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  • Re: U turn

    2points - - Teen Sexuality


    Blown out of proportion. Its normal, mine curves slightly. Honestly most curves only happen when the penis is erect. This raises the question why did he have an erection?

  • Re: Who'd you rather?

    2points - - Teen Sexuality


    ashley Couldn't get a bigger picture... Rebecca Famke Kelly world4.jpg

  • Re: Anaemia

    2points - - Health and Fitness


    they have to test you, but an easy way to tell is if you are pale, and tired all the time. Do you notice you have less energy and fell faint? I would just take a daily multivitamin with iron just to make sure.

  • Re: Favorite energy drink?

    2points - - Health and Fitness


    Anything by SoBe Especially Adrenaline Rush and the glass bottled ones

  • Re: I am legend.

    2points - - Music


    that movie freaked me out man. I have this thing about human looking creatures. So when I left the cinema at like 2 in the morning. I took back roads home. I didn't notice this guy and he was like right next to my car at a stop sign. I almost peed my pants

  • Re: Rihanna

    2points - - Music


    I've loved her from the beginning. Her latest album is the most listen to on my ipod

  • Ali-Larter3.jpg I dont know how to take a screen on my mac.

  • Re: Assassin's Creed

    2points - - Video Games


    i haven't finished it. I got bored. I started playing rock band instead.

  • true doesn't

  • Re: brother kissing?

    2points - - Friends and Family


    its best to find out. a nice girl will tell him how she likes it sooner or later.

  • ***Your Power Color Is Lime Green*** At Your Highest: You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary. At Your Lowest: You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in. In Love: You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated. How You're Attractive: Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room. Your Eternal Question: "What else do I need in my life?" What's Your Power Color? Blogthings - What's Your Power Color?

  • ***Your Love Element Is Water*** In love, you connect deeply and commit totally. For you, love is all about taking risks and moving into unknown territory. You attract others with courage and confidence. Your flirting style is defined by your flexibility and ability to adapt. Nurturing and shared learning are the cornerstones of your love life. And while you may jump in to love too quickly, you always come out the wiser for it. You connect best with: Metal Avoid: Earth You And another Water elem…

  • ***You Are Paper*** Crafty and creative, you are able to adapt freely to almost any situation. People tend to underestimate you, unless they've truly seen what you are capable of. Deep down, you're always scheming and thinking up new plans. Your mind is constantly active. You are quite capable of anything you dream of. You can always figure out a way to get what you want. You can wrap a rock person up in your sheet of trickery. A scissor person can sneak up and cut you to pieces. When you fight:…

  • ***What Your Handwriting Says About You*** You are a laid back person with rather low energy. You aren't lazy... you *are* sensitive and empathetic. You are very extroverted and outgoing. You are loving, friendly, and supportive. However, you are also manipulative and controlling at times. You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others. You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respe…

  • Study Abroad

    2points - - Education & Jobs


    So I'm hoping to go study abroad over in Australia sometime in my sophomore year of College. I was just wondering what part of Australia would be a good place to go? The obvious places would be Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns. I 'm just wondering for those of you who've been or live in Australia, what's an active area? I don't want to get stuck in some schmuck and boring town. I want to go out party, but still have a chill time when I need to do my studies. Also if any of you know about the colleges, …

  • You could have a combination of Aspergers(sp) and ADHD. Aspergers is when you feel awkward in social surroundings, while ADHD explains mostly everything else. I wouldn't go about diagnosing yourself or asking for people online to diagnose you. I would personally seek professional help, if you really think this is a hinderance to your daily life than get tested. If you don't think this is a hinderance to your life don't worry about it.

  • Re: Just need some advice

    2points - - Friends and Family


    If what Tessa suggest doesn't work, I would recommend going to your school counselor. Tell the counselor what is going on at home, and how they are treating you. He may have professional advice, on top of that he/she may schedule a meeting with your parents so that you can cover the subject together professionally. Your step father sounds like he wants you to be chained in the yard. I had a problem similar to this but not as extreme. My parents wanted me to get involved at school and to get a jo…

  • When I first did it I felt soooooooo guilty, and I'm not religous so it had nothing to do with sinning. I just felt really I do it like three times a week.

  • Re: ACT scores anyone?

    2points - - Education & Jobs


    Quote from tessa_s212: “English and Reading were very easy. Reading was the easiest for me. On that section alone I got a 33. I didn't study. I had the intentions to study, but I never did. Science is absolutely ridiculous, but oh well. The math for me seemed very difficult, but that was because I had an entire summer off of school and no math. I remembered having learned everything, but just not always quite remembering how to do it. I came home that day after the ACT and thought I did horrible…

  • Re: ACT scores anyone?

    2points - - Education & Jobs


    I found it a lot easier than the SAT. My advice is to take each one atleast once. Find out which you did better on, and continue taking that one till you get the score you want. My mistake was taking the SAT three times. SAT and ACT are different, one is an aptitude the other is achievement test. I dont remember which is which. I finally decided to take an ACT and I did soooo much better. English=super easy Science=fair Math=fair My scores ACT=25...first and only attempt. SAT=1010....that was my…