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  • What Sports do You Play?

    xols - - Sports


    Bicycling; group rides.

  • What disorders do u have?

    xols - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from collin13: “So with the pandemic and all the crazy restrictions we had where I live I ended up with depression, but I'm a lot better now than I was. I ended up going to see a therapist for it and now feel pretty good about things. They chalked it up to isolation. For a long time, I couldn't even see my step siblings and that was killer for me because I consider myself a pretty social kid. ” Glad to hear you're doing better. The pros are still trying to assess just how much psychologica…

  • 1/3 of an omelet leftover from yesterday. It was a big omelet.

  • What disorders do u have?

    xols - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from TessTheGreat: “If I get nervous I stammer a bit. It doesn't happen when I'm singing but if I'm having to speak in front of my class it happens. I also have something called nocturnal enuresis, which means that I sometimes wet the bed because I don't wake up when I need to wee. Like everyone else who has posted here about conditions I just cope with them because there are far worse things I could have and what I've got isn't like life limiting or anything like that. ” That's interestin…

  • What disorders do u have?

    xols - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from SwimGurlBella: “Quote from SwimGurlBella: “Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from SwimGurlBella: “Nothing diagnosed by a professional but I believe I suffer from depression at times. ” I liked it but I dislike this ” I knew exactly what you meant when you did girl. No worries ” Thanks for the advise! That’s one of the reason I joined a forum. Not necessarily to talk about my issue but to just talk to other people in general. Seems to help me at times ” There are some 'depression surveys' whi…

  • Languages

    xols - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Quote from joannainthemiddle: “OK, so creating my own language looks pretty complicated. I think I probably should just learn French better instead. ” But it's a nice idea. I always wanted to do that.

  • Girls in male showers

    xols - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from niknik: “Quote from xols: “Quote from niknik: “Quote from xols: “@IsabeleMarie: Are you asking about the situation of a young cis girl going with her dad into a locker room, or the teenage trans-female issue in school locker rooms? ” I think the formerIt happens usually with younger kids, like I’ve seen boys as old as 11 in the locker room at the pool with their mother or whoeverOldest I was in a male shower area was 12 at a camp site, I really think that age is starting to push it bu…

  • Girls in male showers

    xols - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Durango: “I've also not thought that "shared" looker rooms/showers were a thing, at least in the U.S. (I mean, sure, I've heard of nude beaches and the like, and figured there might be shared looker rooms/showers in some places in Europe, where they definitely seem to have different viewpoints on nudity than a lot of us Americans tend to have, but that's about it). ” From what I understand, most of the whole 'Europeans are open to nudity' thing is very narrow. Some places may have co-…

  • Languages

    xols - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Quote from joannainthemiddle: “It would be good to have a language just for me and my friends to use ” How to create a language:

  • Girls in male showers

    xols - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from kathyFL: “Quote from pahern0317: “There are no mixed gender changing rooms where I live. ” Here by me in bigger places there are 3 kinds of changing rooms. Men's and Women's plus one called Family. The Family one you can go in it with either parent and it is ok. There are bathrooms like that too at some malls. ” I'm familiar with the family bathrooms, but not locker rooms. Are they just for one family at a time, or would multiple families be in there at the same time?

  • Girls in male showers

    xols - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from niknik: “Quote from xols: “@IsabeleMarie: Are you asking about the situation of a young cis girl going with her dad into a locker room, or the teenage trans-female issue in school locker rooms? ” I think the formerIt happens usually with younger kids, like I’ve seen boys as old as 11 in the locker room at the pool with their mother or whoever Oldest I was in a male shower area was 12 at a camp site, I really think that age is starting to push it but I get parents have heard scary stor…

  • How Do You Tell?

    xols - - LGBT


    When people kind of 'tease' you in the forum, (as you did in your post to me), it's a sign they have a crush on you.

  • Quote from heddaa: “Quote from xols: “Quote from elsa: “Quote from xols: “Quote from heddaa: “Quote from xols: “Quote from heddaa: “IYes especially when adult guests are here late/staying the night Quote from xols: “Quote from heddaa: “I’ve woken up in the morning with sheets suspiciously pulled to the end of the bed, bottoms around my ankle, sticky messes etc so I lock now ” Are you saying you've been sexually assaulted by guests your parents had over? ” I don’t really want to discuss it public…

  • Quote from elsa: “Quote from xols: “Quote from heddaa: “Quote from xols: “Quote from heddaa: “IYes especially when adult guests are here late/staying the night Quote from xols: “Quote from heddaa: “I’ve woken up in the morning with sheets suspiciously pulled to the end of the bed, bottoms around my ankle, sticky messes etc so I lock now ” Are you saying you've been sexually assaulted by guests your parents had over? ” I don’t really want to discuss it publicly but yes ” I'm very sorry to hear th…

  • Quote from heddaa: “Quote from xols: “Quote from heddaa: “IYes especially when adult guests are here late/staying the night Quote from xols: “Quote from heddaa: “I’ve woken up in the morning with sheets suspiciously pulled to the end of the bed, bottoms around my ankle, sticky messes etc so I lock now ” Are you saying you've been sexually assaulted by guests your parents had over? ” I don’t really want to discuss it publicly but yes ” I'm very sorry to hear that and I understand not wanting to t…

  • Quote from heddaa: “IYes especially when adult guests are here late/staying the night Quote from xols: “Quote from heddaa: “I’ve woken up in the morning with sheets suspiciously pulled to the end of the bed, bottoms around my ankle, sticky messes etc so I lock now ” Are you saying you've been sexually assaulted by guests your parents had over? ” I don’t really want to discuss it publicly but yes ” I'm very sorry to hear that and I understand not wanting to talk about it. I wish you all the best.

  • Languages

    xols - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Quote from katie06: “Quote from xols: “Quote from katie06: “Quote from xols: “Quote from katie06: “I can also speak some Cornish ” Is that similar to Welsh? ” It’s slightly similar ” Where did you learn it? My understanding is it's not a language which is in use anymore; is that right? ” We had a few lessons in school, it’s not really spoken but some signs are written in Cornish like welcome to ” That's interesting. Is this in the area where you live? What kind of area is it? Is there a particul…

  • Languages

    xols - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Quote from katie06: “Quote from xols: “Quote from katie06: “I can also speak some Cornish ” Is that similar to Welsh? ” It’s slightly similar ” Where did you learn it? My understanding is it's not a language which is in use anymore; is that right?

  • Languages

    xols - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Quote from katie06: “I can also speak some Cornish ” Is that similar to Welsh?

  • No, I don't have a lock on the inside of my door, but I do on the outside.