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  • Re: Smoking printer paper?

    ThailandTom - - General Advice


    lol, there was a thread of this about 2 months ago and that seriously cracked me up no end. I am surprised by how common this act actually is. There is nothing that can get you high from paper of this nature, anything you felt was probably physiological. It is a pointless act but I can see how people of your age are curious of such things in a way. Stay off the paper, it is bad for you. Paper has many chemicals dripped all over it so do not make a habit of it

  • Re: Marijuana

    ThailandTom - - General Advice


    Yes, carbon monoxide attaches itself to your hemoglobin and once it is there it takes a long time for it to detach if at all. If your hemoglobin become swamped with carbon monoxide, you will find it harder and harder to breath, eventually getting respiratory diseases or worse. That is ONE draw back to smoking weed, another is the what is on the paper or rizla. This is for those who smoke joints and some blunt papers, there is a considerable amount of chlorine on these types of papers which is no…

  • Quote: “however I have a personal rule that I'll never ever try anything "harder" than marijuana” LOL, how many people have I heard say this including myself and then come to break this rule.. many!! The fact is weed can be a gateway drug and if you hang out in a social group of people who smoke weed, one person may move on to something else in time and others may get curious and try it also. I have seen this happen throughout my entire life

  • Re: Marijuana

    ThailandTom - - General Advice


    Smoking pretty much anything on regular basis is not exactly good for you. If you just think of the ct of putting smoke into your lungs repeatedly, it is not exactly something your body is going to like... Just common sense really

  • That is quite a harsh thing, but I am sure he will have all of the support there for him You could create a video of you, him and your family and watch it with him many times.. repetition will help to leave a lasting imprint on his memory. Maybe ask him to draw some pictures with you and get him to draw your family as then he is creating the image himself and it may also stick up there in the memory banks... All the best to you and your bro

  • Re: Anal sex?

    ThailandTom - - Teen Sexuality


    I have personally never gone there in 6 years of sexual experiences and do not intend to anytime soon. That hole is a 1 way system and I don't care how tight or how much it feels good, I am not on that one.

  • Re: Marijuana

    ThailandTom - - General Advice


    Tar... It is known that resin and oils found within cannabis cause tar build up in the lungs which is the biggest cause of lung cancer. If you hav e a roach on your joint or blunt, you must see the tar build up on that after one joint.. so over a period of time that will add up and you can disregard all of the toxic chemicals that go into cigarette manufacturing for a moment. I myself have seen the damage smoking JUST weed can do. From the age of 11-14 I was a cross country runner and then I got…

  • Re: Marijuana

    ThailandTom - - General Advice


    Quote: “name one person thats died from smokeing to much weed and if u can find one true fact that someones died from smokeing weed ill stop smokeing weed rite now” I can't,but I am sure there are hundreds of thousands, maybe millions who have died from smoking joints/blunts/bongs due to cancer or lung cancer. THAT IS SOMETHING OBVIOUS IS IT NOT!? I am not some person who has lead a clean strict life, I have probably smoked weed before you were 12 years old and the rest. It is not as safe as peo…

  • For sure, if you have a dull 'pulling' ache in your lower abdomen then check your own balls in the bath or shower as this is the best time to do so, and then go and see your doctor. All guys should do regular checks down there of this nature. Anyway, hope you do not have anything too serious dude

  • Quote: “Well.. I do have to agree that alcohol is "cool" as long as you don't "overdo" it. Like pointed out before, while drunk every song is "the best song", everyone around you are your friends, no matter who you talk to, you consider them your friends and have people to talk to all the time. ” try ecstasy then, it is like this but x10 and without all of the hazy messiness of being drunk. When you are peaking on ecstasy, a song drives you into sheer ecstasy and it is like an orgasm spread over…

  • Quote: “yeah its the closest you get to a girl lol” hahahahaha@@@

  • Very glad to hear that you have again found a connection with your mother, this is a very powerful and meaningful bond Keep it alive and cherish it with each day, stay away from the cutting, but keep in mind that mum won't be there for ever. It is important to be aware of impermanence as we all become attached to people/things and get sad when they are gone, this is not being negative or depressive, but realistic and wise

  • How old are you, was it 18 or 19? You said you have had depression or problems for 5 years or so. That must be hard to live with, I have had my fair share of anxiety and depressions issues fromt eh age of 12- 19, so I know how it is. But yea, best of luck

  • Re: Boys.. #2.

    ThailandTom - - Teen Sexuality


    F U N, don't make me sing the fun song!

  • I would treat them as I would treat any other person.... It is quite simple is it not

  • Re: Boys.. #2.

    ThailandTom - - Teen Sexuality


    hahaha. Man it would be so cool to be like that dude who was born with 2 cocks... That would be so much damn fun for both you and your partner.. it will remain a mere dream

  • lol, This is normal and happens around the early stages of puberty. Just fold it up under the elastic of your boxers lol... not much else you can do there mate, apart from sticking it in a drawer or something haha. I remember when I was going through the same thing, I must had been about 13 or something and my dad had took me and my sister swimming. I was in the pool and randomly got a hard on and my dad wanted to teach me how to dive. Obviously I was in there trying to stall saying no, later et…

  • well good luck with that anyway, I hope it works out for you...

  • Re: Boys.. #2.

    ThailandTom - - Teen Sexuality


    no it is purely for fun, I think everybody should get slapped in the face with a floppy cock once in their life

  • Yea sure, why not. Those are 2 options to take and there are others. Maybe try changing therapist or therapy type, but seriously I have taken them and they are not different to medicating yourself with an illegal drug in principle. Apart from maybe really hardcore drugs such as heroin, that is deadly. I am not trying to stop you or anything, there is just something inherently wrong here in the modern world. Clinical depression is a modern day illness, going back over 100 years there were far les…