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  • Re: Asian Penis size?

    Sentret - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from skyanna1990: “You have an average penis size of an ADULT , therefore you still have lots of time to grow . Eight inches is actually pretty scary coming from a female's point of veiw . Most women's vaginal canals are 7.5 inches long so if they are 8 or above a lot of times men will hit the cervix and it's painful for the man and the woman . With that being said , it's not about the size of the boat it's about the motion of the ocean . lmao .” Actually it's more like between 4-6 inches,…

  • Re: Not drinking at university

    Sentret - - General Advice


    Quote from Dr.Carter: “ Have you had alcohol? That's not all it does. Don't think people are so easily amused that some beverage that simply makes it harder to walk would be as popular as alcohol. People would just play dizzy bats at parties for much cheaper if that was the case. Alcohol is a psychoactive, and a relatively strong one at that. It changes the way you feel, more often than not for the better. Every song is the "best song ever", you will readily approach attractive girls and chat th…

  • Re: Not drinking at university

    Sentret - - General Advice


    Quote from Dr.Carter: “You don't have to abstain from drinking to do well in college, and you won't do bad just because you drink. It's not even about not getting shitfaced drunk, it's more about when to do it. If you are smart, mature, and so forth you can get smashed every weekend and still make the Dean's List, you just have to bust your ass during the week so you earn that reprieve on the weekends. Let me put it this way, your college years are the highlight of your life, and while people ma…

  • Re: Boys.. #2.

    Sentret - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote: “3" or less” I feel so awesome and rebellious.

  • Re: Not drinking at university

    Sentret - - General Advice


    I don't drink or go clubbing but I'd like to think I have a lot of fun stories and that I do still keep my "inner child" tucked away in my back pocket for easy access. Yeah I'm awkward and yeah sometimes I do wish I were someone else but drinking and being dangerous and partying hard for "fun" isn't the quick fix to everything. Fun is subjective to every single person so I don't do any of that but I can still enjoy life as it is. None of the people I met care if I do or don't anyway, and even if…

  • Re: Boys...

    Sentret - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't care. But I'm the first option, anyway.

  • Re: Not drinking at university

    Sentret - - General Advice


    I'm in the same boat as you, I guess. So far, in one week of being here, I haven't met one person who wasn't either talking about all-night partying or nursing hangovers at 5 AM. I've not met any friends so far because I have nothing in common with just about anyone. It does make it a lot harder, but I'm certainly hoping it's doable. Of course its only been one week, but still... It feels like an eternity. :l

  • Nobody is too ugly. If you want to feel better, look at my profile. :p But yeah, you look great, and no I'm not just saying that.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Sentret - - Teen Sexuality



  • Quote from JoBro: “Driver's license, people. Use some common sense...” Aww, I'm just playin'. :p

  • Where do I take my Sex Exam to get my license? Do I get to choose my instructor?

  • homemade brown rice and ham fake-sushi.

  • The pressure to just drink and party all day long at college. So what, I'm not a typical college party-er. But...I really just wanna have friends who don't think I'm stupid or lame for not doing such. I've not met one person who didn't plan on getting shitfaced or partying hardcore. It's just...not my thing. I just never got the excitement of getting so drunk and partying until my head explodes. What the hell do I do, give in and do what everyone else does but sacrifice my self respect or stand …

  • Re: Trojan - Fire and Ice?

    Sentret - - Teen Sexuality


    -reads thread title- Fancy way of saying it's a tube of sexual icy hot.


  • You know, the feeling that you're in over your head when you're about to talk to a girl you like. I just lock up and die inside when I try talking to a girl with the intention to ask her out. D: I mean, I don't wanna sound creepy, or arrogant, or clueless, but I don't wanna come off as just a friend-type person either -- or should I? Walking up to her out of nowhere would seem weird and attempting to plan a scenario sounds cheesy as fuck. Tell me good ways to bust the intimidation factor so I ca…

  • Quote from BattleForTheSun: “Name is Emonga.” That sounds dumb.


    Sentret - - Video Games


    8pSt5.png whatever its name is im changing my name to that.

  • Re: Hair style + clothing style etc

    Sentret - - Fashion


    Quote from Welsh Prophets are Lost: “No harm in going out a long day shopping with your friends looking at some new styles then is there ;)” ik,r I just don't wanna end up looking like some creepy hipster with pastels. Quote from Roxii: “Well if your self esteem is fine, then maybe just colour, like the others are suggesting.” Hehe, mhm. It was sorta depressing going through my closet to see a ton of grays, blues, and blacks. *goes to find oranges, yellows, and reds*