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  • Re: boys only!

    Greasy McGee - - Teen Sexuality


    As you can see, it's not hard at all. Don't worry.

  • Re: guys:butt or tits?

    Greasy McGee - - Teen Sexuality


    I like a nice ass:thumbsup:

  • Re: Masturbation

    Greasy McGee - - Teen Sexuality


    Id tell you all the disadvantages, but my palms are getting itchy typing this, I need to shave them.

  • Re: Masturbation, Girls?

    Greasy McGee - - Teen Sexuality


    They so all do. Think about it, could you go without masturbating for a real long time? Even if you weren't so horny all the time? I'd do it at least once in a while because of curiosity and boredom if I wasn't even remotely sexual

  • Re: Jelqing

    Greasy McGee - - Teen Sexuality


    That can hurt the veins and stuff in your noodle. I would stay off that.

  • Re: Labiaplasty

    Greasy McGee - - Teen Sexuality


    No mentally stable guy will be turned off by seeing a vag unless it has some weird STD or something abnormal like that.

  • Quote from Curkz: “Your 13, look at this situation, It's your friends gf... do you want to be the guy that's responsible for breaking them apart and you losing a friend. She might be teasing you, avoid her. Bro's before hoes.. Your probably just extremely horny... just forget the situation occurred.” Yeah bros before hoes is a right rule. Don't mess with your friends girlfriend, either. That's a well known man rule.

  • Re: Condoms

    Greasy McGee - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from skier1234: “I know that and I have been doing that recently, but I just don't understand why I am more sensitive with a condom on... I always thought that people were less sensitive with a condom on and could last longer” Well this is actually a great thing if you think about it. Congrats! What I do to last longer is wank almost enough to cum. That works a little better for me.

  • I shave with shaving cream and a over priced Gillette razor after I get out of the shower. No pain or razor burn :p