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  • Quote from timo123: “I try not to be naked around my parents, but its fine when it happens. My brother and I have to share a bathroom and shower, so we see each other naked almost daily. I have a few friends who I've experimented with, and we enjoy being naked. We have to shower at school. I've been naked with a girl a few times. ” How old is your brother?

  • And BJade has met her one true love - the "Ban the troll" button.

  • Boys and anal. have or thinking

    Durango - - Puberty


    Quote from maseb: “Quote from Gizm0w0: “I’ve thought about trying it with my bf but kinda scared it’ll hurt ” Use lube and go slowly, and talk to each other ” The person who's bottoms should also relax "down there" a lot too.

  • Boyfriends

    Durango - - Gay


    in public, the most my boyfriend and I do as far as kissing is the occasional quick kiss on mouth (of course, when we're in private, we do a whole lot more than that...).

  • Sexting!

    Durango - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from BlackParadePixie: “Holy fuck, talk about naive... ” Yep. (And if it's any consolation, it looks like the person got banned pretty quickly.)

  • Sleepovers?

    Durango - - General Advice


    Well, it's been a long time since I've been involved in a sleepover, but when I did there wasn't usually a problem with taking off our clothes in front of each other (all guys there), at least in situations where the parents of the house weren't in the same room. Sometimes we did skinnydipping at sleepovers if it was at a house that had a pool, if we knew that nobody else minded doing so (otherwise we went in swimsuits, and if someone wanted to change alone in the bathroom, nobody else held it a…

  • shaving

    Durango - - Puberty


    Nope, I don't. I admit that as a little kid I looked forward to getting 'em too much to turn around and start shaving/trimming 'en when they came in. I don't have a problem with my "bush" the way it is, and neither does my boyfriend, and we're the only two (in my viewpoint) who have any reason to have a viewpoint on that subject that matters.

  • Hormonesssssss

    Durango - - Puberty


    It's not unusual, I think. I know I've shamelessly ogled individuals I considered attractive probably more than I should have been doing under the circumstances. It's just so hard not to, 'cause dang, they're hot! (And yes, I probably would have been embarrassed as well if anyone had called me out on it, even if nobody laughed over it.)

  • How subtle are you.

    Durango - - Puberty


    I guess I'd be considered "subtle." It's not like I'm sitting there screaming out "Ooohhhh yeah!!! I'm beating off!!! WOOHOO!!!" or anything like that.

  • Boys have you ever...

    Durango - - General Advice


    Yep. Even been more than shirtless in a few (non-public) areas outside the house over the years.

  • Quote from Penelope: “Congratulations on winning the gold medal in most ridiculous fake story telling first thread award ” Yes, the gold medal and an immediate lifetime ban.

  • your first time

    Durango - - Gay


    It felt really good for me.

  • Quote from nicktheman2003: “OMG!!!! These weirdos. Please go away…… ” Hey, us weirdos are nice. Please don't compare us to these nutcases.

  • Annnnd he's banned. Is anyone here at all surprised?

  • Kiss the Squirrel Jesse's Squirrel Barbie Squirrel Waiting for a Squirrel Like You Squirrels Just Wanna Have Fun Squirrel, You'll be a Woman Soon

  • My Squirrel

  • Making a move

    Durango - - Gay


    Quote from AshleighB: “How on earth do you see someone jacking off at school ” Well,if the other guy isn't quite being careful enough about where he's doing that...

  • Issues

    Durango - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    The OP apparently hasn't even been on the site in nearly 9 months, so I'm not sure how much good any advice is going to be at this point and time,

  • First, put the relationship on hold, and then go and worry about getting yourself better. It's kind of hard to do anything else of you are falling apart yourself. And yes, be careful of that "I can fix them!" mentality. I've heard of too many relationships that have ended badly because one person thought they could "fix" the other person's problems and it turned out they couldn't. If the other person is willing to get help, that's one thing, but if they won't (not sure if their family is really …

  • No. Sometimes my boyfriend helps me get rid of it.