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  • Your Love Is Represented By a Red Rose red.jpg You love passionately and fully, without any reservations. And while romantic love comes easily for you, you also love many people platonically. You are a true romantic, and you always can see the best in people.

  • I think your just sad, it's not depression, must be some problem you gotta find what the problem is first, then you have to think about it, really think about why your acting the way you are, do it in one go (write it down, it helps alot believe me) and the day after that either read (it's good makes you realise god what was I thinking, what the hell did I write that for, makes you laugh @ yourself which in a weird way is good) or burn the things you've written if you wrote them down or shred it…

  • Quote from panicmayarise: “You just grew up. Simple answer.” Best answer! :wink:

  • Re: The BNP

    x.Fizzical.x - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Pickles: “Well, being non-white, i obviously do not favour the BNP. The thing with the BNP is that while they are not uber-nazi-in-your-face, they are still racist. Yes, they do not claim to be racist, but everyone knows they are. Nick Griffin himself starts every interview with "I am not a racist but..insert bullshit about immigrants destroying the economy even though without them our country would be fucked.." I think it was a wise decision for him not to go to the Queen's garden pa…

  • Humanity

    x.Fizzical.x - - Debate and Discussions


    I wanna know what everyone thinks of humans and why. talk about their nature, of what us humans really think and the way we act. topic includes anything to do with lifestyles, personalities etc. are we selfish, greedy, power hungry, evil, savages, animals, do we take life for granted? or are we harmonious, peaceful beings, who are helpful? *sorry if a thread like this has been posted before. *

  • its art. i think people show how they feel about something unless its offensive in some way which still shows how they feel about something thought i wouldnt consider it art.

  • Re: Self-Confidence.

    x.Fizzical.x - - General Advice


    Quote from DontBother: “The best kind of self confidence that works for me, is not giving a fuck what people think of you. I bet 80% of people that I've met think that I'm a complete asshole.. And you know what? They can fucking choke on it :)” you know for a while i have tired the not caring about anyone. e.g if they rude to you, moody, the things they say. dont care. and honestly this is the best thing to do. stop caring about the things that may affect you in any way. its only been a month si…

  • Quote from Anonymous1: “ Against these non-believing oppressors Muslims are justified, as much from the Quranic background as from logical background, to fight back in a defensive jihad. ” and the jihad he's talking about is the lesser jihad. the greater jihad is the war we fight everyday with ourselves by making the choices we make everyday. (just incase you make wanna make this into a bad point too) plus burn if you think that islam is full of crap then fair enough have your opinions but you a…

  • i hate the terrorists bringing down pakistans name with them. i wish benazir bhutto (rest in peace) was still alive. it would have been a different story now but pakistanis are stuck with their corrupt government :mad: i had religious studies before and we were discussing suffering of people with pictures which made me upset and then i got home and on the news saw this which got me more upset the world seems to be going backwards

  • seriously i wanna know where this guy gets his crap from? why is that that people always seem to be pointing fingers at islam that its evil. i swear everytime i read the Qu'ran i always feel at peace with myself. i dunno how islam could ever promote violence. i dunno what you have been reading mate but the Qu'ran i read clearly states that violence is forbidden. its all the islamists who believe in these twisted extreme things. all the muslims i know are sick of getting a bad name becuase of som…

  • well im definatley doing A-Levels because to me education is more important than anything. but im just worried about where im going to do my A-Levels...

  • hmmmm.. i was so up fo college i wanted to go manchester college but everyone has different views about it. i did want a fresh start get away from where i am now but its just so confusing.

  • well no i wouldn't burn an american flag for money because it would show others that im a person who hates america and im not that kind of person and i dont have anything against any country so. i do think people would find it offensive to have a flag of their country burnt.

  • well one of the connecxions advisers said that the support isnt much compared to the kind of support you get in school!?

  • at the moement im okay with all my subjects but the worse one would have to be english with this teacher who flinches and shouts everytime yu move a little she is just mad stupid cow that makes english boring!

  • okay people from UK will know what im on about but if anybody else from another place wants to comment feel free to advise! anyways im in a dilemma. its my last year in school year 11 and i dunno what i should do i mean i wanna carry on studying but i dunno where to go. i really wanted to go to college but im unsure now because of all the stuff i hear that college doesnt support you as school would and that it (please excuse my language) fucks you up!? its kinda put me off. i dont really wanna r…

  • i dont think that is true pakistani people arent that narrow minded! adnan sami went there so did meera and atif aslam and roxen sang for india and many more! pakistan doesnt have a problem with that!

  • Re: Should I change hairstyle?

    x.Fizzical.x - - Fashion


    im growing mine right now! i had it short but am getting sick of it.

  • Re: Olympics Results So Far!

    x.Fizzical.x - - Sports


    dammnit Britian needs to step up their game!

  • havent had any junk food for 4 months now. hmmm... this thread is making me hungry! lol