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  • Re: Pj's

    Pifilizer - - Fashion


    In the summer I just wear boxers. But in the winter and it's cold as fuck I wear an old pair of doctor's scrubs bottoms that my aunt gave me or plaid flannel

  • Re: One month anniversary dinner :D

    Pifilizer - - LGBT


    Quote from Bazinga!: “No not at all. I'm the type of person who enjoys the finer things in life, and Owen knows this. Lol any opportunity to eat delicious food drink great great wine and spend a night with someone special is a good opportunity. :D” Amen to this! I love sitting down for a great meal with a bunch of close friends. Way better than going to the bars anyday!

  • Grey pj shirt cuz I'm not doin shit all today

  • Re: Getting ready in the morning

    Pifilizer - - Fashion


    Wake up at 630 Shower Comb my hair Get dressed Eat breakfast Straighten my hair Grab my school stuff Out the door by 730

  • Stared at my friends crotch for like 20 minutes while he was passed out drunk and his shirt was riding up and his pants were riding low;)

  • Mixed berry pie

  • Blue and green plaid shirt with a grey shirt underneath. Used to fit perfect til is lost some weight. Now it's kinda baggy

  • Re: your wishlist

    Pifilizer - - Fashion


    ^^^ That dress is fucking gorgeous!

  • Re: your wishlist

    Pifilizer - - Fashion


    img-thing I really really really want a duffle coat like this. Found one last year at winners that fit perfectly and look amazing for $250 but I didn't have the money and my mom wouldn't buy it for me. Tho now that I do have a job and fall/winter is on it's way I'm so snagging one.

  • Wrestled for the first 2 years of high school and it was so much fun. Sure it's only 2 or 3, 3 minute rounds but it really is tiring as it works all your muscles. Training really whips you into shape to and if your trying to drop a weight class the dieting on top really makes you look good by the end of the year.

  • Popcorn and root beer at the movies. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is awesome btw

  • Twisted Love

    Pifilizer - - Creative Writing


    Just something I wrote back when I was 17. Always wanted to see someone act it out but all my friends that took drama were girls and it doesn't quite work the same I don't think. Twisted Love Setting: A small and slightly messy room, with clothes lying all around the floor and various pieces of trash mixed in. A few posters are up of sports and various movies. A small twin bed is lying in the back corner with a small table beside it. A cabinet stands opposite the bed with a TV on top. The only l…

  • Green that says I popeye spinach fav shirt!

  • Re: So tired of summer..

    Pifilizer - - Fashion


    Ya for real summer can end now kthx. Fall is all about fashion for me. Back to school shopping FTW!

  • Re: Guys or girls, favorite cologne?

    Pifilizer - - Fashion


    Blue seduction by Antonio Banderas for whenever and Spirit by Antonio Banderas when I'm going somewhere fancy

  • Re: Favorite place to buy clothes?

    Pifilizer - - Fashion


    Gap for basic tees, bluenotes for graphic tees, Aeropostale or AE for polos (as much as I hate the branding you can find some good stuff occasionally) H&M for random pieces, and jeans wherever I can find them as I am extremely picky about my jeans. Same for hoodies but usually Boathouse or something similar. Winners is good if you have time to dig for good stuff but I'm usually to lazy for that.

  • Drooled over my friend at work while he was swimming

  • Favourite Part?

    Pifilizer - - LGBT


    What's your favourite part about being gay/bi/lesbian? What's your favourite part about being out? For me it's a sense of individuality. I stand out from the rest of the crowd and I don't even have to do anything. Also I get a sense of pride knowing that I'm different from most other people. Oh and my favourite part about being out (to my friends at least) is that I can talk about boys:p Srsly before coming out it sucked not being able to comment on a cute boy in the mall:wink:

  • Re: Coming out advice?

    Pifilizer - - LGBT


    Quote from charliebi101: “hey, my names charlie, im 16, bi. i want to come out to my 17yr old brother this week but i desperately need some advice. thanks” When I came out to my sister I txted her:rolleyes: Srsly it's kinda cowardly but she wouldn't stop nagging me about why I broke up with my girlfriend. Then as soon as I saw her next she was all like "srsly?" and I was all like "srsly" and then we laughed about it and that was that. She's a huge support for me cuz when I need to rant about boy…

  • Re: Gay Image

    Pifilizer - - LGBT


    Quote from Divinity: “While I partially understand what you're saying, when you "put on your game face and destroy the stereotypes" you're just counterbalancing that by building them right back up a thousand times larger along with lots of flamboyant men at the parade. Just my thoughts. :p” I guess since pride parades are some of the more televised and better known events in the LGBT community the flamboyancy could be toned down a bit. If for the only reason as to portray a certain image to the …