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  • Hi. I'm actually a guy but I need help. I want to find a romantic/cute way to ask this girl out. Any ideas? Please help. I had the idea to sit on the beach together and draw it in the sand; "Will you go out with me?" but there is'nt really a beach near here. Help

  • Re: dirty text messages

    7ate9 - - Teen Sexuality


    Don't get caught. My ma caught me and my girlfriend (ex) but i didnt get in much trouble but still

  • Re: is it normal?

    7ate9 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Sinful Soul: “Mine also bends slightly, a lot of guys are like that.” i'm with this guy. same things happens

  • I've been "seeing" this girl for about a month or two now. "Seeing" as in hanging out, making out, stuff like that. I've gone out with her two times before. This hanging out and stuff has kind of sparked my attraction toward her again. We both want to go out again. I need a very cute/romantic/attractive (any of the three) way to ask her out. The first two times I asked her were cute (I guess. I'm not a judge. Her and her "girlfriends" are). Anyway, please post your ideas. I need help!