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  • Thank you all soooo much for the advice. I think I'll go for it. But it'll be a while. I still have to think about what to say. Something short and simple, eh? And there were a few questions. I knew this girl before she moved. We were casual accauntinces. Her and I also talk sometimes on Facebook too, so we keep in touch a little. I'm doubting the chance of the relationship at all. But even if she is creeped out beyond belief, I'm never seeing her again, unless she is moving back in three years,…

  • I'm a bisexual girl, in love with a straight (at least, I'm 99% sure she is) girl. My heart is heavy with this burdening secret. Only maybe 3 of my closest friends know. I was wondering on your opinions on this: This girl lives in a different country. My only way of communication is through facebook. I'm considering telling her how I feel through a message. I really have no idea how she would react. But nonetheless, I still want to. What do you all think? Yes? No?

  • Re: Soul Calibur 2

    The Monster Project - - Video Games


    Quote from JohnDoe: “Ivy sucks. All her moves are impossible. Talim is the best if you use forward attacks a lot.” Ivy's moves require focus and uninteruption, which can sometimes be impossible. But when you get her moves right, your opponent will die within seconds. And Talim's combos are the best, the easiest, and most effective

  • Re: Soul Calibur 2

    The Monster Project - - Video Games


    I posted after sitting in my dark room doing Weapon Master. Pssh, Talim is totally best. But Seung Mina is good for button mashing. And Ivy's good if your opponent isn't a button masher.

  • I would start up a conversation when I could, and try to keep it rolling from there. I usually flirt by teasing a little bit, unless the guy or girl is overly sensitive

  • Re: Sexiest Singers

    The Monster Project - - Music


    As far as female singers go, I'm more of an Olivia Broadfield kinda girl. 4524042440.jpg

  • Quote from Æxitosus: “Dir En Grey - Lie Buried with a Vengence I rail at the sordid you Something's missing from my mind Haizuri mawaru munashiki iki you sa Something's missing from my heart This is the real world Sou da oshi mitsu seru kanjou o ? ji kome So attack So attack Delete everything Crime without reason does exist I am the soul of revenge Something's missing from my ears Hai sakebi mebaeru aijou ka Something's missing from my voice This is the real world Chi de chi o arai seigi o kakag…

  • A lot of screamo makes me laugh too. "Throw my trench coat on the flooooooor!"

  • Re: Sexiest Singers

    The Monster Project - - Music


    Lots of people say Travie McCoy... and I agree :D Except for the fact that there's, y'know, also Thomas Dutton Artist-713827-purevolume.jpg

  • Drool

    The Monster Project - - Films, TV and Books


    I saw this movie last night. I really enjoyed it. It's kind of like a gayer version of Little Miss Sunshine. [ame=''][/ame]

  • I'll fuck shit up with my fencing sword

  • Soul Calibur 2

    The Monster Project - - Video Games


    It's a few years old, but still one of my favorite fighting games... ever. Agreed?

  • I don't know if this has been done. Post your "anthem" or "theme song" for the day. "Secret Meeting" - The National

  • Lyrics That Make You Laugh

    The Monster Project - - Music


    Linin' 'em up like ass cracks

  • Re: 14 and curious

    The Monster Project - - LGBT


    I'm going through the same thing. I try to get to know girls like I would if I just wanted to make friends, because I have no gaydar. Some girls will talk about their sexual orientation if they're close friends with you. And if they're straight, you have a friend.

  • Sexiest Singers

    The Monster Project - - Music


    Post the hottest artist or band member you know of. Paul Banks for me, without a doubt. medium_paulbanks.jpg

  • You Are A Bikini You love warm days, and you don't shy away from the beach. You're confident enough to not worry about how you look... but you're not a brazen show off either! You feel sexy and young at heart - especially during the summer. You are classic and chic. You rather own one designer swimsuit than a dozen cheap knock offs.

  • Re: Favourite Part?

    The Monster Project - - LGBT


    Boobs are warm.

  • Cried over a girl moving to another country

  • Re: So.

    The Monster Project - - General Advice


    Quote from Red Stripe: “Oh a lesbian love, wonder what her reaction would have been. :hugs:” True : (