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  • Quote from Heaven Leigh: “I answer this honestly I would have to say no I am not. I really haven't experienced anything to even know if I am horny or not. I do have a boyfriend and will be dating him for 4 months in 2 days. We have fun together and he makes me laugh a lot and we like to pay video games and watch movies together and eat pizza . I hold his hand at school and give him hugs and we have even kissed. I really like him a lot and I like doing stuff with him. He makes me happy when I am …

  • Anal?

    cfgp - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Gribby: “I just read the OP post and I realize that the post is just over 2 years old, but what I don't fully understand is the whole moral thing. He said his girlfriend had a religious moral problem with having vaginal sex , but when it came to anal sex she was up for that. I am brought up Catholic and I would have to say they would have a problem with unmarried couples having any sort of sex whether it be vaginal or anal and in some ways I would think the anal would even be a little…

  • going commando with leggings?

    cfgp - - Fashion


    Quote from TaylerL: “Honestly idgaf about panty lines. If you don’t like it, don’t look at my butt ”

  • Covid Vaccine

    cfgp - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Starlord: “Ask South Korea. That's what they did. They got 5,700 deaths for 50 million population. That's 20 times less than European countries ” I am not saying it wouldn't work (if everyone, or at least most people had a smartphone and knew how to use the app). Here in Portugal, there was an app, but no one wanted to use it, because they didn't want the government tracking them (even though the app didn't actually do it) so it wasn't useful. Quote from Starlord: “Not really. Actuall…

  • In the army now

    cfgp - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    In Portugal, there is no mandatory military service. There used to be, but only for boys. Any military service is voluntary, for both men and women. But, until a few years ago only for boys and now for everyone, on the year they turn 18, they have to go one day to the "National Defense Day", where the military shows stuff and what they do, and kind of try to convice you into joining. It will be a few years until it's my turn, it might even change until then. But I don't want to join. I have no i…

  • Covid Vaccine

    cfgp - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Starlord: “- First I wouldn't have allowed flights incoming to my country. Because that means importing the virus. I would certainly not have allowed people to go abroad and come back just "because they needed vacation" ” How? A lot of travel (and not only by plane) is for business, for school, for exporting/importing things because pretty much no country produces everything they need. Quote from Starlord: “- Then I would have set an app on peoples phone to track where they've been to…

  • Covid Vaccine

    cfgp - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from musicalguy: “Im not gonna bother to read all that up there, but i got both mine abit late oct-nov and im too young to get mine in my country right now and got my two later. Ps: Get the vaccine it protects others as simple as that ” Im not gonna bother to read all that up there, but i got both mine abit late oct-nov and im too young to get mine in my country right now and got my two later. Quote from musicalguy: “ Ps: Get the vaccine it protects others as simple as that ” And it protec…

  • Covid Vaccine

    cfgp - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Starlord: “Quote from Ryzen: “Quote from Starlord: “Quote from Ryzen: “Quote from Starlord: “Quote from kmcd: “If you don't get the vaccine, you could die of COVID-19. If you do get the vaccine, you could get a lesser form of COVID and probably have a sore arm for a few days. The odds are great that you won't die. If you take the "what's the worst that could happen" situation from either side, the worst situation of not being vaccinated seems to be far worse than getting vaccinated. ”…

  • Covid Vaccine

    cfgp - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Starlord: “Quote from Ryzen: “Quote from Starlord: “Quote from Ryzen: “Quote from Starlord: “Quote from kmcd: “If you don't get the vaccine, you could die of COVID-19. If you do get the vaccine, you could get a lesser form of COVID and probably have a sore arm for a few days. The odds are great that you won't die. If you take the "what's the worst that could happen" situation from either side, the worst situation of not being vaccinated seems to be far worse than getting vaccinated. ”…

  • Covid Vaccine

    cfgp - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Starlord: “Quote from Ryzen: “Quote from Starlord: “Quote from kmcd: “If you don't get the vaccine, you could die of COVID-19. If you do get the vaccine, you could get a lesser form of COVID and probably have a sore arm for a few days. The odds are great that you won't die. If you take the "what's the worst that could happen" situation from either side, the worst situation of not being vaccinated seems to be far worse than getting vaccinated. ” You also have a lot of chances to NOT de…

  • Covid Vaccine

    cfgp - - Health and Fitness


    They recently opened up (regular) vaccination to 5-11 year olds here in Portugal, and boosters are for 65+, but 50+ next week (I think). It will be a while until I can get it.

  • Quote from gesu_1444: “Quote from Katrinchen: “Quote from gesu_1444: “Yes and i got punished ” i just liked your postsorry, but like only your post, not that you get punished that is really bad ” Circumcision they think masturbating is wrong ” WHAT? Is that legal? Couldn't you go to child protection services or something like that?

  • Have you ever survey*

    cfgp - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Been to the beach Yes Swam in the ocean Yes Played paintball No, but I would like to try had surgery No been in the hospital Yes had sex Yes made out with someone in the shower Yes taken over a hundred pictures in one day I don't think so been grounded Yes been beaten up No beaten up someone else No bullied someone No been bullied No gotten a piece of gum stuck in your hair No failed a grade No failed a test Yes spent more than 4 hours online at once Yes broken a bone No broken a glass Yes been …

  • Quote from Vi_jette: “Quote from cfgp: “Quote from Vi_jette: “bikini usually I have a few thongs I will wear for rehearsals and performances. ” Why the change for rehearsals and performances? ” The line shows up, especially if you are in light colors. Some people don't wear anything under their tights and leotard but I usually appreciate the extra layer. ” Nothing at all gives too much potential for "parts" slipping out and being on show Although the lines wouldn't really bother me too much...

  • What kind of underwear do you usually wear?

    cfgp - - Fashion


    Quote from Vi_jette: “bikini usually I have a few thongs I will wear for rehearsals and performances. ” Why the change for rehearsals and performances?

  • Covid Vaccine

    cfgp - - Health and Fitness


    I got it in the beginning of the school year (late August + 4 weeks later). First shot was totally fine, just a sore arm for a day or two. Second shot I got a bit feverish after about 24 hours, which lasted until next morning, but pretty much just that. So mainly fine, I suppose. I got some other (non-covid) shots 3 years ago and the HPV vaccine last year (all following the national vaccine plan), it was all pretty much the same and just as fine.

  • What kind of underwear do you usually wear?

    cfgp - - Fashion


    Quote from naturelover-VT: “Quote from Starlord: “For me bikini is a girl swimsuit, so I guess I missed something ” not only swimsuit (have the same cut as swim pants) hmgoepprod ” Oh okay, it's a type of cut. I would just call it 'regular' panties.

  • Lube

    cfgp - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Snowfox: “Makes wanking so much easier and faster. But when I have sex with gf no ” Are you in that much of a hurry? x'D

  • Quote from gagefromtx: “Low rise briefs have a fly opening, bikinis are bikinis, and sport briefs are usually a thicker waist band almost like a jock strap, but the rear is fully covered. Sorry, I am too lazy to find pics of all them. ” But bikinis as in actual swimsuits? Because those don't seem comfortable as everyday underwear...

  • Climate Change

    cfgp - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from catriona: “Quote from Snowfox: “Quote from Aspen: “There is already a lot going into green hydrogen, that could replace a lot of fossil fuel power ” Hydrogen anyway is not a source of energy by any means. It is however a way to store energy. Hydrogen you see doesnt exist in its elemental form anywhere on earth. You first have to consume lots of energy to manufacture free hydrogen that you can burn. So big question is where do we get our base energy to do so. And second big question is…