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  • Quote from WTFBBQ: “but yes i think they should if a gay guy was to piss next to me i would get freaked out as hell he might try to take a peek at other guys' dicks thats fucking scary” Wow. Thank god we've got someone as intelligent and educated as yourself. What would we do if we didn't have you to warn the guys about a gay guy looking at someone else's dick? Surely that would be their primary concern when going to pee. ~Maggot

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “Oh gawd, lawl.” You okay there, buddy? ~Maggot

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “He mad :nono:” No, he's just always a prick. Especially when people are, ya know, horrendously wrong. ~Maggot

  • Re: Uneven Hips

    Goddess of Judecca - - Health and Fitness


    You could try going to a chiropractor. My hips are uneven from falling off horses, and my chiropractor has helped. You could ask them to take x-rays and see if there's anything they can do. It's possible you have some spine/pelvic/hip alignment issues you don't even know about. Or, like others said, it could just be the way you're developing. You're only 14; everyone looks super awkward then, especially girls. Just give it a few more years. ~Maggot

  • Quote from THUNDERSTRUCK: “So, I was thinking about it. In my college, dorm bathrooms aren't co-ed for obvious reasons. That leaves us with a single-sex bathroom. However, gays are able to take showers with the sex they love. Why can't I? How is that fair? Your thoughts?” I'm all for co-ed bathrooms, but then that could cuase some serious problems. How many girls would end up getting harassed? I don't mean to be stereotypical, but god knows there would be plenty of guys harassing girls while the…

  • Quote from Dystroxia: “I'm sorry, I should have elaborated. With legalization, the major corporations would fiddle around with marijuana, and I don't like that idea. The big tobacco companies, especially, I can see jumping on this sort of opportunity and I don't trust them to sell anything safe, especially considering the chemicals that get pumped into cigarettes already.” Sounds like it'd become every other product in American - food, drinks, tobacco, toys, etc. Everything's full of chemicals a…

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “That's...not a valid point? at all?” Deciding based on pure will what is and isn't involved in the realm of science? No, that's bullshit. Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “We're limited by our minds. Or, to dumb it down even more, we can't prove/disprove we can't understand.” How is that at all relevant? Who says we can't understand it? Who says science can't prove or disprove it? Science can show us many different things. We may not thoroughly understand what it means, but it stil…

  • Quote from Cyber Policeman: “One of the worst mind states to be in is believing that science can answer everything.” Really? 'Cause that sounds like a pretty scientific "mind state." Quote from Cyber Policeman: “Science is only based on the understanding of man...” What does that even mean?Quote from Cyber Policeman: “...and logic alone could never comprehend God.” Really? 'Cause I'm pretty sure you have no proof of that except that you're saying so. Quote from Cyber Policeman: “Even if it could…

  • Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “That precise mindset tells me this "debate" is going to be nothing more than that "petty argument" you wanted to avoid. Don't go into a debate under the delusion that you'll be able to simply obliterate any argument thrown at you. I can promise that it won't end well on your part. ” Wow, we actually, completely agree on something. ~Maggot

  • Quote from Dystroxia: “I don't think it should be legalized. It should, however, be decriminalized.” See, I don't see how that makes much sense. I mean, I know the difference between legalization and decriminalization, but I think only decriminalizing it just makes things more ridiculous and complicated than they need to be. Why the fuck bother? Just legalize it and let people do wtfever they want. ~Maggot

  • A Lily Says You're Very Enticing lily.jpg You are playful, flirty, and friendly. You can easily light up a room... or someone's heart. Your unique personality attracts a lot of attention! Your cute ways get you in trouble. People can't help but be a little jealous of you. What Do The Flowers You Pick Say About You? Blogthings: Quizzes and Tests and Memes, Oh My! ~Maggot

  • Quote from Yellowbear09: “I think each individual girl and situation should be able to make it's own decision. All I know I I could never live with myself If I aborted, but if u can, then it's not my problem. It's theirs. To me, if you can't take care of it, and you don't want to, the baby would have a crappy life anyway, so... Yeah. I think it's up to the girl and the situation at hand. I would NEVER do it.”…55-thoughts-abortion.html More recent thread on the subj…

  • Quote from Yellowbear09: “Umm... Idk... But yeah... another topic completlely, but along with flirting, I need more confidence... I'm told that's y I can't flirt, cuz I kind of sink onto my shell when I'm around a guy....” If you have no confidence everyone's gonna pick up on it. It's a huge part of flirting but it's also just a huge part of being attractive to other people. I dunno how to work on that one either, though. =/ ~Maggot

  • Quote from Sidewinder: “Haha, I watched that. I am awful at flirting :lolz:” I didn't so I dunno if it's any good. I don't really need to be encouraged. >.> ~Maggot

  • How to Flirt - wikiHow ? Honestly I never stop flirting, so it's hard for me to tell a person how to do it. ~Maggot

  • It sounds like she wants to try but she's afraid it won't work. And that's a fair concern to have. So I'd say just go through the next few things and let her see that you're willing to try for her. Then if she's still not sure, talk to her and assure her you really want this. ~Maggot

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “:wink:” Bitch is my reputation, silly. ~Maggot

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “I said I was upset and that Im going to forget about it, glad you read above.. I'll just leave this here "GoJ's a bitch, it's best just to accept this and move on. God knows everyone else does." Now please, stop posting here..” Yaayyy, I'm winning back my reputation. ^__________________^ ~Maggot

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “We did'nt breakup genius.. Damn go troll somewhere else” Well seeing as you pussied out and deleted the first post, obviously I don't remember everything you said. 'Cause, ya know, it's not important. ~Maggot

  • Re: Acne???

    Goddess of Judecca - - Fashion


    Quote from saraaah789: “Don't touch your face. Drink lots of water. Get makeup that won't clog your pores. Wash your face with some kind of medicated soap (something from Walgreens or a drug store) in the morning and before you go to bed. For me, going to the beach and swimming in the salt water always used to dry out my acne when I had it and with sleeping, if I slept on a certain side of my face it would always break out more so now I try to sleep on my back. I hope this helps and goodluck :)”…