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  • well join the club, I too am 16 and (apparently so,) "unkissable", but hey It doesn't bother me, or at least I say that to myself to make myself think I don't.. I guess you'd want to have your first kiss with a guy you love but this isn't a hollywood movie. Perhaps we could meet up and end it together? I'm willing to fly half way.

  • I think that if you really like this girl then her friend shouldn't really be a factor. I mean she's just her friend, she hasn't really got much of a standing in this girl's private life (or does she?). If this girl could be so easily affected by what this "jia" has to say about someone, i.e. you, and that will discourage her from going out with you then she probably isn't worth the trouble. Just ignore her and if she confronts you shrug it off.

  • You needed confirmation?

  • If anyone can remember form last time I was chasing this girl a year older than me who was just a tad out of my league. But there is a girl, she's in one of my classes and I really like her. We chat every art lesson, make jokes; we talk on facebook. But I want to take it further I'm just not sure how without making myself look like an idiot. Anyone offer some advice? Thanks, Edd

  • wow I never noticed I got a reputation, thanks very much

  • glad thats settled now "I don't have the displeasure of ever having to speak to you :3" lol

  • Quote from Ripplemagne: “Alright. Then, what, pray tell, did I give you to "chew on"?” what have you the idea you were worth that kind of attention? Did I not imply "american teenagers", you either don't know what that means, being one, or you think yourself to be so worth each one? No surprises here don't worry yourself dear.

  • No need to be so presumptuous , I'm open to questions feel free to ask if you feel you lack understanding

  • yeah but you keep giving me stuff to chew on

  • now you see this is what makes teenagers, well teenagers. You think that just cause someone doesn't know what they're doing makes them pathetic? You call us "kids", the day you grow up; gona hit you like a brick. Edd

  • lol once again, american teenagers

  • lol american teenagers

  • I'm not in any form of social stability and I have also had a crush on someone for over a year; just that I lack the option What I would say, he's a shy person; he probably doesn't know every entity to this tricky business. If I were you I would dig up some information on him, not from the horse's mouth but from friends or just people. Find out if he has had a girlfriend before, if not then thats your explanation. He is confused, shy and by what you say he seems like a nice guy who is just uncon…

  • Thanks very much for the reply. Well, confidence, thats probably the thing I'm lacking. As I explained in the first thread I did on this. I'm half, half (chinese/British) I'm quite short (same height as her or half an inch less) and lets just say I'm not comfortable being the life of the party; huh havn't been to one like that, 15 and I'm a bit behind lol. Edd

  • Sorry I wasn't very clear. I know I'm not really going to be her boyfriend anytime soon that is. But maybe just starting out as friends. Embarrassing as it is that is a big step for me anyway. Just asking for help on how to get to that point. Edd

  • Hey guys, been quite a while since my last post; if you remember there was a girl a year older than me already going out with a guy 3 years older than her that I have a big crush on. So not so much good situation. She thought I was cute or so I was told and we smiled at each other, but hasn't moved on for nearly over a year lol :o Anyway, I've stopped the idea of actually going out with her she's with another guy its just not going to happen. But I don't think knowing her would hurt. She seems l…

  • yeah, its sort of a "puppy dog" cute not a "hot" cute if you see what I mean. Yeah, well I don't think I've gotten far enough to have created a preference yet ha. But I have thought about, if shes just one of those "popular girls" who just slut around but who knows, I'l just have to find out some day. thanks for the help, Edd

  • Setting the scene, i like a girl a year older than me, she used to go out with a guy 3 years older than her. Apparently she thought/thinks that I am cute. well, now she is back together with him so im guessing that now I have completely no chances with her. I hav'nt even spoken to her. All we've done is share glances and smiles which is good but its been happening for over a year now, if she were interested i'm pretty sure she would have made a move by now. I myself am really shy, every time i p…

  • i'd say break up, you're never going to get anywhere with someone you don't feel warmth towards. Just put it on him slowly and I'm sure he'll understand.

  • Re: Advice

    Eddtheguy - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Sorry if i sounded a bit snobby. Its just that I know that I have made a fuss of her (in my head) for a year now and I'm just worried she is'nt as good as I want to belive. I know that the problem is with me I STILL hav'nt had the courage to say hello and find out for myself if she is the one for me or not, not just think about it. Its not that I want her to be in the top sets, just not the bottom. I'm not looking for someone very intellectual either just not dumb. I know there is a difference b…