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  • Re: Msn anyone?

    and1mastah - - Teen Sexuality


    lol only males messaged here... well pm if u want mine... i have pics in my album

  • Re: Guys Only

    and1mastah - - Teen Sexuality


    yes, because it adds to the experience. Pleasure the girl...guys get pleasure by just the thought lol. And i'm sure if you are having sex your wang will be entered into the don't complain

  • Re: if you could

    and1mastah - - Teen Sexuality


    sex with some one else is prime

  • Re: Totally Unsure :(

    and1mastah - - LGBT


    To be honest, forget about society and do what you want. You will do harm to yourself, if you are gay, by doing stuff with girls because of society. Since you are finding yourself I would try to experiment with both sexes. After you have done stuff with both then evaluate your experiences to figure out if you want to be gay, bi, or straight

  • Re: talking

    and1mastah - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Ok well first of all, if you want this girl to be your girlfriend then do not step in to the friend territory. If you don't mind the friend territory then be friends and talk about whatever, you shouldn't be apprehensive about anything then. If you want to be in a relationship with then start now. Start flirting with her and cutely tease her and all that flirting stuff. Build that up (but don't make it seem you are doing all this stuff with an intention) and then ask to go out on a date with her…

  • if he "came" inside you then yeah you have to worry if he didn't then you have less to worry, but you still have some worry due to precum also if you are on the pill then again you have something worry about but not to a heavy extent

  • Re: Value Issues

    and1mastah - - General Advice


    I am junior too and it seems i hold what it seems to be most of your values. I would say I do have a "i want to try everything first" attitude though. But before the half-point of junior year...I saw no point to drugs, sex, and alochol. Well then I had sex for the first time (this year). I realized all the hype and sacredness is mostly false. I had sex with my girlfriend who i truly loved and it was amazing. But the atmosphere that seems to be stereotyped about sex is false. We took every precau…

  • she did it for fun most likely (based on depending what you posted) In my opinion i think hook-ups are primarily for fum. Example) since i'm a guy...I would hook up with a girl and most likely move on. There is a percentage of me hooking up with a girl and actually want something out of it (probably 25%)

  • it depends on your method there are methods which make you orgasm faster or slower when you masturbate as compared to sex then depending what methods you use for sex can be faster or slower then masturbation

  • if it is my best friend or a good mate then no if it is one of those friends i only say hi to in the hall way and dont talk elsewhere then sure

  • Re: BOYS - Penis Size

    and1mastah - - Teen Sexuality


    5 and change and im proud of it... arrogant statement but it has made me happy and her

  • Re: Urgent advice needed

    and1mastah - - Teen Sexuality


    dont worry about that the acidity in Spit kills the sperm

  • Re: Parents

    and1mastah - - LGBT


    its not necessarily illegal but wrong...and strange, also it against ur privacy and just try to talk to your mother

  • Re: best mix for vodka?

    and1mastah - - General Advice


    gatorade and vodka

  • Re: anyone feel like...?

    and1mastah - - General Advice


    i felt like that at times but nothing big just sat down and had to think clearly

  • Re: Truth or Dare...

    and1mastah - - Teen Sexuality


    ive played truth and dare in like 5th grade we would get a chatroom with some of our male and female friends...the cute things we did lol

  • Re: Am I ugly? D:

    and1mastah - - General Advice


    your fine, just gain some more confidence

  • With me its just usually for some reason we stopped talking and grow apart or we got in to a fight

  • Re: How much?

    and1mastah - - Teen Sexuality


    100,000,000 if she has a bag over her 1,000,000

  • Re: What are your favorite stores?

    and1mastah - - Fashion


    armani exhancge aero a e