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  • Ok so... my boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 years on and off and we are really happy together... he treats me well he NEVER checks out girls he says he wants to spend the rest of his life with me and marry me now... and our relationship is healthy, sex is good, we communicate sooo well but ... he does have a few flaws on the outside... He doesnt have much money and has been having really hard times finding jobs althugh he didnt try as hard as he could... and so he has been stealing bikes …

  • Re: need advice??

    virtualgirl - - Teen Sexuality


    No I just feel like if people want to be more personal and honest than posting things on here I am available for that too. Anal isn't necessarily healthy or unhealthy, however, doing it an excessive amount of time can cause anal leakage and from what I have heard its no fun. Some people have to end up wearing adult diapers from it

  • Re: sex fart..

    virtualgirl - - Teen Sexuality


    queef hahahha it happens

  • thats a toughie its hard to get rid of those feelings but idk i guess try to find someone new and move on

  • it happens... but actually it makes you stronger it happens to everyone

  • Re: How big trouble am I in?

    virtualgirl - - General Advice


    theres no proof

  • Re: ppl dont get me

    virtualgirl - - General Advice


    be more open to people

  • Re: I hate myself :(

    virtualgirl - - General Advice


    you will no worries.. u just havent found the right person yet

  • Re: oral sex

    virtualgirl - - Teen Sexuality


    swallow definitely

  • need advice??

    virtualgirl - - Teen Sexuality


    I can help i like to help people who have questions etc just post here with questions or go to my site and go to my advice column!

  • ok.. sooo there are rules.. bros before hoes or chicks before dicks... i would just let it go there are plenty of fish in the sea you will meet the right one... or if you REALLY want her wait until they break up and when they break up wait until its OVER between them because hes ur cousins thats messed up

  • Ok so i have been dating this guy and he has really no experience in relationships pretty much. So we are pretty much party partners he invites me to go to some of his frat parties.. we meet up and go to house parties together etc... and see the thing is he always tells ME he really likes me and i dont say anything really back i just kinda smile because im unsure.. the reason being is he hasn't even asked me on a date. I mean we talk and hang out and stuff and he tells me he really likes me but …

  • Ya he hasn't cheated on her.. if you saw their relationship you would be in awe I have NEVER seen a couple that in love.. its pretty intense.. he asked her to marry him the first day he met her. In their case it was love at first sight.. but they also do communicate really well together and still had to work hard because relationships are NOT easy at all.

  • Quote from Strawberryshortcake: “I would've dumped his ass. Once a cheater, always a cheater.” Ya I agree with you to a certain extent. I believe when your young (which he was in his early 20s which is young but not that young) people do make mistakes especially at age 16... I have never cheated on anyone but I have seen it happen numerous of times... but anyways the guy who cheated on the wife was a wild guy and had a rough child hood.. but he realized how much his wife cared about him and afte…

  • I believe that people do make mistakes... The best marriage I have ever seen between a man and women that I know are DEEPLY and love and in the beginning of their marriage the man cheated on the wife and promised that he would prove to her that it wouldn't happen again... and now they have been married and are very strong for 25 years. So I do believe people make mistakes and that even if you did cheat on him and you want to prove to him you wont do it again then there are strong feelings out th…

  • Re: Incest Poll

    virtualgirl - - Teen Sexuality


    k so i think its weird when people have sexual thoughts about their sisters/brothers ... real weird... definately NO incest here siiiick

  • Re: threesome

    virtualgirl - - Teen Sexuality


    umm definately not. To be quite blunt about it I think threesomes are degrading and ruins the purpose of having sex. I dont have respect for people who do. sorry.

  • Ok well having experience in being in a relationship for four years and going through plenty of fighting and we even fought over going to a water park and ended up not even going IN the water park because he didn't wanna go in the water at all... So i got pissed and we just went home because i dont put up with crap like that... but when guys start making physical contact toward you and grabbing you aggressively I would take that into serious thought... and also I know exactly how your feeling be…

  • hahahha i know exactly what you mean.. I am soo not for relationships ... well until REAL recently strangely... But before I went through a phase where i did NOT want a relationship... Im a pretty straight-forward blunt person sometimes but you can just tell the girl that you really aren't ready for committment right now.. thats what I do because I really didn't want to commit