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  • i think its really sweet ur more bothered about her hapiness than your own gain, but you have the potential of something really special here, i alwaysn think relationships are best if uve known the person for a while, i think it makes it much more intimate, but its up to you, full respect with whatever you choose to do, Larry x

  • edited~ Due to the above

  • Unlike most my other threads, kind of a joke, but i think it would generate alot of funny and intersting answers. Anyway, if your girlfriend/boyfriend offered you one wish for something she would do for you (not nessicarly sexual, although it is an option) what would you wish for? Have fun thinking Larry x

  • Well, i can't really top what the last guy said, but i know exactly where ur coming from, my current girlfriend and i were friends for like a year before we got together, and when we did finally get together i knew that the longest we could even last before she went to liverpool for uni would be 6 months, and it hurt knowing id left it too late, but then i kinda realised. I can either end it now, it'll hurt for a bit yeh, but it'll save me in the long run, in other words the easy way out. Or i c…

  • double post, crap internet, appoligies x

  • Your probably gonna not like my view on things, but i think its only fair that i put it out there, i was in exactly the sort of situation as u 2 years, i met a girl at 6th form (i guess thats the english high school equivalent) anyway, id never really had a girlfriend before this, i was always more of the joker so nothing really happened, anyway we became really good mates, we wouldnt go a day without talking to each other, and eventually i told her that i liked her (like a year later) and in al…