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  • It's pretty normal for people to look at other people even though they're in a relationship. Technically it isn't wrong, but you should talk to him on how you feel because you don't want this situation to jeopardize your relationship with him. All I can tell you is to sit and talk to him about it, communication is really important for a healthy and successful relationship.

  • Well, I can't really tell you what to do in this situation. You have to follow your heart and see what YOU really want to do for yourself, not anyone else. You said it yourself that you want someone your age, so instead of moving forward with this guy you should wait and take it slow. Maybe you two should be friends for now. It really all depends on how you feel about him and the situation itself, and what you want in life for you now and in the future. Don't something you might regret, because …

  • Well, girls are really complicated. Especially when it comes to sexual relations. Apparently she had a change of mind and she seems like she does want to have sex with you. I know parents are hard to deal with but if you care about her, don't let her mother bother you. Even though it could be really hard. Basically, the only thing you can really do is just talk to her and ask her why she feels this way after the relationship and never expressed any of it during it.