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  • Quote from Jenna: “Well, have you been talking to her since the last time we talked about it?” No, I haven't had chance yet.

  • Shit, so you remember the guy she had waiting for her back in Italy? According to facebook she split up with him. I don't know what happened there, I want to talk to her about it, but obviously I can't just go barging in asking about it.

  • Thankyou for your advice guys, it really means something. I think the first thing I'm going to do is apologise for all the times when I haven't spoken to her, I want to show her that I still care, and that's a start. She obviously really loves this guy back in Italy and she wants to be back there, I just can't help but wonder what will happen if she doesn't go back, so obviously I want to be there for her if the worst happens, but it's difficult. Like one of you said, she's obviously completely …

  • Quote from Jenna: “Okay, first. I don't think you screwed up at all. Yes, if you could have gone back and done everything all over again, there would have been some decisions you would have made differently. But you can't go back and change them, so stop beating yourself up over them and look to the future. Regardless of whatever has happened in the past, she's coming back and you get a second chance, that's the only thing that really matters right now. You will (hopefully) have plenty of opport…

  • 3 years ago, on this very date actually, my good friend moved away to Italy. Well, she was more than my good friend; we became good friends early that year, and we ended up liking each other and going out through the summer before she left. I was so infatuated with her, and I know the word is thrown around a lot, and I know we were only 14, but I really felt like I truly loved her, I had never felt about any girl like that. Knowing that she was leaving in the summer we didn't waste any moment, a…

  • Quote from Milanist: “The thing is though, if we're thinking that way, then I "can't" have the same with a girl either, so why does the thought of a guy seem more exciting than the thought of a girl, even though I want both?” Why cant you have the same thing with a girl i dont understand[/QUOTE] It's not that I "can't" - hence the quote marks - it's more that I've not had the chance. Technically, I could have either given the chance, but I can't because I'm not going to be getting into situation…

  • Quote from Milanist: “ Then again you might be bi....being bi doesnt mean you have to want to have a relationship with the same sex, just liking the sex is enough in my opinion..... ” This is part of the reason why I wouldn't want to be labelled. Everyone has their own opinion of what it is to be of a certain sexuality. You feel that just liking someone of the same sex makes you bi, whereas I feel that you would only be bi if you had relationships with guys as well as girls. Because of this it m…

  • I need to start by saying that something I've always hated is being labelled as a certain sexuality; I don't like the idea of people telling you who are, and I hate the idea of coming on a forum to be labelled, but nonetheless, that's exactly what I've come about, I want you to label me. At my heart I'm straight. I've always liked girls, I've been in and want relationships with girls, I can't imagine having a relationship with anyone other than a girl, and I want to have sex with girls. So yeah,…

  • Re: Dreams

    tg4 - - General Advice


    I believe that our dreams have a more important role than some people think, and that they actually tell us more about what we think. Think about it, it's created solely by your mind, and if your mind has been showing you this same dream over and over again, it's trying to tell you something. Maybe see if the dreams change or just stop altogether.

  • Improving Posture

    tg4 - - Health and Fitness


    After years of sitting forward to look at the telly, or to read a book etc. etc., I have a slight hunch. I'm usually aware of this, so I try my best to put my shoulders back and stand straight. However, this always makes me feel really self-conscious - I imagine it's fairly obvious that I'm trying to stand straight, and it probably looks as awkward as it feels - and it's always a strain. Are there methods I can take to improve my posture, either self-consciously (i.e. while I'm standing normally…

  • Re: Stupid cocky kids...

    tg4 - - General Advice


    Quote from NikAngelo: “Exactly why a simple power-play-pushdown is most effective. You push the bitch down and give him the choice as to what to do next. :tong::tong::tong: ” I don't want to sound like a dick here but are you stupid? I've just said there would be consequences for "pushing the bitch down," and you're saying it's the most effective solution.

  • Re: Stupid cocky kids...

    tg4 - - General Advice


    Quote from Jarndyce: “Just ignore him, I haven't seen him make a reasonable post yet.” Well, considering his sig is "The worse of a reputation I receive the more I know I'm helping," I can believe that.

  • Re: Stupid cocky kids...

    tg4 - - General Advice


    Quote from NikAngelo: “You're not a better man. You're weak. If they were in your grade and there were implications to kicking ass then I can understand, but these twerps are what, 4 years your juniors? You have every right to wail. You make them cocky in your passivity. :tong:” There are implications for kicking ass, believe me. If I did kick their ass and I was reported, I'd get in serious trouble. It's really not worth it.

  • Re: Stupid cocky kids...

    tg4 - - General Advice


    This may sound weird but I've never been in a fight before apart from with my sister, and even then they were just those sibling fights that you get into. For me the concept of actually initiating a fight is just alien to me. I've never had a reason to, and no-one's had a reason to start one with me. I would know what to do in a fight, but if someone tried to start one with me I would just walk away or try to talk to them. What good would fighting back be? Unless it's some sort of situation in w…

  • Stupid cocky kids...

    tg4 - - General Advice


    This is going to make me sound like a complete wimp but I don't care, I'd rather admit it and deal with it. So there's these kids on my school bus in Year 8 (around 12 or 13 years old), now bear in mind, I'm 17, and 4 school years above them; I'm in Sixth Form so I should effectively be one the senior people in the school. Anyway, they're cocky as hell. They have a habit of messing around on the bus doing immature things, and their paticular favourite thing to do is throw stuff around. Today's "…

  • Re: Do you think I'm going to hell?

    tg4 - - LGBT


    I'm not religious or gay but there's one thing I always wonder about Christianity, and I just want to give some input. God's supposed to be this all-knowing, all-loving being, and from everything I know of Christianity, one of their main "things" is loving one another. So why is it that some Christians have such a hatred towards certain types of people, including homosexuals? It's so unbelievably hypocritical. It's two people loving each other, a second ago Christians were encouraging love, and …

  • Quote from Malevolent: “Then I suppose it boils down to whether you want a friendship more than a relationship. But in the end everything boils down to chance. In life, nothing is certain. We're always taking chances. Sometimes we don't get where we want to be/what we want, but other times we do. The important thing, though, is that we try, and through those attempts we're successful even if it's for only a few times out of many. When going through Microsoft certifications you're faced with a ch…

  • Quote from Malevolent: “Look, if she has shown interest in the past it tells you there is definitely interest. But people are constantly changing. If you don't seize the moment nothing will come of it. You have a good foundation to work off of, so use it. She keeps showing different kind of interest because people's interest change. You have to catch her on a day that she's interested in you, and you have to show her that she's not doing it for nothing - that will keep her interest in you fresh.…

  • Quote from rCours: “Played with her hair, Gotten her to sit on you on the bus Whispered stuff to her Touched her hands and kneecaps a little Given her "that look" After the party or whatever, you could have walked her home. Little things make a BIG difference.” I was thinking something a little more subtle than that. Just touching her out of the blue would have probably freaked her out.

  • This is probably the 3rd or 4th time I've posted a thread about this same girl, my good friend. I've liked her a long time, it's been about a year on and off. I felt like we were nearly there last summer, but then it just suddenly ended. Anyway, I'll try and keep this simple and not drag you down with backstory. She always seems to show these signs to me that she likes me, but as confusing as she is, another day she won't at all. But I feel like she's warming to me again at the moment. So last n…