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  • Quote from Slyguy7: “...Crusades? Not to mention the genocide in the Old Testament. Shiiiiittt, there's SO MUCH to talk about! Morality, design, the teleological argument, the kalam cosmological argument, etc. etc. Christians, get your Craig on!” Just thought you should know that you just quoted a guy who is about as anti-Christian as one can get.

  • Quote from OllieRambles: “So they were just unimportant kinda weird . . . i cant see people ignoring giant dinosaurs roaming around. God didnt mention any dinosaurs when he did the creation story (at least i dont think he did) so are dinosaurs just some mistake better left forgotten to god?” The Bible revolves around the creation of animals and man, and then proceeds to explain man's role. It doesn't list every animal that God created. When the Bible mentions a specific animal, it's usually in a…

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “I was high when I wrote that.” What a surprise. Quote from Treebark2268: “I knew my numbers are off, ” Off? Yeah, you could certainly say that; off by a whopping 1.9 trillion years.Quote from Treebark2268: “but you get the point with the time.. ” Not really. Quote from Treebark2268: “Regardless, god doesn't exist, end of story” Oh brilliant. I'm glad an intoxicated kid on the internet was able to successfully solve the question that philosophers and brilliant minds have…

  • Why would they be mentioned?

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “There is absolutely no way to guess the universes age correctly, imo.” There's a margin of error. Most astronomers agree that the universe is around 13.75 billion years old, give or take. What was before the universe? Something we're not capable of comprehending at this point. That 13.75 billion years is just how long ago the big bang occurred. The universe may have existed before that; we simply don't know.

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “I also don't believe in jesus, or a god for that matter, mainly because of how short lived planet earth is and will be.. Scientists give earth, what?, a billion or two more years until the sun engulfs it.. Fact is, the universe is several trillion years old, and us as a species has NO effect on what happens.. ” I'm slightly confused. You first say you don't believe in God or Jesus because of how short life on earth is and will be, and then you proceed to give us another…

  • Re: God Stuff.

    LuklaAdvocate - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from laughwhileyoucan: “In a few hundred years christianity will be nothing more than a myth, so is the way of humanity” Voltaire said the same thing. And that was well over 200 years ago.

  • Quote from Tombgeek: “Another thread on religion? The problem is it is always going to end up petty. You have a logical argument until someone comes along with biased facts. That is when the argument heats up but it just causes people to get angry. Religion is bullcrap. It causes war and degrades the mind. Always has and always will be. Period.” No. Greed causes war; religion is the excuse. I've always been baffled by atheists who implement the "religion causes war" argument. Since when did that…

  • You do that.

  • Quote from Slyguy7: “I would love to hear it. And then crush it.” That precise mindset tells me this "debate" is going to be nothing more than that "petty argument" you wanted to avoid. Don't go into a debate under the delusion that you'll be able to simply obliterate any argument thrown at you. I can promise that it won't end well on your part.

  • Quote from autumnleaf: “I've done a lot of research into theology, and I the Bible has been proven to be inconsistent and wrong on a lot of occasions. For example, it's known that none of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, or John were written by those people, while Luke was heavily derivative of Matthew, and admitted this. But the Bible is a man-made thing, and that's why it's okay for it to be wrong. We might not get it right everytime, but the message itself seems clear!” One of Luke's sources was…

  • Quote from Dystroxia: “I don't think it should be legalized. It should, however, be decriminalized.” :confused:

  • Quote from skyanna1990: “Everything happens for a reason and the reason you may have gotten pregnant is so someone else can have the child they've always dreamed of .” So rape happens for a reason? Try telling that to the millions of innocent women who have gotten raped. Quote from skyanna1990: “I know a couple of people who are adopting because they can't have children .” Good for them. The adoption systems are already overflowing. Can you imagine what would happen if abortion were criminalized…

  • Quote from Tombgeek: “What I'm pointing out that there is no way that God can guide us to make "right" and "wrong" decisions, because how can he make us do things that (apparently, according to the Bible) he himself calls abominations?” Ahh. Gotcha now.

  • Quote from Tombgeek: “It's called the human brain. We learn the difference between right and wrong by our parents, environment, our mistakes and their consequences. God does not guide anything. This is where religious contradiction come in. You say that God guide us to make the right decision, but then most Christians would say that God gives us free will, and if we do anything that is called an abomination by the Bible (such as believing in paganism, total rejection of Christianity, homosexual …

  • Quote from Poo-tee-weet?: “A lot of people who are for marijuana legalization are very pretentious.” What makes you say that?

  • Re: God Stuff.

    LuklaAdvocate - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from BadaBing: “Like? In the Bible he is refered to as God almighty, and god omnipotent.” Cannot sin, cannot lie, etc. He's omnipotent in the sense that he can do what is in his nature. He cannot, however, do "everything."

  • Re: God Stuff.

    LuklaAdvocate - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from BadaBing: “Okay it's not destroyibg the Earth but its still destroying a civilization which is pretty omnipotent.” There's a huge different between omnipotence and then having a large amount of potency. If we're going to use the Bible, keep in mind that the Bible specifically says there are things that God cannot do.

  • Re: God Stuff.

    LuklaAdvocate - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from BadaBing: “Well... the Abrahamic God does have the sense to be able to do everything. He created the world, he can destroy the world (Noah's Ark) and he judges people upon death which I believe are the most important aspects of any religion. I was certainly taught that god was omnipotent in my R.E classes, when I was in high school, that if he wasn't omnipotent he would have no control over his power to judge, create etc...” Being capable of creating the world, destroying the world an…

  • Re: God Stuff.

    LuklaAdvocate - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Number Juan: “Omnipotence means unlimited power. God should be able to do the logically impossible as he has unlimited power and if he created the universe he decided what was logically possible...” Omnipotence has more than one connotation and meaning. There is no universal definition. Depending on the God we're referring to, very few religions describe a God that has absolute power. Even the Abrahamic God is not omnipotent in the sense that he can do absolutely everything and anythi…