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  • Obviously with some lads well animals, it could be dangerous but with most lads it wouldnt cause a problem, if you trust him than know him then you will know whether it would cause a problem or not

  • "look for it and you'll never find it all, But let ig go. live your life and leave it, then one day you'll wake up and she'll be home" you cant look for love, love finds you. you could be anywhere and it hits you. In someways not feeling it cansave you from alot of pain. You will find it just be patient. its hard but will be worth it ---------- Post added at 12:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 AM ---------- Quote from ScientificM1nD: “From my perspective, love between a man and woman …

  • Is being her "knight in shining armour" hust a nice way of saying im her fallback?

  • Re: where to get ps3 fixed

    munchy - - General Advice


    This problem of not reading a disk is because of the hard drive you can try formatting your harddrive which WILL WIPE ALL OF YOUR SAVES AND STUFF LIKE THAT AND ONLINE PLAY but could save your PS3 i have known 3 friends who have had this and I told them to do this and 2 worked 1 had to be sent back, but again THIS WILL WIPE ALL OF YOUR SAVES i dont want you to do it realise your saves have gone and be like of that D**k off teen hut told me to do it

  • Re: Wii remote.

    munchy - - Video Games


    wireless chargin bays are expensive though and Use rechargable batteries not a wii remote docking bay as it damages the sensitivity of the remote I dont know how, I got told about it when buying a charging bay for them but ignored it but they have become less senisitve

  • Re: Hard drive help

    munchy - - Technology and the Internet


    it will allow me to save documents and other files into the vista as that is the default drive, as there is a few gb of space left, if i manually move documents from the vista harddrive to the data harddrive then when i try to locate the document/file through the search or through word or other software it cant find it (the documents that are in the data harddrive section)

  • Hard drive help

    munchy - - Technology and the Internet


    my hard drive is split into, Vista and Data, my visita only has 5.56gb but my data is completely empty, but i cant get documents able to save in my data harddrive, can anybody help

  • Re: Modern Warfare 2

    munchy - - Video Games


    i cant wait may go and be geeky and go at 12 to asda and hopefully get it for £25 -- any one on ps3 add me -munchy15- i know theres a thread but i thought i would put it here

  • nope it wont but you can buy ds cards that have slots for MICRO SD cards you can then download games and put mp3s and videos on to your ds, ds lite

  • Re: :(

    munchy - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    im sorry, i dont even know whats up with me, but thanks for being concerned again i dont even know why i posted this im sorry

  • :(

    munchy - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I hate feelings. I hate being the fallback. She comes to me and there for her like I will always be no matter what. but then he says hes sorry when i know hes not, hes my bestfriend I know when he means something, and she goes back to him, I thought he might of backed off with me because thats what started them falling out was her getting to close to other lads (Me) but shes not, shes still being reli reli close with me. and shes amazing and just we have had lots of awkward situations but we bot…

  • sorry i need to delete this post but dont know how

  • is being the fall back guy/girl good or bad? is being a fallback guy different than being a fall back girl, i wanted to see that why the poll has the different options, but the same result is coming back from both male and female. but i would still like to know how girls feel towards being a fall back and a lad, i dont like it because im the one she comes to when shes had an argument with him, im the one who its "well if me and him split up iv always got craig" and thats horrible, the way im the…

  • Re: Sagging

    munchy - - Fashion


    i think sagging suits skinny jeans but not baggy jeans, It takes a while to get used to having your pants so low but you get used to it

  • Re: The Lyrics Thread

    munchy - - Music


    you me at six - jealous minds think alike ________________________________ Your the smile i dont want ________________________________ (that one line is soo powerful if understood)

  • shes the smile i dont want

    munchy - - Creative Writing


    I never thought I could fall for you more than I had. Never thought your smile could mean anymore to me than it did, But then I fall for you again, I fall so hard that I, I didnt even know I was falling until, I hit the floor the cold cruel floor, I wish I had never fell, it hurts so much to fall especially when at times im not falling but im jumping im jumping to you as you urge me to, only then to walk away Ive done it so many times, yet i still do it, and I always will I would fall for you ev…

  • Dont understand him

    munchy - - Friends and Family


    My bestfriend wont talk to me properly like he talks to me when we are in a group but then hardly talks to me on our own and we used to be reli close. well he stoped talkin to me because he thinks im getting to close to his girlfriend, because he flipped on her so she came to me crying, i cant just leave her, and me and her are reli good friends, so he has been reli horrible to her lately and he told her he wasnt talkin to her because me and her are getting to close, but he hasnt said anything t…

  • Re: DAMN i want this bra!

    munchy - - Fashion


    gary lineker is one lucky man

  • thanks, hope everything works out for you mate

  • i have things that she gave me, they still mean alot to me but i know i need to let her go thus let them go. but should i let them go should i get rid of them? there nothing inportant, but they are to me, to anyone else there just inadequit objects. just does anybody know if it helps to get rid of them or just keep them and try and get over her in time?