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  • We had the same problem but we did what MW24680 did, we moaned and had out hands under the covers. My friend had a box from a wand vibratory I put next to my bed. My mom barged in and saw me and our sister in our beds doing it separately and said lock the door next time Yup we won

  • When you get your period if you want to be discrete you say Aunt Flo is here this week.

  • Quote from IsabeleMarie: “I haven't started puberty yet, but I can see it's going to be complicated ... lol ” Hun, its actually a beautiful time to be a girl, you turn into a beautiful flower. your body changes so much you will be so happy I know I am. and once a month you get a visitor.

  • Quote from Lisa_c: “A a few things happened that weren't like I had expected. One of them was how much my breasts hurt when they started to develop. Another was how awkward and self conscious I felt about almost everything. ” OMG, your so right about the breasts hurting, It was surprising how sensitive the nipples were.I remember my first bra, I thought everyone saw my small boobs, I thought they felt like watermelons but they were not. Did you get the feeling everyone was looking at your boobs?

  • What was the name of the book? I had the talk in person on my bed with both parents. Its nothing like standing nude in front of a girl for your first time playing SHOW ME and the girl said no to her turn.