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  • Quote from Njord: “No one dislikes 'nice guys'. Any girl wants the sweet, romantic, funny, considerate, etc etc guy, but no one wants someone who puts them on a pedestal, treats them like a goddess, agrees with everything they say, needy and clingy, does anything they want, and attempts to buy the world for their love. Women are inherently submissive, in big school words. Sure, some get a power trip from their Powerpuff fantasies, but in the end, they all want a man who can protect them, assert …

  • Quote from juststayblunted: “i cant agree that women like actual bad guys or my defintion like people who end up in jail or people who kill others those are the real bad people. i see people who talk big but have no back bone at all who get girlfriends just because they trick the girl into thinking he has a backbone. (O noes you do a few drugs hes so bad) ( or he talks like he can fuck anybody ) but never does i laugh everytime girls think that. people just con girls into thinking there bad” ya.…

  • g1. and i just got the cupcake update!!! YAY!!!

  • Nice guys are too shy. Too quiet. They always put everyone before themselves. You ask what they want and they say "whatever you want." I want someone who has a back bone. who takes the bull by the horns. who DOES things. who is sexy and sweeps me off my feet. Plus I'm really loud and outgoing. I want a guy who can keep up. Nice guys can't

  • noooope. it's basically like trig identities, but instead of proving that one side equals the other, your solving for the unknown angle. You can use identities to simplify and stuff, but then you just have to solve for x.

  • yep. and im spose to be solving for x

  • Quote from ensy: “there is a formula for that. use the formula. ---------- Post added at 11:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 PM ---------- i forgot what it is though” what formula?

  • Quote from VenomX: “I don't see how anybody can feel better with a God watching over them. It's completely unnecessary and foolish. Why can't they be normal and rely on their parents to make them feel like everything is going to be okay, instead of God? You can't rely on can't even trust him. If you commit a sin, you won't know whether or not he'll let Jesus wash away the sin or decide to send you to Hell for eternal damnation. He's an untrustworthy, risky man to make sure your life wi…

  • Ok, so I'm homeschooled. I teach myself. This has never been a problem, until I got to trig equations. I don't get them at all! And the lesson provides me with maybe 4 problems to practice with before I have to start doing work on my own. So if anyone could help me with a few of these problems? You will be my hero for FOREVER!! haha. The one I'm having the big problem with right now is: cot 2x = - sqr root (3) I'm sure it's a simple answer, but I just don't even know where to start. If anyone kn…

  • Quote from VenomX: “I don't need to be watched over nor protected by a higher being. I can get that from my parents. They're real and they're more reliable.” Well maybe you don't but a lot of people really depend on that feeling. And it's not just being watched over, but that they feel like everything is going to be ok and such. maybe not everyone needs it, but a lot of people do.

  • Re: Hair removal..

    pr3ttylilprobl3m - - General Advice


    how much would it hurt?? haha. is it bout the same as eyebrows? and how long does it last if you wax??

  • omg. im gonna have to watch that!!!!

  • Re: Hair removal..

    pr3ttylilprobl3m - - General Advice


    i shave bikini line, but not everywhere but ya, it's awful. it's not smooth or anything and kinda hurts. and i'd rather remove everything i've thought about bikini wax. it doesn't hurt that bad on eyebrows. has anyone tried this?

  • Quote from VenomX: “What? Whatever happened to Jesus washing away your sins, so you don't have to go to hell? Christianity is so stupid and confusing...” Ya, I actually kinda agree with that. But there are a lot of beliefs that aren't heard just btw.

  • Quote from xXBURNXx: “I don't know. Whether or not you go to hell is between you and god It is none of my business. I'm not gonna treat some one differently because they don't believe in god. One of my best friends just recently became an atheist and that has not changed a damn thing between us.I'd be a hypocrite if it did. That would be like saying he is not good enough to hang out with me anymore. Which is bullshit and anyone that thinks like that has some serious issues.” oh gotcha! i thought…

  • Quote from xXBURNXx: “Your heart stops beating. Your body begins to slowly decompose. The rest is based on the individual. I personally believe its either heaven or hell. Where you go is your own damn choice that is what I believe.” why would someone choose hell then? just wondering

  • Quote from VenomX: “Christians always force their opinions on everyone.” Actually, not all Christians do. Unfortunately we've been given a bad name by the "loud" Christians. The big churches that preach hell and yada yada. A lot of Christians actually don't believe all that stuff, but because we don't force our opinions on people, or go preach on the street, we're not heard. So we've been given a bad name. We don't force our opinions on others anymore than any other zealot does in any other reli…

  • Quote from VenomX: “Nothing happens after you die. You cease to exist. The afterlife doesn't exist. Disperse into the sky... Heaven doesn't exist, so you dumb delusional Christians can shut up about that already. Stop living your lives as a lie.” don't be rude. everyone is entitled to their opinions you dont want christians forcing their opinions on you, well don't do that to them. and you cant PROVE it doesnt happen anyways. thats kinda the point of faith

  • Quote from Farseer: “You're either buried or cremated. It's up to you, usually. There are other options but they aren't as common.” lmao. nice answer

  • ah but there's a difference in what you would LIKE to happen, and what you actually believe will happen. I think a lot of people believe in heaven and stuff just because that's the way they want it to be. doesn't mean it necessarily is. but most ppl dont want to think about just not existing all the sudden. i think its kind of a scary thought, but wouldn't be all that bad. i mean, you wouldn't notice. lol