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  • MUSE Paramore SlipKnot Avenged Sevenfold Stereophonics I would mention Dragonforce but they kinda suck live..haha..

  • Blink 182

    M Shades - - Music


    Any thoughts on their reformation? To be honest it came as a shocker to me. Travis arm is still on a sling so I don't know how they're gonna make music. And Angels & Airwaves are in the recording process of their 3rd album, so that'll make things a lil' complicated. Not to mention giving Tom one hell of a hectic schedule. I'm psyched of course, but I seriously hope Angels And Airwaves continues making music. Their music is really unique and I've been a fan of them since We Don't Need To Whisper.…

  • It's kinda funny people mentioning bands that are gays but I see no mention of Jonas Brothers. I think they're one of the most commercial-driven bands today. Their music is made solely to impress. I'm not saying their music is bad, in fact I've never even heard their music, but their intention for making the music that they make is wrong. And I'm just speechless as to how they were nominated for an Emmy award.

  • Re: Avenged Sevenfold

    M Shades - - Music


    Quote from Metalhead789: “ That said, I like A7X except for Diamonds in the Rough. That album = :gay:” Diamonds in the Rough is a compilation of tracks that never made to their 3 studio albums. M Shadows said that album is probably the only time you can see A7X at their worst. Which explains why the songs never made it to their studio albums. But yea, I agree the songs were gay. Though it is interesting to see some of the ideas there. As for the band itself, I think each of them individually are…

  • maybe he isn't experienced enough and thus, need a good look at how he's doing it? I suppose someone who's been doing it for years can have sex without looking at how he's doing it.. i'm a virgin so i can't speak from personal experience..but what about this for an analogy? someone who just picked up a guitar often plays with his eyes fixed on the frets because he's afraid his fingers may press the wrong frets..but the pros can play without even looking at the guitar because he's got the hang of…

  • her smile! definitely.. of course it's not the only thing I look for in a girl but it's kinda important for me.. a simple smile can really make my day..

  • South Africa rocks. That's probably the reason why Manchester United have friendlies over there every other year and also why the World Cup is going to be held there in 2 years time. And also because Nelson Mandela is just so inspiring.

  • Re: The Dark Knight

    M Shades - - Films, TV and Books


    I thought the movie was kinda gruesome at times.. I like the movie a lot but I don't find it too kid-friendly.. Rachel's death kinda shocked me. I didn't thought two-face was gonna die(he never dies in the comics), but I guess the writers just wanted to kill off the villains so that they can introduce new ones for the next movie. I heard riddler is gonna be the villain for the third installment. R.I.P Heath Ledger. (I think it's great that Chris Nolan didn't edit any of the scenes Heath was invo…

  • Re: Qustion for girs - blowjob

    M Shades - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ihaveadog: “i dont get why so many girls think that penises are so dirty” I don't know if you noticed but a penis is where our urine comes out from. You can wiki it if you don't believe me. LOL.

  • Re: Who have you seen live?

    M Shades - - Music


    MUSE, Avenged Sevenfold, and My Chemical Romance. Muse was an open-air event and sadly, it rained that day. But it was still awesome. A7X performed during singfest 2007 in Singapore and the whole performance was a bit rushy. MCR was the best I would pay anything to get them to come here again. I would love for Angels & Airwaves to come Singapore. I want to see Green Day & Bowling For Soup too. And more importantly, PARAMORE. I want to see HAYLEY LIVE!!

  • Re: 50 question quiz

    M Shades - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1.Are you in highschool? I'm in polytechnic. 2.Do you have pets? Nope. 3.Have you ever eaten fish?Nope. I used to. Then one time I accidentally swallowed a bone and had the doctor had to remove t by surgery. Ever since then I haven ate fish. 4.Can you do push ups? Yes 5.What are you afraid of? The dark. 6.Is your bedrooom clean? Kinda. 7.Would you rather be a pirate or a ninja? Ninja. 8.Do you like country music? Does Bryan Adams counts? 9.Do you have a crush on someone? Yes. For about 3 years n…

  • Re: Song for your current mood?

    M Shades - - Music


    the adventure by angels & airwaves

  • Re: Why do so many people bash soccer?

    M Shades - - Sports


    I think Man Utd-Chelsea champions league final or the Germany-Turkey game would dispel any suggestions that soccer is a girly sport.. those two matches are the best matches I have seen in recent years.

  • Re: Olympics Results So Far!

    M Shades - - Sports


    Singapore won silver at table tennis!! pardon me for celebrating just one medal.. it's our first medal since gaining full independence and the whole country is euphoric over it..

  • don't have a fixed timing..