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  • I did, I'm not that stupid. LOL

  • Pardon my lack of knowledge at the moment.. it's 1 in the morning.. LOL, how did you not know I was a girl? Can you team viewer me later today, I have to get off in a few, I have school later.

  • I have a sound card I believe.

  • I was tiding up my room earlier today, and decided that my computer would look better somewhere else, so I moved my computer to the opposite side of my room. Before I moved my computer my sound was working just fine, but as soon as I moved it the device switched from "Speakers" to "Digital Audio S/PDIF". I tried enabling the "Speakers" one, but it says "Not plugged in" when I'm sure that it is.. I've searched all over google to find a solution and nothing seems to be helping me, and I have no id…

  • Quote from rrose1015: “My boyfriend just dumped last month. The pain was very . . crucial, I think. And the week after he broke up with me I broke down, like crying and getting sick and everything. A week or so maybe after we broke up, all these guys started. . I don't know, popping? LOL. What I'm trying to say is . . when we broke up, it's like many boys came up to me, and I felt them liking me, not being conceited or anything (because you know, you'd actually FEEL if someone likes you or not, …

  • Re: meh..

    Alisha - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Quote from Domoorigoto: “Hey, may i ask you what happened then maybe i can help you better?” It's just a lot of stuff that has piled up on me the past couple of years.. I've been abused since I was young, and I've been raped as well.. and things are just getting harder and harder for me to accept that those things don't make me a monster.. and that I'm still human =/

  • meh..

    Alisha - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    My body feels like it's being weighed down by a ton of bricks. Why must I criticize myself so much based on things that have happened to me in the past? Why do I have to feel so miserable yet be so happy at the same time? Life is truly unfair, and all the shit that I've been through is still haunting me to this day. Sometimes I feel like giving up, and giving into my sweet temptation that is calling for me. Oh horrible memories, and my dearest temptation why can't you just go away for good? "You…

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    Alisha - - Music


    Doin your mom - Fatty spins

  • Re: The Lovely Bones

    Alisha - - Films, TV and Books


    Yeah.. but nonetheless it was still good!

  • Re: So Ke$ha can't sing worth a damn...

    Alisha - - Music


    I don't the song tik tok, but I kinda like this one by her. [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • Re: The Lovely Bones

    Alisha - - Films, TV and Books



  • The Lovely Bones

    Alisha - - Films, TV and Books


    So I just watched it online because I can't be asked to go out and pay to see it. But holy hell this movie was goooood. I recommend you going out and seeing it, if it sparked your interest. [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • The more I go on the harder it is to hold on. People keep telling me that I don't have to deal with this for that much longer in all reality it's still far. I'm tired of feeling so worthless that I cut myself, and I'm tired of going on living a lie. Mom; Why must you tell me I'm worthless on a daily basis? What did I ever do to get you to be so mad at me besides putting someone you obviously love more than me away. I'm sick of you flipping out on me when I ask you little questions, to the point …

  • Hello, It's nice to see people caring about their friends as much as you do. But there's nothing you can really do besides help him get the courage to ask her out, and or ask her questions that hint towards her liking him. But you also need to make sure that he knows that getting turned down is a part of life, and no matter what there's always some other fish in the sea. I know you're getting frustrated with him, but you have got to be patient with people who have low self-esteem(assuming this b…

  • Hello there, Just because you have a good life doesn't mean that you can't feel down about things that's going on. You're human, you feel, therefore you have a chance of getting depressed, no matter how amazing things are at the moment. Sometimes things happen in peoples lives that haunt them no matter how long its been since its happened.. has anything happened to you in your past that has been bothering you(if you don't mind me getting personal)? If not it could just be because of stress, or y…

  • Re: Alisha!!!

    Alisha - - Creative Writing


  • Re: Paranormal activity

    Alisha - - Films, TV and Books


    My cousin. :p

  • Re: Paranormal activity

    Alisha - - Films, TV and Books


    Kinda both. Because right after we got done watching it Alex 'disappeared' and I kept hearing random noises, then all of a sudden he comes out of no where and scares the crap out of me by grabbing my leg and pulling me onto the floor.

  • Re: Paranormal activity

    Alisha - - Films, TV and Books


    I almost cried.

  • Re: Paranormal activity

    Alisha - - Films, TV and Books


    He didn't want to wait, So he's the one who found it, and made me watch it with him.