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  • Diets

    graves1992 - - Health and Fitness


    Diets don't work if you want long-term results. Calorie deficit, exercise, that's what works. You also need to learn to like yourself, because there's no point in weighing less if you don't like yourself. Start there.

  • Belly fat

    graves1992 - - Health and Fitness


    Your weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% sports. Without good nutrition, there is no point in your weight loss. In addition, we do not lose weight locally, we have to pay more attention to the problem areas.

  • Fish?

    graves1992 - - Health and Fitness


    It's strange, but none of my friends like fish. And I try to look for new recipes all the time. Do you have any favorite recipes? I want to try grilling, I wonder how it will turn out.

  • Vitamin for immunity

    graves1992 - - Health and Fitness


    Vitamins will only help you if you really need them. For this, you need to take tests. Vitamins are not expensive, but they are not always useful. Try to get everything you need from food.

  • I try to eat toast with peanut butter and fruit because I don't feel good in the morning. I don't know how people can not eat in the morning. Sometimes I eat sweets, but then I don't feel well.

  • Green tea in weight loss

    graves1992 - - Health and Fitness


    I have a complicated relationship with green tea, I like its taste only with lemon and sugar, and I try to drink tea without sugar. What kind of tea do you take? Maybe I don't choose it right.

  • how many pairs of jeans do u own?

    graves1992 - - Fashion


    The first time I thought about it, I realized that I didn't have that much stuff. the thing is, I used to have 10 pairs, but when I moved into my new house, there wasn't much room. I still only have 3 pairs of jeans.

  • What footwear are you wearing

    graves1992 - - Fashion


    Bought new Hoka sneakers, getting ready for a marathon, and going to train more. Is there anyone who doesn't wear sneakers at all? My friend says that sneakers outside the gym are wrong.

  • What clothes did you last buy?

    graves1992 - - Fashion


    Hello! A tracksuit for the gym, because we suddenly got cold. Although I try not to buy a lot of things, I usually get bored with them quickly. How do you choose what you need?

  • Foods To Fight Stress

    graves1992 - - Health and Fitness


    Thank you for this post. I usually try to eat spicy food when I am stressed. But I realize it's bad for my body. From your list I like everything, I will try adding nuts and avocado to my diet.

  • Hello! I like being outdoors, so I play a lot of basketball. It's cold now, so I just go to the gym. I hope I can play again soon. It's still the best exercise after work. It's hard for me to stay active in the winter.