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  • Like, I have autism and I am 16, I can't understand normal people and their beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, like who the hell came up with these different sets of ideas and beliefs and how am I suppose to know how to relate to normal people, their beliefs are so different and are not the same as mine. Heck, I don't know what I am suppose to believe, I believe anything that doesn't antagonize me, I feel its always about me, also, when I explain my struggles about autism, people think I am lying …

  • But yea I understand though, a lot of girls in Finland and Russia tend to sleep around too much compared to girls in Mexico. I want to move to Mexico where they don’t constantly promote this shit.

  • I understand your feelings but please approach MGTOW or incel maturely, I almost made the same mistake and almost got in trouble over being too red pilled and deep into it.

  • For some reason, I feel that I don't trust dating culture outside of the Mormon church, I feel once I accomplish my goals to study in Spanish-speaking countries, I want to pursue a relationship with a Mexican woman and that they be Mormon too, my cousin Daliana who is 19 and is a Mormon from Mexico says that it's good for me to look to the scriptures to find a Mexican woman who believes good virtues like her and follows Mormon dating advice. I have read a lot of fear-mongering online that has go…

  • I am 16 and have autism, I can't really figure out if life is worth it or not because I can't decide if I was born the correct way or which group of humans is right or wrong, I have browsed a lot of various subreddits on Reddit where people claim the other side is wrong and explaining why this problem effects them more or arguing that this person is wrong, its really gotten to my head to the point where I can't decide if I was born the correct way, sure, I have autism and a lot of people with au…

  • Quote from Ralph.S.G.R: “What’s wrong with looking ‘too white’? Aside from that, your grooming habits are completely up to you, not people on Reddit ” Well, there is not necessarily anything wrong with it, its just when your hispanic, it looks really weird when you don't have facial hair.

  • I was messing around with people on Reddit when they told me I should go shave my entire face and that I am poorly groomed, I disagreed with them because it makes me look more hispanic and I don't like to look like I am a super white person, I like to keep that balance but some people out there disagree and think I should shave and look super white. I cringe at old pictures of myself when I looked too white without a beard, I personally don't like looking like an average white European or Americ…

  • People think I am older and that I am 21 because I have grown a beard even though I am 16.