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  • Re: Sufjan Stevens

    jessicarrr-x - - Music


    I absolutely love Sufjan Stevens - To Be Alone With You is one of my favourites

  • Re: Your Favourite Genre(s)

    jessicarrr-x - - Music


    I'm pretty open to any genre, but I tend to prefer alternative, rock, indie - all that sort. I rarely like R&B and related genres to that but I can't cast them out completely since there are a few songs of those types of music that I quite like..

  • Re: Songs that give you chills

    jessicarrr-x - - Music


    There are so many, but to name a few: The Scientist - Coldplay Closer - Kings of Leon You Do Something to Me - Paul Weller I swear all the songs that give me chills are kind of sad. Upbeat, happy songs rarely give me the chills!

  • Re: Your Favourite Band/Singer

    jessicarrr-x - - Music


    Top five at the moment: Kings of Leon, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Temper Trap, Death Cab for Cutie and Bombay Bicycle Club But Kings of Leon are definitely my number one, I love love love them and I doubt that's going to change because usually I get bored of most bands' music after a while but I NEVER get bored of their music

  • Re: Your Favorite Song(s)

    jessicarrr-x - - Music


    Right now... Science of Fear - The Temper Trap

  • Thanks for the information guys, i'm leaning more towards Psychology I think... but I have four days to change my mind!

  • Okay so I have to decide my A level options by next thursday I've decided to not do Art because I think it's way too much work alongside Chemistry, Biology and Maths. I've always found psychology quite intriguing, but i've also found philosophy intriguing too. Does anyone know the main difference between the two? Because i've heard they're fairly similar. Which one would you take? I would really appreciate some information and your opinions!

  • Quote from Rammstein: “Exercise and studying make me happy. I know that it's a strange mix, but it works for me. Whenever I'm depressed, I exercise or study and it makes me feel a lot better.” I kind of know what you mean. Focussing on exercise or studies I find is a sort of escapism - if that makes sense.

  • 8 A*s 3 As 1 B Benefits of going to a grammar school! They literally squeeze the grades out of you! Well done everyone

  • I'm getting my GCSE results tomorrow too.. I actually haven't a clue how i've done so i'm quite nervous Good luck everyone awaiting results!

  • I've yet to discover my true passion in life, what I want to live for. I'm at the stage in my life where i'm waiting for my exams to finish and to move out of home and start living my own independent life. So I was just wondering, what do you live for? What makes you happy as an individual? I'd love to hear

  • Re: I hate people my age.

    jessicarrr-x - - General Advice


    Quote from Sharkbait: “if you think people grow up in university you got another thing coming atleast not in the first year, or 2. however atleast youll be out of your single gender bubble, i went to a boys grammar school. sucked ass, theres a girl grammar school nearby aswell, apparently half the girls there are lesbians :rofl: and the other half were off the charts easy. after i finished gcse's though i got out of that 1 gender bubble, not that i was really in it anyway, hated the school kids,…

  • Thanks Yeah I have four GCSE art books and other coursework pieces but they're being marked at the moment - I find out my grade on the 27th! I'll put up some more photos when I get my work back and when i've completed some of my a-level stuff Cool about the graphics. Just out of interest what does the subject involve, like in which way does it differ from art as a subject? I've always wanted to know more about it, but it's not given as a subject at my school unfortunately. .

  • Re: Whats your BMI?

    jessicarrr-x - - Health and Fitness



  • Re: I hate people my age.

    jessicarrr-x - - General Advice


    I know what you mean. This is going to sound stuck up - but i've always been too mature for my age. Everyone my age seems to be so preoccupied with being the best, the most popular, the prettiest etc - it's all so superficial. Everyone basically only cares about themselves, I find it difficult because i'm overly sensitive and try very hard not to ever offend anyone in the slightest. I think what makes it harder is the fact I go to an all girls grammar school where it's extremely competitive and …

  • Re: My Photography.

    jessicarrr-x - - Creative Writing


    Amazing photography - numbers 5,6,10 and 17 are my favourites. I especially love number 6. Black and white photography is the best, I find it very atmospheric.

  • GCSE/A-Level art work!

    jessicarrr-x - - Creative Writing


    Hi everyone, i'm really into art and all that sort of stuff. I thought it would be nice to open a thread where people can share photos of their artistic creations this is my GCSE art exam piece that I made in June 09, I would love to see everyone else's

  • I've also been shy most of my life. I always thought I shouldn't be like that and should learn to be more outgoing like everyone else. But over my teen years i've discovered i'm naturally quite a reserved person and have learnt how to be outgoing when I need to be, without having to change who I am. I used to be scared about making a fool of myself too, until I just got bored of everything staying the same because of my indifference - life's all about taking risks - it makes it way more interest…

  • I would like him to offer, it's a sign of him being a gentleman - but I would insist on going halves cos otherwise i'd feel bad!

  • Re: your stats

    jessicarrr-x - - Health and Fitness


    Age: very nearly 17 Height:5ft2 Weight:100lbs Sport: I go running every other morning if that counts as a sport... long distance running I guess? I'm also a netballer, despite my height =]