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  • Quote from FallenAngel: “ You need to talk to someone.” which would explain why he's made an effort to come here, would it not?

  • Quote from DREAM3R: “I haven't been depressed in a long time, but about 2 years ago I was really depressed. After a year of being depressed I stopped talking entirely, talking only when I had to. and every time somebody talked to me I just wanted to slap them, I literally didn't say a word for a good 2 months. Now I talk to people, but I can go for days without talking to anybody. I am not depressed I just think that people are stupid and a waste of my time. I feel like I could live in my head. …

  • Quote from Invent42: “I'm not sure if I'll do it, but if I do, I don't want to be swinging on a rope or lying in a tub of my own blood when they find me. I want to keep what little dignity I have left. So I was wondering if any poisons would do this, or do they all make you foam at the mouth and soil yourself? Also, I was wondering what would ease the pain for my friends and relatives, because two or three of them are suicidal too, and I don't want them to die. Ideas? Also, cool guy shades.:cool…

  • Quote from breakboy: “even having a moment like that i'd just go on the computer and forget it, unless its with someone else/other people. its like how i'd never spend money on a nice meal for myself or something unless im with other people, it usually just feels silly ---------- Post added at 05:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:15 AM ---------- well its not so much finding people being into what i listen too as much as it is finding people who do what i do or make what i make. even peop…

  • Quote from Diamons: “I was on the wrestling team for about 5 months before I quit about a year ago. I went to camp, trained with the toughest, ran 8 miles, etc. At that time, I never thought about it, I just did it, but camp made me realize I was upset. I've been fat all my life and here I was doing the hardest training of my life. The easy solution was to just stop and go back to a life of laziness, and that's what I did. It's a year later and I want to get in shape. But I'm terrified of rejoin…

  • Quote from breakboy: “well im already looking to make music my life. its just not the easiest finding people that are into what im into” i know what you mean. pretty much no one's interested in the type of music i listen to (by that i mean no one at my school who would care to talk to me). maybe try a little youtube advert? like ask round where ppl are from on the songs u like, and put up the idea that you wanna start a band, and if someone's from your area, you could PM each other and discuss d…

  • Quote from harrydh3: “i dont really get depressed and that anymore but when i'm listening to music and shit i really want to do myself some damage for no apparent reason and not like emo boo hoo, i really enjoy it and think cutting myself feels really good and i dont know why i ws just wondering what peoples thoughts on it are and if theres anyone else (i'm sure there are ) who does the same thing Harry!!!!!!! :D” i know exactly whatcha mean bro... monster by skillet, animal i've become by 3 day…

  • Quote from breakboy: “How can I go about loving both when I can't get along with anyone around me?” then make music your life. involve music in whatever you do. look to further your career in music. you say you can't get anyone around you? well maybe you're not looking at the right place. try taking music courses. if you're into like old style (orchestras n that kinda stuff) maybe join a medival music class. if you're more of a rock, punk, hiphop etc kinda guy, join instrumental n pick your favo…

  • Quote from The Sorrow: “why kill your selves? because life's crap? no one cares? no friends or family? bad life? attacked every day? "giving up is what kills people. those who refuse to give up are entitled their time to trample upon the weak." -Alucard Don't let yourself be the weak people in that quot. refuse to give up, and when your finished and settled, help others to so as well. life is worth living more then you could ever know. how precious it is... how much every second is worth. Don't …

  • Quote from ThailandTom: “It is scientific fact and also a main teaching of buddhism that everything is a mere illusion, that we only perceive our world and paint our own individual reality within our own minds. You could suggest that everybody has their own world in their mind because at the end of the day, you only see due to light hitting the back of your retina which sends electrical signals to your brain. This is not knowing the true nature of reality, it is only perceiving it with one of ou…

  • Quote from Readingfreak: “I feel utterly terrible. No one cares about me at all. I get made fun of and mocked, and for what reason? Don't know. I am so tired now. Tired of living...of having to put on a mask to look happy each day. I have no friends. No boyfriend or girlfriend to talk to. Family doesn't care either. I am the one who fades in the background. I am the nice girl in your 9th grade class that you won't remember four years from now. I am the girl who gets laughed at because her mother…

  • Quote from The Sorrow: “k well, for the first part there now i understand what you mean, ur just out of place. for the second part.... im the only pagan in my school let alone prob all of my county(not country), im bisexual which everyones freaked about, i see dead people (hmm.), im depressive and massively insane to great extence, and ive had one HELL of a life. more of that here (just incase someones curious) but thats not important. point is people can always have it worse, and a lot worse th…

  • Quote from The Sorrow: “i see, and I'm glad how you had to specify "not physically" haha, i was worried. so you feel out-casted, alone, different, and separated from others, but with no reason? a good talk with a beautiful girl, and then a nice sleep holding your pillows picturing a you and this girl on an isolated island with sandy beach, good waves, bright stars, and a full moon, with a nice cool breeze in the warm air.... or maybe thats just me..... but good luck with that; sleep should help,…

  • Quote from The Sorrow: “oh, thats simple. "Welcome to the world, neo." you realized something. many people have done this. (and no im not saying your stupid and "congratz! you thought something!" its completely different then that.) your looking at people and places differently because now they are brand new to you. at the moment, when you talk to someone, you most likely seem a little zoned out, and you feel almost like your drifting by and not really there all the time. the way your thinking h…

  • thx all for responses, dusk, seeing a doc would be out of the question as it would reveal a certain past about myself which i'd rather keep hidden from others (but not drug use or anything) pranit, i don't feel hostility, i feel odd... like i'm outa place, as if i don't belong, they're the same people they were 2 days ago, 2 weeks ago, 2 months ago, but its just feels as if i don't know who they are. its like waking up and being in a brand new place where you have no idea who is who but i know a…

  • ello TH, its been a while since i've last made a post about an issue i'm dealing with, but here goes... since yesternight/today morning i've been feeling weird... like... i'm suddenly on a different world... its like i recognize the people i see but i don't really know them... i know where i am but i don't... i know what i'm doing, but i don't have the 1st clue... its sort of hard to explain feeling... anyone know whats going on? has anyone even experienced this before? its seriously confusing a…

  • i know people from grade 9, 10 and 11 who are about 2/3 of my height, and i'm 5' 6" or so. don't worry about it, its not the size of the body, its the size of the heart that matters to people. and as i mentioned above, i'm only about 5' 6", and i'm almost 16. its nothing to worry about, as long as you don't focus on it and consider it a hold back in your life, it will make a very little difference. in fact, to be honest, i find it to be helpful to be short, its much easier to do things. eg. you …

  • we've given you the tools, its your choice to keep your low self esteem or to accept yourself the way you are and overlook the negativity and focus on the positive points (eg. your talents and skills) really, all we can do is suggest ideas, its up to you to make the choice. people that are successful in life aren't successful fully by luck, most of them require hard work and positive thinking. so really, we can't do anything more than to give you advice, whether you follow it or not is completel…

  • note: this is the way i'd handle this situation (i have no regards towards whatever others think of me, if they don't like me, which many don't, then so be it, i do my own thing and life my life the way I plan to live it, not the why OTHERS want me to live) go to him and ask him straight up if he likes you or not, the worst that can happen is he will say no, but if he tries to give you some shit, fire away with the searing truth, tell him straight up how pathetic he is for having to be someone e…

  • well bro... we gotta issue here... you cant look to your left while looking to your right, similarly, you can't hope to improve unless you drain your mind of all the negativity. look at what a little bit of positivity can do... [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] he is married and lives a life most likely better than an average man. his outlook on life was totally crappy, but when he changed it to positive thinking, look where it got him. you can…