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  • Re: Dubstep!!!!

    Duck - - Music


    Quote from jerry: “haha yea bro i'm just starting to get into dubstep too, shit is goood YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.” I knew someone would post that thats posted everytime someone mentions dubstep cause it's known by so many xD Good song

  • Re: Dubstep!!!!

    Duck - - Music


    [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • Your Iris Says You're Very Spiritual iris.jpg You are incredibly hopeful and courageous. Even when you've been challenged in life, you have faith that everything will work out. Your feelings run deep, and you are a very grateful person. You are very effected by the world around you. You are thankful for the life you lead. What Do The Flowers You Pick Say About You? Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stupid Ones

  • lol, im the only one with weed... Im unique :o

  • Your Personality Is Like Marijuana marijuana.gif You're laid back and easy going, so much so that taking a shower is often too much trouble for you! Nevertheless, you're quite popular, and many people enjoy your company. You're rarely turned down. You're prone to giggle fits, paranoia, and forgetting where you are exactly. At your best: You're relaxed, mellow, and without a care in the world. What people like about being around you: You're accepting, non-judgmental, and often quite insightful. W…

  • Re: Post Your Desktop!

    Duck - - Technology and the Internet



  • Myself. I'm epic. Naa but seriously, I don't know, I've never thought about it much.

  • Re: Need to fight someone

    Duck - - General Advice


    Quote from shadowsnip: “i live in one of the most lowest crime right parts of pennslyvania. But my worry is i go to his house and jump him, what if i lose?” Then you will look like a complete dick head and he will assume he is higher/better than you and you wont be able to recover from that. Then he will continue to harass you even more than before because he will know he has nothing to fear.

  • Re:

    Duck - - Music


    Your musical compatibility with raggle89 is Super :o Apparently having a couple bands in common makes people's music taste super compatible

  • Re:

    Duck - - Music


    arthur051?s Music Profile ? Users at I cleaned out my itunes a couple weeks ago and deleted most my songs Wouldn't mind some recommendations off people

  • Re: Voice changes| NEED HELP !

    Duck - - General Advice


    It's called an adam's apple not an eve apple and yes it is normal, for some people, as was said above, some people have that but most go through it smoothly And lol at high voices, they make me laugh

  • Quote from dusk: “fml I wish I knew about that earlier....” This is by british law im talking about, I don't know the laws on it in other places.

  • Yeah, it's not illegal to buy/sell the seeds, but it is illegal to germinate/grow them.

  • They should get Blue cheese

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “Not that I am calling you a liar, but any sources on that? And what are the statistics?” My grandfather has smoked since he was around 12 years old and he smoked/smokes very heavily and he doesn't have cancer, he's 77. And only within the last couple years has he developed problems with his lungs.

  • Re: A levels

    Duck - - Education & Jobs


    Quote from aphrodite.: “can the thread be moved? ^ I got as levels in: Physics - B Maths - B Chemistry - C Biology - C hmmm need to retake a couple of exams :blush:” Well done Quote from Tomski: “I got my A Level results today I got 3 As in French, History and English Literature which means I've been accepted onto my course at Manchester uni to study French and History. I'm so happy :D” :o Those are the three subjects I'd do worst in I reckon But yeah, congratulations

  • Re: Ipod touch apps

    Duck - - Technology and the Internet


    Already got it, scott told me about it like yesterday or the day before on tinychat. Awesome app XD

  • Ipod touch apps

    Duck - - Technology and the Internet


    I know i posted one of these threads ages ago, but i recently jailbroke my ipod again on the update (4.0) and deleted/wiped everything off my ipod so i've resynched my music but now I want to download some apps. So get suggesting

  • Re: how many piercings do you have?

    Duck - - Fashion


    I still stick to what I said :p Must hurt like a bitch