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  • Number of sexual partners

    Dantoine - - Teen Sexuality


    18 yo, one partner

  • Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Penelope: “I can see it been premature ejaculation, if it’s just a Hug I can’t see someone getting hard that quick then blowing their load. ” I would imagine the hug must've been the final push after being pent up all day. ” Yeah, if someone was horny already, it wouldn't be too hard to imagine that hugging your crush might be enough to push you over the edge. It's nothing to be ashamed of, of course!

  • Maybe OP just has the misfortune of being one of those people who has to deal with premature ejaculations? Nothing like that has ever happened to me, but I have heard that a few people get off really easily (though I don't know how true that is...).

  • Are you a top or bottom?

    Dantoine - - LGBT


    Quote from Dracaufeu: “Quote from advicegiver: “does he have snapchat or can i talk to him through you? ” This guy didn't last long... ” Nope, he didn't!

  • Coming out story

    Dantoine - - LGBT


    Quote from pahern0317: “Quote from Dantoine: “I think some people suspected before I came out, but I guess I first came out officially when my dad walked in on me and my boyfriend while we were having sex. I decided to come out to some other family and friends (my mom first) not long after that. ” I hope your parents were accepting and supportive. ” Yeah, fortunately they were, although it was really awkward being around my dad for a while afterwards (still kinda is a bit, honestly).

  • Exercising/Working out

    Dantoine - - Teen Sexuality


    I have popped a woody a couple of times while working out, thought it may have more to do with checking out some hot guy who's there and less to do with actually working out,

  • Coming out story

    Dantoine - - LGBT


    I think some people suspected before I came out, but I guess I first came out officially when my dad walked in on me and my boyfriend while we were having sex. I decided to come out to some other family and friends (my mom first) not long after that.

  • Are you a top or bottom?

    Dantoine - - LGBT


    Been both. Do enjoy both enough not to really have a preference.

  • Busted: Sleeping Naked.

    Dantoine - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Gabraham247: “Quote from Durango: “Quote from nibri: “what's the fuss about sleeping naked? ” Nothing, according to everyone here, but apparently the OP's parents were taking issue with it. They were claiming that it left the bed sheets with a "naked butt" smell (though how they know what naked butt smells like is beyond me), and I guess they didn't appreciate walking into his room completely unannounced and seeing him naked on the bed.(Trying to move this thread back at least semi-on…

  • Interracial

    Dantoine - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Rocky Basin: “Quote from Dantoine: “I'm in an interracial relationship. (I'm white, my boyfriend's Native American.) ” what type of native american, creek cherokee. ” Navajo

  • Interracial

    Dantoine - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I'm in an interracial relationship. (I'm white, my boyfriend's Native American.)

  • Just got a beating

    Dantoine - - General Advice


    Quote from Seth Mason: “Quote from CayceStars: “honestly, contacting a family member or a friend for help is going to be more useful than coming to a random teen forum looking for "responses" ” kinda hard to do that when she took off work just to watch my every move. I hardly doubt someone would help me considering there are two sides to every story and my family would see things her way. ” Look, man, if you're being beaten, it doesn't matter whether the rest of the family would see things her w…

  • Experimenting

    Dantoine - - Puberty


    So I guess that whether "experimenting with" a family member is right or not depends pretty much entirely on who you ask.

  • Experimenting

    Dantoine - - Puberty


    Experimenting with family would be a bit weird. After all, if things go bad, you have to still put up with being related to them. It's not like with non-relatives where you wouldn't have to be around them in gatherings.

  • Concussion

    Dantoine - - Health and Fitness


    Hey, I'm no doctor, but I hope you've gotten examined by one. Concussions are nothing to sneeze at. Like others have said, they're very serious.

  • Caught Masturbating

    Dantoine - - Puberty


    I haven't been caught masturbating, but my dad did walk in on me and my boyfriend having sex, which I think is probably a lot ore embarrassing (especially since we were doing it doggy style, with my boyfriend behind me, and I had just started ejaculating when my dad walked in, and he got a good look at it).

  • Quote from Birds18: “Quote from Dantoine: “Quote from Birds18: “Quote from Dantoine: “Quote from Zach0011: “Share a room and bathroom with my younger brother so it's easier just to not hide it. We do it together sometimes. ” How old's your brother? ” I was thinking the same thing if he’s masturbating at age 12 and he’s got a younger brother. That’s pretty young to already be masturbating unless he taught him ” Well, the user was banned, so I guess we may never know. ” technically he was only 12.…

  • Quote from Birds18: “Quote from Dantoine: “Quote from Zach0011: “Share a room and bathroom with my younger brother so it's easier just to not hide it. We do it together sometimes. ” How old's your brother? ” I was thinking the same thing if he’s masturbating at age 12 and he’s got a younger brother. That’s pretty young to already be masturbating unless he taught him ” Well, the user was banned, so I guess we may never know.

  • Quote from Zach0011: “Share a room and bathroom with my younger brother so it's easier just to not hide it. We do it together sometimes. ” How old's your brother?