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  • Re: Question for non-virgins

    Ohemgee - - LGBT


    It really depends which end of the shaft your on.. If your pitching its feels amazing. Imagine masturbating X10 When your catching... well you either like it, or you dont. I personally dont like it, but the first time it will hurt, but once your partner is all the way in the pain will ease a little. And then youll have this painful, tense, but pleasurable feeling going in your body.

  • Quote from unrealgy: “For a guy it is ---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ---------- Did u say Trampoline and exactly how did you get that done” It wasnt that hard :p. I layed back, while my partner was on top of me, and we had much more of a... bouncy motion

  • Re: M/F shaving pubic hair

    Ohemgee - - Teen Sexuality


    If your a female, either shave it, or get a brazilian bikini wax. If your a male DO NOT SHAVE IT. It will make you look like a little boy. Shave your balls though. Just trim the rest

  • It's fairly common. I think i had my first sexual experience when i was 11ish

  • Re: Cum.

    Ohemgee - - Teen Sexuality


    It depends on the diet. People who eat a lot of meat, and processed foods, it taste really bitter. And if your someone like me, who eats healthy, a lot of fruits and veggies, its almost sweet.

  • I did this one recently. Trampoline

  • New relationship!

    Ohemgee - - LGBT


    So now im dating a new guy from one town over ands it going well our anniversy is 9/11 and we both like to party of occasion, im really enjoying everything from just seeing him, to have sex. But i feel odd still. i feel like im still not totally over my ex

  • Thanks everyone, this really helps im feeling a lot better than i was when i wrote this, I went out with a friend and just ranted to him for a little bit which helped a lot.

  • I have just.. had my heart shattered, and I feel like someday its all going to be fixed and me and my ex will be back together. But thats just a dream world. I need to get over this. I dont know what to do. Im really sad and have been crying on and off since last night. I really just need some advice in a way i can get over him, and move on with my life.

  • Re: Help I'm pregnant

    Ohemgee - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from janestar: “i cant go to a clinic. Anyother ways i can get it terminated” Step one- stand at the top of a flight of stairs Step two- fall down

  • I'm going to wear my sweater with an elephant on it, slim fit jeans and have a good hair cut! It'll say, wow hes gay

  • Awkward phase?

    Ohemgee - - General Advice



  • Okay thanks guys, it helps a little. Im still a bit scared of the entire situation. but im sure it will all go well

  • first off i want to thank everyone for the advice. so i was curious about the same thing some of you mentioned . the fact he took the break right before a vacation. so i talked to him about it, and he said he really wwants to relax and not stress about our relationship out of fear that when he gets back ill be distant because we havnt spoken to much. so i started to think he wanted to be single for these two weeks. so i asked him about that and he claims he wants to find himself emotionally not …

  • I dont know what to think of this. The boy im dating cant handle a relationship at this time, and has been stressed out, distant etc. and he's going away for vacation in a week for two weeks. He says he doesnt want to damage our relationship by leaving for two weeks and have issues building up. I just dont understand, i can't tell if he just cant tell me that he doesnt want to see me anymore, or if its sincere. I dont know what to do during this break, i dont know what he'll do during the break.…

  • Re: Losing appitiete.

    Ohemgee - - Health and Fitness


    Okay thanks. Ill make a stop at the teen center later.

  • Re: Losing appitiete.

    Ohemgee - - Health and Fitness


    I have felt a little bit.. off, Im not quite sure if it's being depressed, but something just doesnt feel right. Yesterday i was extremely depressed, then I got some chai, ate something and talked to someone whom im really close with and I felt better. But i was just freaked out about a situation from the night before.

  • Re: Losing appitiete.

    Ohemgee - - Health and Fitness


    Nope. I did drink a few days ago, but thats basically any kind of "self medicating" ive done for a while. I have a past history of drug abuse if that helps. I quit semi-hard stuff a year ago, and pot about a month ago.

  • Losing appitiete.

    Ohemgee - - Health and Fitness


    Lately, I have not been really hungry, or if i do feel myself getting to that point, I just lose all urge to do something about fixing it. In the past week I've gone 24 hours with out eating a few times. I could use some help fixing this problem. I've been leaning on possibly I'm depressed. But honestly I'm not even sure. Thanks

  • Just came out

    Ohemgee - - LGBT


    Soooo I came out to most of my close friends, then i got home tonight and was just thinking... FUCK IT. SO i loggged onto my myspizz and posted a bulliten saying how i was gay and if they have some issues with it unadd me and we dont have to speak etc. So next step is my dad. The issue with that is my older brother is gay, and my dad knows it, and isnt happy about it, Any advice on how to make it better for him dealing with a second gay son?