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  • fuck them all

  • Re: Baby Names?

    joey19 - - Teenage Pregnancy and Parenting


    boy: Liam (after my best friend) Patrick (my middle name and because my gran's Irish and it would mean a lot to her) Benjamin ( i just think it's a cool name) Girl: Sheila ( after a very special auntie) Mary ( same reason as the last one) Alicia ( the name of my first ever girlfriend) talking of names check out akon's full name it is long long long!

  • Re: How Do You Think?

    joey19 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Think Emotionally emotionally.png Your brain works best when you are able to really get passionate about something. You like to feel connected to whatever project you are working on. You crave meaning. You work to bring people together, and you're always thinking of a way to compromise. You believe that the only way to get things done is to have everyone in harmony.

  • interesting as i 'am English You Are 50% "Average American" american.jpg You are average because you donate to charity. You are not average since you do support jailing marijuana users.

  • You Are 52% Sexy sexy-3.jpg Your Sex Appeal Is: High You're quite sexy, and you're probably at least partially aware of your powers. Don't let your self doubt ever get the best of you. You're even more attractive than you know.

  • Re: What Finger Are You?

    joey19 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are the Middle Finger finger-3.jpg A bit fragile and dependent on your friends, you're not nearly as hostile as you seem. You are balanced, easy to get along with, and quite serious. However, you can get angry and fed up with those around you. And you aren't afraid to show it! You get along well with: The Index Finger Stay away from: The Pinky

  • You'll Have 1 True Love birthday.jpg You don't just believe in love at first site - you've experienced it. You develop crushes pretty easily, but keeping your interest is another matter! You are very prone to love - hate relationships. Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 1 You are most compatible with people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of the month.

  • Re: Ouija Boards

    joey19 - - General Advice


    rich people are so up themselves they only care about themselves

  • Re: Are You Depressed?

    joey19 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Your Depression Level: 80% depressed-4.jpg You seem to have moderate depression. Your symptoms are bad enough that they're effecting your everyday life. You would benefit greatly from professional help

  • Your Evil Name Is Ahriman Donovan boy.png Muhahahaha!

  • Re: Ugh! Some people annoy me!

    joey19 - - General Advice


    i was joking ffs

  • i love drugs drugs love me crack cocaine and ecstasy sniff sniff here sniff sniff there now i'm in intensive care.

  • Re: Help with extreme rage

    joey19 - - General Advice


    write your feelings down or channel your rage into a sport or fitness workout

  • Re: Ugh! Some people annoy me!

    joey19 - - General Advice


    you should have told her to fuck off and to suck on your pepperoni roll

  • Re: Ouija Boards

    joey19 - - General Advice


    never use one it only makes them angry at you even if it is a family member because imo i think they just want to be left alone instead of you and others interrupting them from what they are doing if you think about it someone taking you away from what you are doing to talk to some people you once knew or liked you would be annoyed i would be. Leave the past in the past.

  • Re: kicked out

    joey19 - - General Advice


    Your age tells me that it is your parents who are asking you to leave the house. You have not mentioned any reason why it is being done so.But you know it.Did you try to see the results of your behavior with them. You think you are right and they are wrong.You think they hate you and so they are kicking you out of the house.Remember no parents hate their own children.You are a part of them.An extension of them . Created by their own flesh and blood .They cannot hate their own selves. You must ha…

  • Re: Im still a virgin :(

    joey19 - - Teen Sexuality


    have some patience sex is not everything there is more to life than sex. Me personally i believe in no sex before marriage so yeah i have a long time to wait because i plan to stick to it I'm only 17 so i will have to just wait it out until that special someone comes along but that's just me so good luck with that. do not loose it to anybody lose it to some one you are 100% loves you and 100% that you love them.

  • 6 me my parents my two brothers aged 14 and 16 and my older sister who is 19 years of age

  • Re: Friend Advice

    joey19 - - Friends and Family


    learn to say no it's your board so you can choose whether to lend it to her or keep it and use it yourself also don't say things that you can not do think about all the possible consequences before you act on them.

  • Re: 1st time sex

    joey19 - - Teen Sexuality


    no dude don't worry there is more to a relationship than just sex ---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ---------- Quote from Mike187: “Yes it will. You're going to have a sucky sex life.” don't be so harsh gees there was no need to be so harsh