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  • I understand exacty what your going through. Alot of my friends are in the same position. But the idea of having a baby around and actually having a baby around are two completly different ideas. You think about all the cuddles and how cute they are. You dont necessaril think about waking up every 2 hours for feed or buying all the nappes and wipes. Its really hard. You give up everything for them. I know i wouldnt change it for the world, but to give up your childhood is a really hard thing. Yo…

  • Maybe its a self consious thing. You feel that becasue you friend passed away and you feel sadness. You want to know that if you die someone will feel something for you? To make sure that you made some difference to peoples life?

  • Re: Braces

    Lozzaa. - - Health and Fitness


    Hello, I got braces when i was 14. I didnt feel them when they put them on. Obviously i felt tighter - but no major pain. I couldnt eat anything solid for days. I could just about manage soup (but no bread with it - too painful). Although my cousin, shes 13 and has braces she ate a sandwich as soon as she got the braces fitted (and she has a very low pain thresh hold), so i guess it really depends on who you are to what effect it will have on you. Good luck

  • Re: Help!

    Lozzaa. - - Friends and Family


    No, that shoudnt be allowed. Abuse is never the answer - and if thats how your parents treat you then no wonder your abit rebellious. I would suggest either talking to your parents when theyre in a good mood or maybe another family member, and aunt or uncle or maybe your nan or grandad? If your neighbours see you do they ever ask if your alright? If they see you out there crying on a regular basis they should have reported it or asked you if you were alright. Twisting your arm and dragging you o…

  • Re: How much $ do you spend?

    Lozzaa. - - Fashion


    I probebrly spend about £100 a month on clothes for me, although last month i spend around £200 and around £150 a month on Zaks clothes. .. I totally agree with Diamond Geezaa, the UK is ricdicolously overpriced. ---------- Post added at 10:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 AM ---------- Quote from MonicaVeronica: “Where did I say I spent $200 a month on clothes? I'd love to see that. I have never in my life spent only $200 a month on clothes. This month alone I have spent $700 not inc…

  • Dont force yourself to love her.. this should be something that is out of your control. Obviously there has to be some physical attraction for any relationship to work. You can look at her and think wow shes not pretty, then look over your shoulder and see a really pretty girl. No girl would want that. If its not too big of a deal then just go along with it, after all you dont see eachother often and it can take months to fall in love. Also dont string her along if you know you'll never find her…

  • The first thing i would suggest is to talk to him. He may not realise he is hurting you, this may just be his way of living. Also he may think he is protecting you. If he carrys on like this after youve spoken to him then honestly, i just wouldnt talk to him for awhile.. until hes learned. Your better off without someone who constantly does that to you. Nobody deserves that. True friends wouldnt do anything like this.. they would respect your privacy and trust you. They wouldnt spread rumours ab…

  • In my opinion, i don't think that would help. You would just feel like you can let guys walk over you - that they have power and control over you. You may not feel that, but if you do get dunk and get with random guys - after your experience it may lead to that. I would suggest just waiting for a guy you like, and take it from there ! Good Luck x

  • I've always gone through life believing that everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is impossible to find in your eyes - other people may be able to see it. Even if its just to make you a stronger person. I have gone through a experience like that. Around a year ago now. I was in my last year of school. Expecting all A's in my exams, had alot of friends and genuinly enjoyed life. Then i found out i was pregnant - lost most my friends, struggled at school, had to drop out of college…

  • Losing Friends

    Lozzaa. - - Teenage Pregnancy and Parenting


    So i have a little boy who's 6 months old. However i'm only 16 myself. I got bullied at school, and most my friends turned two faced, talking about me behind my back. I started college for a little while, but i was too scared to tell anyone about him. One girl i met asked about him as she saw a photo of him and i couldnt tell her. I told her i didnt want to talk about it. I hadn't known her for long and i didnt want her to look down on me as she was the only 'friend' i had at that college. I'm n…

  • Most people think of themselves commiting suicide.. im the complete opposite. The thought of death scares me. It started many years ago.. every night i would be in tears too scared to sleep incase i died. Now, im not exacty like that. However it still controls my life. If i get a slight pain or ache i immidiatly think i have a chronic illness. I have bad anxiety and get pains in my chest because of it.. which i also assume is breast cancer or heart disease .. the list goes on. Obviously its just…

  • My son is called Zachary (Zak) Jayden, For a girl i like Ella Sophia or Sarah Jane x

  • A therapist wouldn't ever tell you it's your fault.. because that completley not true. I've been to numerous counclers and therapists in my life, and my mum is also a councler so i know that can't be true.. an if it is you should write a complaint about your therapist. You shouldn't blame yourself for what happened, because it happens to alot of girls, these men should be locked up. Your first step to getting over this should be accepting that you couldnt have prevented what happened, it was him…

  • You look great !.. it doesnt matter if you look younger than you are. I do too. I'm 16 - almost 17, i have a son yet i still look 14ish. Look on the bright side, when you're 40 .. you'll still look in your 30's ..thats the way i look at it anyways !!

  • I tried to cut myelf a few years back. But i'm glad i didnt do anything else! Im happier with my life now, I have a gorgous little boy and i love him to bits. I believe people who contemplate suicide and actually attempt it are just people who need help. Theyre not in a normal state of mind, and they dnt really want to die in the long run. They jst dont like the part of there life that they are having to face. Most people get through it, and end up living a fulfilled happy life ! x

  • I believe that these can have effects on you. I use to watch horror films everyday almost (i loved them) Although im scared mentally now. I hear things that arent there etc. My GP says that i suffer with anxiety and depression now, whereas i was fine before. Honestly i would try find another game that you can play instead as this is your life thats being effected. Good luck :)! x

  • Your around your family most the time, so theyre bound to fustrate you. Im sure everyone has taken out anger and depression out on their families at one point in their lives. Just find something to do that calms you down. Everyone finds comfort in different things. You just have to let your family know that when your in that place (depression/anger), whateever you say you dont mean.. when your angry everyone says things they wish they could take back. Try find another way you could calm yourself…

  • Have you tried to speak to your mum about this? Maybe you just need to try and get motivation to go out with your friends - it could make you feel abit better to be outside your room. Everyone goes through down periods in they're life, some minor and some major. Have you tried councling? This could be very useful and help you back to your normal self. Over time these feelings should go away, try eating healthy - which does include some fatty foods. You shouldnt feel bad about eating them. Councl…

  • Re: How to talk to girls...

    Lozzaa. - - General Advice


    Jus talk to them as if youve known them your whole life - nothing personal though. Honestly most girls like the guy to make the first move. Just relax, take a deep breath and go. Start with saying Hello, if they respond then great! .. talk about genral stuff, hows school, what classes did you take etc. Or movies, what do you think of this new film? Maybe just ask them how theyre doing..whats their name what are they into. Just ask them anything you want to know as long as its not personal or per…

  • Tree Surgeon is a good career -you dont have to be smart and you earn alot of money. Plummer, Electrician, Builder, Mechanic? You dont need alot of brainpower to do them either. Obviously you will need training though x