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  • If you don't feel it... then you're not having an orgasm.

  • I don't go, there aren't any around me. I'm not sure if I would go if there were. Quote from apollo-might: “Tolerance and Empathy for All Lifestyles It's a lot more vague than GSA, but sort of encompasses homosexaulity.” Tolerance? Lifestyles? No thank you. I do not have a lifestyle that needs to be tolerated. I have a sexuality that needs to be accepted.

  • Re: Owwww my virgin eyes :(

    joemoe93 - - Teen Sexuality


    How did you know he had a 3" penis? O.o Did you measure it?

  • Re: For the Virgins..

    joemoe93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Being gay makes it a lot harder... I've never even had a boyfriend. But when I do get one, I don't plan on just giving it away. I want my first and every time to be special, not just a fulfillment of carnal desires.

  • Re: Incest? Is it wrong?

    joemoe93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from RockMeBaby<3: “I don't think anyone who replies to this has right to say wheather it's wrong or right because it's really not our place to say. However, I do think it's wrong. Yet, at the same time I think it also depends on the sitution, like for example, this book I was reading, a brother and a sisiter plus their twin siblings who were younger. Where locked in an attic for years after their father's death while the mother promised to get on her feet, she never did. Towards the end o…

  • If gays can't fight, then why are we banned from joining the military? Obviously, in that case, no gays would try to join. If all you have to argue with is stereotypes, you're screwed. Not all gay men are feminine.

  • Basically, you'll get hornier, get more random erections, and have wet dreams. It's not unhealthy to stop masturbating, it's just that it's more healthy not to stop.

  • ^I agree to some extent, but I say why push it. Just leave people alone if that's what they want. I think homosexuality is just a natural occurrence. Seeing as I'm gay myself, I'm fairly sure I don't have a mental disorder like MVP thinks. One more thing: Homophobia- Fear of oneself.

  • ^Way to come here and just flame him. Maybe you need to realize that people can't help who they're attracted to.

  • I would, seeing as I have before. I think anyone who calls it gay isn't secure with their sexuality.

  • In my opinion, since there's not *that* much pleasure during sexual stimulation compared to the orgasm, decreased sensitivity is a blessing because it allows for delayed orgasms and thus more pleasure for a partner. Even if there is sensitivity loss, it can't be a whole lot, and not enough to make a difference. (Note: I'm not saying intact men wouldn't notice a difference of before and after if they got circumcised. I'm just saying it can't make that much of an impact.)

  • Re: Are you a Virgin ?

    joemoe93 - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm a virgin. Quote from SugarLips: “Poll your answer, it's annonymous. And by saying you're not a virgin you're saying you've had actual intercourse with penetration, Anal and Oral alone don't count.” :p I guess the gays and lesbians of this site will forever be virgins, then.

  • ^In a fully functioning adult intact penis, the head of the penis can be exposed anyways.

  • Quote: “Circumcision is purely cosmetic which is why no National Medical Organization recommends circumcision. A circumcised penis tends to be smaller as the taunt skin does not allow for growth.” Bullshit. A) Circumcision is used in extreme cases of phimosis and other cases. B) If the skin was taut, erections would either be impossible or unbelievably painful.

  • Re: kids?

    joemoe93 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from miss-morphine: “Yeah I definitely want one. But I did always say it's not right to have an only I think 2. ” Yeah, being an only child gets really lonely sometimes.

  • Quote from joemoe93: “ (example: the above poster, Ron)” As in, I was referring to Ron/TLCTugger

  • Re: kids?

    joemoe93 - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm definitely going to have kids. 2-4, I don't really know. I think I'll adopt (seeing as I'm gay and I'm not so sure about surrogate mothers). Someone's going to have a class-action lawsuit on their hands if I can't adopt though.

  • This is a bad subject, because you're mostly going to get either anti-circumcision fanatics (example: the above poster, Ron) or pro-circumcision fanatics (plenty of other people on this site). The anti-circumcision fanatics will tell you how it's barbaric mutilation, while the pro- fanatics will tell you uncut dicks are disgusting and smelly. Personally, I'm cut but I wish I wasn't. I realize there are risks involved with circumcision, and unless done for medical reasons, it's stupid to continue…

  • Re: Need advice on comeing out as gay

    joemoe93 - - LGBT


    You don't need to come out before high school, really, especially if your school is homophobic. And considering you're 14, I think it's pretty young anyways.

  • Nair=/=wax, as far as I know. And IMO the scrotum is the easiest place to shave besides the face. Never gotten razor burn or cuts, and it's smooth as a baby's bottom.