, but you need to think more about what your saying(I'm replying to you because you agree with the dude u quoted). Black History month, isn't a month for blacks. It's about the history; a certain people in time, and a certain struggle. The period of time is over, but it's still celebrated, because it's…

  • Quote from J.Walker: “Yeah. They were way too busy picking cotton, and serving rich white men their meals, for much of that. But because of this, what human achievements accomplished by such a group of people that even after slavery were treated so badly by America, should be celebrated. Noted that it's black history. Those times are long gone. Hell better freeze over before kids start celebrating Russel Simmons or Oprah in Black History Month.” Another thing that pisses me do realize …

  • Quote from Kuzntskiy: “Exactly. 'White pride' is a very general and narrow minded phrase. What is there to be proud about having a skin colour? Romanians, Estonians are all whites but they don't really have anything to be proud of...:rolleyes:” As I've already stated, my background consists of many different races, but in general, I'm classified as white. I can't say "white pride" and be proud of EVERYTHING that makes me "white"? Yet, because blacks have "lost track of their heritage" and what-n…

  • Quote from There is no O in BLT: “Not to pick a fight but yes, the physical shit I can understand. But its not like I can change what went on. It isnt like I had anything to do with it. And I am not saying I have it bad, I just don't like beng made to feel guilty over shit I didnt do, or being hated for shit I didn't do. And my ancestors? My ancestors grew up in Ireland and Italy. It wasn't until my grandparents that they even came to America. So tell me why I should bear the effects of the crim…

  • Quote from Kuzntskiy: “I can't hate or dislike anybody because of their skin colour but I can because of their activities and crimes against humanity.” That's perfectly fine, as long as you hate the right people. You can't hate an entire race for something that a few people did. Would it honestly be right if people of your race had committed crimes against people of my race and I hated you for that, even though you were in no way envolved, and possibly even objected to those crimes? Didn't think…

  • Quote from There is no O in BLT: “Umm dude. I didn't do any of that. I wasn't alive then, and I CANNOT help what color skin I was born with, just like you cannot help what color skin you where born with. So why should I pay the price for all the atrocities that happened in the past, when I obviously had NO control over them? Don't get me wrong, I am sorry all that shit happened in the past. But I cannot do anything to change it and had absolutely nothing to do with it happening.So why should I b…

  • Quote from Criminal Mastermind: “Well, you grabbed half of my family from the east coast of africa and took them to haiti against their will on tightly pacced slave ship's. And you raped my ancestors too, thats why my mom's skin is light. On my other side of the family, you took over india and disregarded indian's. You made them grow cotton instead of wheat and millions died. And when my greta grandfather resisted getting a christian wedding to retain his cultural isentity you called him a basta…

  • Quote from Criminal Mastermind: “Some guy named bhudda came out of a castle and saw a poor guy who was of a lower indian caste. So he just gathered a bunch of untouchable hindu's and started his own religeon. Basicly the same thing as hinduism minus the cast system. I hate when white people try to be hindu's and bhuddists. They arent serious about it. they are just doing it to rebel. Half my family is hindu. Iev gone to their temple before and there are alot of white hippie people there. Making …

  • My high school did something similar to that. It's not called Every 15 Minutes or anything like that. They just refer to it as the "mock wreck". They set up two cars to look like they've been wrecked, and bring the entire Senior class out onto the practice football field. You hear a loud crashing sound, and all of a sudden everything goes crazy. Police cars start showing up, and they've got it set up so you can hear the police calls and everything over the speakers. The Rescue Squad shows up and…

  • Quote from Chad20: “Michele, I found what you wrote to be honest, elegant, and mostly objective. As in my initial post on this topic, I'm talking about any form of sex between a brother & sister who truly love & respect each other and happen to be attracted to each other physically. And I can attest that it certainly does happen. One-way, short-term “crushes” on or sexual obsessions with a sibling is more a rule than an exception, but rarely leads to incest. However, a mutual interest in committ…

  • Phuck Buddy, I know very well what happens when the sperm reaches an egg. Even though it seems that you're assuming I am, I'm not an idiot. My question was simply how high are the chances because on an average day, the chances of a healthy female getting pregnant usually ends up being reduced to about 3-8%. I know that about 85% of healthy females will end up getting pregnant within a year of trying, but I don't know exactly what factors that's based on, so I was just wondering what MY chances a…

  • Yes, I have. The first time was with the first guy I had sex with. I actually hated it. The second time was during a threesome with a guy I was seeing and his best friend that I've known for a lonnnng time (at his best friend's house). Every other time after that has been with my current boyfriend, and I have to say that it's been the best with him. Of course, I also think that the feelings we share for each play just as big of a role in this as anything else.

  • I know that a lot of people on these boards will probably be very judgmental about what I'm going to say and ask, but please don't be too harsh. I'm just simply wanting advice, but I'll tell a little background on the story first. My boyfriend and I are attempting to conceive a child. Before getting lectured on this, I'd like to say that we are both adults (I'm almost 19 years old, and he's 23), we both have stable jobs, and a home and two vehicles that are all paid for. Also, I've completed my …