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  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    SwimDarlingg - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    SwimDarlingg - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: eyes

    SwimDarlingg - - Teen Sexuality


    eyes are ok.

  • Love it! Well, i dont like the pain that is felt whilleee doing the exercise, but the pain you feel the days after is great! My favorite is the pain i feel the days after i do a bunch of lunges and swats. <33

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    SwimDarlingg - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: how many?

    SwimDarlingg - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Tommeh247: “congrats on putting the minus in the wrong place and thinking 1 is a double figure. it appears you are about as witty as a dried up dog turd.” Uhm, i think he meant like "1_", and that underscore would be filled in with like 1,2,3,...7,8, or 9; representing that hes done it in the "double figures", but "not that high" [still in the _teens]. That's my guess. For me, ive had actual intercourse 0 times. Given/received oral sex many times.

  • I'm about 121 before eating and about 123 after eating, lol.

  • People Definitely Like You like2.gif You are very well liked, and many people admire you. You are friendly, well mannered, and fun to be around. Of course, you're not perfect... but that's okay. Your friends are usually willing to accept you for who you are! What People Like About You: People like that you give them complements. You make people feel good about themselves! People like that you take the them to get to know them and make a connection. You make people feel important. What People Don…

  • Re: squirting ?

    SwimDarlingg - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from shaggy: “The first time i officially masturbated i came (thought it seams men find it easier to cum than women) One question do you still squirt? I jus wanna know:wink:” Idk, i havent tried since then.

  • Re: squirting ?

    SwimDarlingg - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Starflip: “ive been thinking about this and i was wondering... is it a natural thing that every girl can do because i never have does it take practice ? i mean i can get really wet but i have never squirted or anthing and i would like to... so is there anything special i can do to improve my chances of doing so or is it something that you can either do or you cant?” Im the opposite. Its hard for me to get really wet, so thats why i sometimes give up on masturbating. But this one time …

  • White bra, pink underwear.

  • Quote from SugarLips: “^ Haha, like flowy pants ?” haha, yeah kinda. cause even when hes not hard, i can still see the outline of his penis.:D

  • Haha, i love bulgess! I love it when my b/f wheres gymshorts/basketball shorts- the bulge is so cute!

  • If you got married to the last person you kissed what would your new last name be? Woods. Your name: Stephanie. You have been making the world more amazing since: 1991. Your dad's name: Hoa. What kind of phone do you have? Idk, its a Samsung. What do you find most of in your room? CLOTHES. Your favorite facial feature? Eyes. Name an item you've kept with yourself since you were young: Baby blankets. Your nails are painted: Polished silver, but ive been picking it off. What were you doing this mo…

  • Re: Body Acne

    SwimDarlingg - - Teen Sexuality


    Like people said before if the girl is truely attracted to you and i likes you a lot she wont notice. My boyfriend isnt covered in acne, but he has some" backacne" and i dont mind. Idk how bad you acne problem is but maybe you could try facial acne products (or exfoliate) on the other parts of your body and see if that works, so you dont have to take the drugs.

  • IF A GUY/GIRL... Is taller than you: on Wears a grill: haha, well on if hes playin around [cause i also have a pink & diamond grill]. off if its real. Plays sports: on Loyal: on Laid back: on Hugs you: on Goes to church: off Dresses Gangsta: off Dresses like a Cowboy: off Has green eyes: on Has blue eyes: on Has brown eyes: on Has any eyes: on Wears glasses: on Smokes cigarettes: off Smokes weed: off Smiles a lot: on Calls you just to say hi: on Good dancer: on Wears jewelry: off Smiles when you…

  • Your IQ Is 105 Your Logical Intelligence is Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Average

  • I still want Carrabba's sooo bad! haha.

  • Re: What's your style?

    SwimDarlingg - - Fashion


    I usually wear beachy/preppy clothes. Mostly stuff from PacSun, AE, Forever 21. Some times i like urban look though.

  • Re: Dry Skin.

    SwimDarlingg - - Fashion


    Like what Tyra Banks would say, "Vaseline! fixs all your skin moisturizing needs." but seriously, my mom has skin issues too and she says that Vaseline is the cheapest, and most reliable to use. She has sensitive skin too, so you dont have to worry about rashes or anything, although it will probably feel sticky.