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  • Quote from TheSilentOne: “Uhmmm not much of an advice giver, if you've read my advice before >.> but sounds like little white lies to try and make himself seem bigger as a boy i guess? Or he actually did sleep with a "babe" and hes just flaunting it around everywhere he goes because hes an 8th or 9th grader >.> & minor details can change this scenario totally, how did you reconnect, did he contact you first, or did you contact him first?” well i was going to friend him, but then i didnt and i th…

  • So 4th grade me and this kid "went out" he moved away now 4 or 5 years later we reconnect on facebook. He chats me and calls me baby and sexy and sayss he misses me He also asked me for my number. Now he tells me he has a "babe". who he had sex with. thats the nice way of putting what he said. CONFUSING! Does he like me?

  • you just got to talk to them and be flirty ask for there number become friends before something serious

  • the trick is to kind of act like ur her boyfriend and see how that goes. if she looks werided out stop and f not tell her the way you feel

  • Re: Help

    BlondeDancer - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Thank you everybody i'm 13 and ill see where it goes and what happens

  • Help

    BlondeDancer - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    So Ive been liking this guy for pretty much the whole summer. He liked me last summer and I think he still does. The thing is he is away at camp. I wrote him, but he didnt write back. I inboxed him on Facebook saying a simple I miss you. We flirted before he went to camp, but still. I've never had a boyfriend and very unexperinced. The other thing is that people think he's gay, but I'm not sure. Were pretty good friends, but I would like more. Any advice?