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  • The moderator hasn't even left yet and your already starting to ask questions about underwear and swimwear and whats the least you can wear at home. the kinds of questions a creep on the internet would ask. Chomping at the bit were we?

  • First time

    Shane1 - - Teen Sexuality


    It hurts. Dont do it but you will probably get people here saying oh yes. Do it. lol

  • How do I tell my mom all my sexualities?

    Shane1 - - LGBT


    You have a gender depending on whether you have two x's in your 23rd pair of chromosomes or an xy. Being demiromantic (a romantic attraction towards someone but only after forming a deep emotional bond with the person) is normal. Your parents may be happy about that. Being asexual (the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity) is fine and your parents may be happy about that, too. You might have signed up with the wrong forum by signing up h…

  • How mature do you think 13+ teens are?

    Shane1 - - LGBT


    Harsh. There's no such thing as a stupid question. only a stupid answer. I do agree with your comment about having sexual relationships at such an early age. He would have been 14 at the time of his post, not 13. I wonder how he feels now, being an old-timer of 16 -lol.

  • You'll take coronavirus seriously if you get it. Like I said, I don't think you should have been grounded but because you used your bike and brought a girl over to the house when your mother said you couldn't, parents don't like when you disobey them and they just punish us ever more when we do that. We can't disobey our parents and expect them to be cool with that. The second time is a ripple effect from the first time.

  • Cutting the cables, man. That's harsh. She's the parent so she has the final say. You disobeyed her and parents don't like that. They still have authority so I'd just lay low for awhile. Don't do anything to get her mad at you. Spend some time with your half-brother if you and he get along usually. Your mother shouldn't have let the girl come over during a pandemic. Next time put something up against the door, if you can't lock it. Some people say things in the heat of the moment that they reall…

  • Your ghosting them has already hurt their feelings probably. Come clean and tell them how you feel. They may have feelings for you too. Even if they don't at least they know why you ghosted them.

  • I hear ya, man. I got the same problem. I don't usually stutter but if I have to talk to a pretty girl then I start stuttering. I'm afraid they're gonna laugh at me. Or even if they dont, my friends will. I keep telling myself the girl is my annoying little sister. I don't get all tongue tied with her lol. I think everyone is afraid of rejection. The girl you like probably feels the same way.

  • Quote from Emily: “It hurts the first time for most women because you're unused to it. It took me many different tries with many different guys before I could successfully get it in so that it didn't hurt! ” It hurts the first time because skin is broken and yes I know this is an old thread. lol Quote from isabel215: “ As far as pain, the dudes probably aren't putting it in right, lmao. You should probably get to know your body before you have sex. If you cant get the penis in the right way, som…

  • Vitamin for immunity

    Shane1 - - Health and Fitness


    Vitamins A,D, E, and K are fat soluble vitamins and are stored in the body for longer periods of time than water soluble vitamins. Don't take lots of vitamin D. If you take lots of vitamin B and C (water soluble vitamins), they just create expensive urine.

  • Incest by definition is sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other.

  • Vitamin for immunity

    Shane1 - - Health and Fitness


    Don't go to pharmacies. You can find them on the drug store shelf or the supermarket shelf. I don't know if they do much for your immunity though. Who's to say which brand is the best anyway. You can't tell just by looking at the label. They won't help against COVID-19.

  • T-Shirts or Shirts

    Shane1 - - Fashion


    I like both. T-Shirts for casual. Shirts for when I wanna be well dressed.

  • Underage Sex

    Shane1 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from EmilyAnne: “The boy doesn’t have to be experienced, just careful and patient ” How many teenage boys do you know that are patient especially when it comes to wanting sex. Quote from chloeglowy: “Yes Don’t you? ” No and neither do you. Thats silly. Quote from lliam: “I wouldn't even begin to discuss or question this if this statement comes from an individual. Just shrug, walk away and let it behind you. ” Good advice. That's what I will do when someone says everybody has sex when they …

  • Underage Sex

    Shane1 - - Debate and Discussions


    Mary didn't have sex.

  • I read this the other day and thought it was priceless: When a toddler is kicking and screaming for not getting their own way (in public): This only ever happened once to me with my toddler. Once was enough. We were in the store, he didn't get what he wanted, and proceeded to EXPLODE, like nothing I’d ever seen. So I pick him up, throw him over my shoulder and calmly pay for my item, all while he’s screaming. The cashier looks at him screaming, then at my calm demeanor and asks “are you ok?”… I …

  • insomnia

    Shane1 - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Delinquent? Harsh, dude.

  • Advice with a BJ friend

    Shane1 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from dmr62211: “this seems like a really terrible thread. no offense but he should be washing himself literally every day especially down there. what you are describing sounds awful and he shouldn't be putting you (or anyone else) through that. especially when you consider that you are doing something nice for him, not the other way around. ” You just made it a better thread. Good advice.

  • Are you religious?

    Shane1 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Miko-chan: “but masturbation isn’t sinful or against the Christian god / rules ” Yeah it kind of is a sin.