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  • Re: Depress

    freehope - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Is there a sport or a physical activity you'd be allowed to do ? Sometimes being active helps your mood by making the endorphins start going, which controls the hormones and makes you feel better. If you can either go to the gym or maybe talk walks or go running or play a sport or do yoga or something-- if not every day maybe like two or three times a week it might help you feel a bit better

  • Is there a sport or a physical athletic activity that you could do every day? If you get he endorphins moving and are more active it might help because physical activity balances out your hormones a bit, and at least for me always makes me feel better/more sane.

  • Izzy, think of it this way, what if he did it to another girl and didn't stop with his hand up their shirt and raped some girl? If you tell the police, tons of people don't have to know you told them, but if you tell them they can keep an eye on him and maybe they'll be quicker to do something in the future and be able to help other girls he might do something to. I agree with the other people who said don't do revenge, he's messed up but it probably won't really make you feel better int he long…

  • Re: Should I tell her?

    freehope - - Friends and Family


    She knows about the abuse yes? How old are you? Is there a way to get you put into a different home or place so that you don't have to live with your family? Can you get legally emanciapted where you live? You shouldn't have to put up with any of that. I know this wasn't what you were asking but you may want to consider seeing if they can do something about the abuse in your family

  • Re: Help!

    freehope - - Friends and Family


    It sounds like you may be unable to talk to your parents about this, is there a relative or family member that you could tell and explain the situation? That way they could be there as a witness/referee when you discuss with your parents. Ask your parents if you can sit down and have a family discussion about punishment and tell them you have something to say. Tell them its hurtful, upsetting and physical abuse when they do that to you and really not okay. Ask if instead you could all brainstorm…

  • You need to sit your friend down and talk to her. Tell her why this has hurt you, and explain to her how you feel at the things she said. Ask her to talk to you in person, and confront you rationally if she has an issue rather than using internet. Try to make her feel that she can come to you to discuss issues. Ask her why she did those things, if it was about an underlying issue such as her being jealous of you. Then you need to ask her to ask her boyfriend to not get involved in drama that inv…

  • You have every right to be angry. I don't think hate is selfish, rather it's more harmful to you then it is to anyone else, so not so selfish. You've been through tough things- all who posted so far- I would suggest maybe writing or talking to someone about why you are angry with your parents so you can get it out. YOu deserve a release for sure, that being able to release your feelings may help you figure out if you can then deal or resolve any of those issues, and be able to rise beyond so it …

  • Don't you ever feel guilty for doing what is the best choice for you. You are important too. You should figure out what your circumstances are and if you are considering keeping the child, you should think about the expenses financially, emotionally, and physically for you. You should consider whether your home life, and family are supportive to raising a child. You should consider how school is for you, if you already struggle, things will get a lot harder, also how supportive would your school…