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  • Re: Dad hates gays :(

    xyz123456 - - LGBT


    Quote from xekaj: “P.S. Deadmau5 & Sharxbyte, your conversation really amused me. The epic battle of a non-active pedophile and a mostly gay bi. We need to make a 300-type movie about this. Someone smell a grammy?” Oh, totally. :cool:

  • Quote from THUNDERSTRUCK: “That would certainly make me feel uncomfortable. :p” 2nla3oi.jpg

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    xyz123456 - - Teen Sexuality


    Hug, kiss and fuck

  • Re: Fck Buddy

    xyz123456 - - Teen Sexuality


    I did for awhile

  • Re: mac vs pc

    xyz123456 - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from pat93: “I'm really just not a fan of 7 at all. I don't really use it enough to like it I guess. XP is just what I prefer. I'm not a big fan of all the UAC stuff as well in 7. All the permissions overrides you have to do for simple things even with UAC off.” XP is terrible. Not only does it have the largest catalogue of malware, but it's also much more unstable and less secure than 7. I absolutely hate it and avoid it as much as I can. Plus it's 32-bit, so it can't use more than 3.5 GB…

  • Quote from Sound: “Really, forget the parties. Every one of them is corrupt or soon to be corrupt. American government is so messed up. Never trust polliticians, we are just their slaves. It's just a matter of time before another great revolution.” This.

  • The whole Democrat/Republican/Libertarian thing is retarded, I pay no attention to those antics.

  • There are quite a few terrorist attacks that are often known as something else. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were essentially acts of terror. The bombs themselves were weak in comparison to nuclear weapons of today, but they still had a tremendous psychological influence which the US government used to their advantage. Think about bomb could do as much damage as a fleet of planes dropping thousands of smaller bombs, and they knew they could scare Japan into surrendering and troll…

  • Quote from Blur: “lol, funny thread is funny. Was this a serious suggestion?” I think the OP just really really really wants to shower with chicks.

  • Re: Dad hates gays :(

    xyz123456 - - LGBT


    Quote from Sharxbyte: “I don't believe I ever said there was anything right, positive, good or any other variation of the term, about being attracted to little girls...” I know. I didn't say you said that. Quote from Sharxbyte: “I also never said that there is anything harmful with two(or more) adults having consensual homosexual sex with one another. Acting on sexual attractions is only human. I simply stated that I believe that it is unnatural and wrong” If it's not harming anything, why is it…

  • Re: Dad hates gays :(

    xyz123456 - - LGBT


    Quote from Sharxbyte: “I believe that practicing and flaunting homosexuality is wrong” ...says the lover of teh delicious loli. You might want to re-examine your views there, and maybe you’ll realize that you’re not exactly in the best position to be preaching to others about what’s right and wrong. Unlike an adult male having sex with a young girl, there is nothing harmful about two consenting adult males who love one another having sex. As a mostly gay bi guy, I can act on my attractions all I…

  • Quote from jerry: “the idea of two gays marrying, i'm ok with that. it's none of my business i don't have a problem with that. but seeing two men kissing and stuff still kindda grosses me out” You'll get used to it, I'm a great kisser Quote from jerry: “Yea I bet the parents of your grandparents never thought they'd see two guys kissing each other, and that it would be considered ok in society” Yeah well, society then were a bunch of ignorant, backwardly religious fucktards. 170 years ago, peopl…

  • Quote from THUNDERSTRUCK: “ think gay marriage is disgusting.” :confused:

  • I've never tried, and I don't plan to. It's rather pointless.

  • Quote from pat93: “Just making sure we're on the same page; these moralists are the same ones who have multiple wives, whose hierarchy abuses children regularly, and sent children to fight their wars, right? (Yes yes massive generalizations, I know)” Yeah, generalizations are general, but yeah. Nobody is perfect. Quote from pat93: “But in all seriousness I have yet to hear a good argument from any of my religious friends as to how gay marriage is wrong.” What, you mean "Hurr durr cuz the Bible s…

  • Quote from pat93: “Why so though?” Don't take anything he says seriously, he's a trololololololol who says shit just to piss people off. Anyway, I completely agree with you. It really doesn't harm anyone in the real world, but the so-called "moralists" like to pretend that it does, usually because of misguided religious piety.

  • This thread is bad and you should feel bad. Nah, I kid. :p But to be serious, your premise is kinda silly because you're implying that bathrooms and locker rooms are areas for getting your jollies on with other naked people of whatever sex to which you are attracted. As we all know, this isn't what locker rooms are intended for, they're just for showering and doing your business. The fact that some gay/bisexual guys might be happily checking out other guys in the shower is merely incidental, and…

  • Sure is creepy guy pretending to be girl in here.

  • I've cut down on my soda intake considerably the last few months, but I lost absolutely no weight. :p Then again my weight stays put around 128 pounds no matter what I eat or drink. 2 liters is pretty insane. I drink maybe 20 oz. of Mountain Dew a day. But as long as you consume it in reasonable amounts along with a healthy diet, and you brush your teeth regularly, there's no harm in it. And whatever you do, avoid diet soda. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame and saccharin are much much much m…