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  • Thanks to you all. You guys were very helpful. i'll try not to let it get to me so much thanks a lot.... appreciate all your great advice

  • I can totally, completely understand the position he's in right now. I'm not, like, pressuring him into leaving his other friends or anything. No, not at all. But what upsets me the most is how he talks about them (to me) and how annoying they really are (seriously, you have NO idea how annoying they are. They are FAKE, FAKE people--the worst kind according to me--and they are the biggest liars ever) and then how he can be totally like "ok" with them and he's one of the "guys" blah blah blah....…

  • thank you all sooo much... you were all REAALLLLY helpful. I think I should put myself in his position, i can kinda understand his's a little hard letting go of ALL your other old friends just for this one friend, right? Well, i feel a little better so thanks to u all. i find it really hard to talking about what's bothering me (i donnt usually do that) but i found it really helpful. it just makes you feel soooooo good (pouring your chest out, revealing your problems...) today we made …

  • Ok, so here's the deal. I haven't talked about this (to anyone) and this is really kinda hard to talk to (especially to the whole WORLD!!) I was new to this high school *like 2 years ago* and things were ok, everything was smooth, i made a couple of frnds. From the beginning of this year though, I started having this really cool new friend. He's just really awesome and seriously cool and we even call each other "best friends" and "brothers" and stuff like that.... But there's one thing though. h…

  • Thank u all soooo much, really. I do actually feel kinda better now, after I've talked to some of my friends (mostly the ones from my old school). It gets bad when I'm alone (like just earlier, we had A LOT of ppl for dinner and it was gd...really good. I was feeling so much better and for like a whole lot of while it was great. then they left and the house was empty again) Not trying to depress you guys or anything! sorry. And by the way, I DID send him an e-mail of course and texted him a coup…

  • Quote from Kazaman: “That is a truly horrible experience to have to live with, and you have my sympathies. How far away does he live? Would you be able to visit him on the weekend? I would say the best way to calm yourself down would be to at least talk to him on the phone. If that is an option you are unable to try, then be happy with the fact that he will in all probability live, as he only has broken bones (it could have been much worse) and is now in the care of the hopsital and the capable …

  • Ok, so here's the deal. I switched schools three years ago, but ever since I could not keep out of touch with my best friend ever. The two of us were even closer than brothers! But just the past couple of months, we sort of ran out of touch. it would be probably just one phone call a week even! And the truth is, I haven't seen him in 3 years (sicne i switched skools) and the reason for that is that everytime I decided to go (or he decided to come over) something happened and the plan failed.. so…

  • ugh i hate it when other people criticize me or judge me or my actions and that happens A LOT to me. its like every single thing i do, i have my relatives (mostly my cousins and 2nd cousins) totally judging me and asking me stuff like "Why'd you do that? why are you friends with HIM or going out with HER......" god it makes my head just EXPLODE. i'd rather live ALONE than be criticized ALL THE TIME.

  • yeah, sure, all parents go through this. I myself go through this with MY own parents. but that's a whole different story 'cause my parents DON'T fight. they simply don't TALK to each other which is probably even worse.

  • Quote from Anonymous: “I had his problem but hen when I sold my phone I forgot to backup my contacts when I erased everything so now i lost the number.... It's worst when you know you can't text the person.” That is SOOO true, it is SO much worse when you know you can't text the person even if u want to than being able to do so . i say just get your mind off of it by doing other things (work, hobby, TV, lol :D) I hope this (KIND OF) helped