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  • Re: I need a favor...

    Metalhead789 - - Advertising Agency


    ^ You mean lockerz? Yes, it is. Send me your email if you wanna check it out.

  • Re: what do you think about my mix

    Metalhead789 - - Music


    Well it worked pretty well, whatever you did. It's better than most of the trance techno stuff I've bought on iTunes.

  • Re: I need a favor...

    Metalhead789 - - Advertising Agency


    Dammit. I wasn't trying to advertise lockerz, but I guess you're right. No one's going to read it now, though, since it's in this section.

  • Re: what do you think about my mix

    Metalhead789 - - Music


    It's pretty awesome EDIT: What kind of equipment did you use to make that? I've always wanted to make trance techno mixes but idk what I need to do so.

  • It's one of the only websites that's totally free but legal. check it out.

  • I need a favor...

    Metalhead789 - - Advertising Agency


    Bear with me, this isn't an advertisement. So I just joined a website called where you watch videos to earn points for free stuff. And if I invite 20 people to join the site, I get "VIP" access or something. So here's where you guys come in: I need 12 more email addresses to accept my invitation and make a lockerz account. If any of you have emails that you don't mind posting here on this forum, please do so and accept the invitation I send you. You don't even have to use the account…

  • Re: Black Metal

    Metalhead789 - - Music


    All right thanks, I'll check those out

  • Black Metal

    Metalhead789 - - Music


    I'm looking to get into black metal but I'm not sure where to start. What albums/bands are good introductions to the genre?

  • Re: Sentry guns as offense

    Metalhead789 - - Video Games


    Well I've gotten a few kills with them offensively, but they work better for me on defense.

  • Quote from Aannddyy: “A thread that has anything to do with The Jonas Brothers becomes a failthread somewhere around the second or third post.” Or it turns into one person defending the Jonas Brothers and everyone else ridiculing them for a few pages. Which I guess is still a failthread.

  • Re: Modern Warfare 2

    Metalhead789 - - Video Games


    Quote from Rudolph: “I thought Veteran was pretty easy in this one.” That's because enemies are smarter but don't respawn, which is awesome.

  • Re: Got my first nuke today!

    Metalhead789 - - Video Games


    The first few times I saw the nuke used I thought it was awesome, but now it's just annoying. Even if my team uses it.

  • Quote from T-Pain: “MW2 was a crappy game anyway” False.

  • Re: xbox live chicks?

    Metalhead789 - - Video Games


    The presence of females on Xbox Live is a myth perpetuated by the "Gamerchix Ladies Night" event. I don't believe that any actually exist, because if any girl tried to play Live she'd be sexually harassed by the massive hordes of idiotic dickheads who patrol it. Honestly, I can't get through one session of modern warfare 2 without hearing people swear at/insult each other, argue over who is less gay, or harass annoying 8-year-olds who think they're the shit.

  • I hate it when people obsess over classic rock and claim that "no modern rock is good" and refuse to listen to anything that came out after 1989. Rock is dead in the mainstream, but if you look at the less popular modern rock groups of today, the "underground," you'll find that there's plenty of talent and good music. Nickelback isn't the only modern rock band in existence, you know.

  • I'll bet trance techno is good, though I don't plan on getting high ever so I wouldn't know.

  • Quote from Shikii: “Rofl, nice. Hypocricy ftw, praying or him to turn straight won't work but praying to turn someone else will also, if god could do anything HE wanted, I'd like to see it. Also saying he has gender is illogical, if he created every human in his image, he would either need to have both genetalia, or none. Also, I don't really want to get on this topic but the only reason (I believe) that religion passed in the old days is because we dident have the science and technology to disp…

  • That doesn't surprise me at all.

  • Quote from Oats&squats: “Somebody never played half life 2.” I have, actually. It's a great game, but not nearly as engaging as MW2 in my opinion.

  • Re: Portal alternate ending

    Metalhead789 - - Video Games


    Sorry, but I think the ending that's there is better.