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  • I think it can go either way. You'll either end up loving living with them or end up hating it I went on a school trip for 2 weeks and me and my good friend stayed together. By the end of the trip I would get so annoyed at everything each other did and I would always feel like shooting him haha. He's still a good friend and we're great friends. But I don't think I'll plan on moving in with him anytime soon. Then again I stayed with another friend for a week and we ended up loving it and didn't w…

  • Re: Your advice on these shoes

    LucasB - - Fashion


    I like them. But it all depends on what you wear with them. Some outfits they'd look really cute and suit them, whereas others may look a bit silly and out of place.

  • Re: do your parents know

    LucasB - - Friends and Family


    Nope. I have my own laptop, and even then I always delete the history lol. Even if i've only been on a few innocent websites. I don't really think I'd want them to know. They'd probably read my posts and snoop on the stuff I've said haha

  • Re: Siblings

    LucasB - - Friends and Family


    I have a brother 1 year younger than me. I would've liked to have an older brother though, and maybe a sister too.

  • No, I usually grab onto my inner-thigh with my other hand though.

  • Re: Circumcised

    LucasB - - Teen Sexuality


    Nope, I'm not circumcised.

  • Re: How Do you Protect yourself?

    LucasB - - General Advice


    Never ever really felt the need to protect myself. I've always felt safe and never under threat.

  • I have an Iphone 3GS, and I love it. Does everything I want and I love the apps. I won't claim it's 'the best' or that it has no flaws. I'm not a huge technological person, but it does everything I want. Music, Apps, Internet, and I prefer using iTunes rather than my old mp3 player which I used Windows Media Player which I hated. I'm happy with it, which is the main thing.

  • Quote from Scaredycrow: “I didn't know boxers had to be 'discovered'. :o I'm a girl and I've been wearing them as pajamas for my whole life, haha.” This!

  • Re: Chatroulette?

    LucasB - - Teen Sexuality


    I went on with a friend once, it was kinda fun. Except for all the dick haha. We used Omegle too which was better and had a lot less dick.

  • Re: turn on spot??

    LucasB - - Teen Sexuality


    My abs, wrists, ankles and sides.

  • I never really discovered them. I've always had them to wear to bed as pajamas and normally wore briefs. Now I wear boxer-briefs because I find them more comfortable. Boxers tend to ride up my leg and it feels weird with no support.

  • Re: Shower sex

    LucasB - - Teen Sexuality


    It'd be cool to try. But knowing me I'd end up falling over and end up breaking a bone or something!

  • Re: Appearence Down There...

    LucasB - - Teen Sexuality


    I never even really knew there was an 'innie' or an 'outtie' O.o But I guess I wouldn't really care. Unless it looked like a gutted fish

  • Re: Crazy sex dreams

    LucasB - - Teen Sexuality



  • I'm in the boat of 'I eat meat. But I don't want to kill it (or see it get killed) myself.' Yes, I eat meat. But I think that if I had to personally kill the food I ate myself, then I'd be vegetarian. I wouldn't have the heart to kill an animal. But when I eat meat it loses the feeling that it was a living creature. Sometimes when I eat meat I even forget that meat actually comes from animals :p

  • Re: Condoms

    LucasB - - Gay


    I'd be embarrassed too buying them don't worry. I'd just say casually buy them mixed in with other stuff you'd buy in a supermarket. Don't just buy them on their own or with any odd products. So don't arrive at the checkout with Condoms, Lube and a pineapple and you should be fine

  • I remember having a 'dry' dream just as I was waking up when I was around 8. I didn't know what it was at the time. I didn't piece it together until I thought about it recently. I started playing with myself at night when I was about 11. I was doing it in a really odd way and never orgasmed. Then I actually didn't do it for a while until I discovered it again when I was about 13, I didn't really know what happend when I orgasmed. I was kind of worried that I did something wrong because it felt w…

  • Re: Both ears pierced? (Guy)

    LucasB - - Fashion


    It depends on how well you pull it off. Also how you look and how the earings look. I've seen plenty straight guys with both ears pierced. It just depends on what type of earing and how you look.

  • Re: 16+ part

    LucasB - - Teen Sexuality


    What an exciting moment when you finally get to 250 posts. It'll be like a milestone. Finally get to be a part of the 'club' :p