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  • It isn't hard to be good at sex there isn't really any technique to it. Practicing gives you stds. keep yo dinky in yo pants

  • I am a firm believer on tweeking what you want to tweek. What I am essentially saying is that I have had work done on my face and will continue to do so. If you're not happy with your nose go for it! Nose jobs are expensive though you're looking at $6000-$10,000.

  • Cute like a teddy bear. Keep losing the weight - looking good so far!

  • She was only 14 it was a logical option to explore. If you're here now and she didn't give you up for adoption and she had you and raised you that shows that she viewed all of her options and chose the one that was best fitted to her...which was to keep you. Amen sista

  • Once again, this is growing up. When you're young you go through emotions where you question the meaning of life, happiness, if you will ever find happiness. It's essentially self exploration even if you're not aware of it. I think if you let go a bit and stopped trying to find happiness and good karma it will come your way

  • Well it's true. Honestly my boyfriend now is a bit of a whore and it really really bothers me. Like, when I hear about him and his friend talking about their sexual escapades and how they double teamed some skank in Mexico, or about some girl at the bar they met that gave them all blow jobs I am beyond mortified. Not only do I question how I could ever date someone who has done those sort of things and violated a girl who clearly had some severe self esteem issues, but it also makes me wonder if…

  • You're just going through a phase dude!

  • I had the misfortune of suffering severe depression from the ages of 12-18 I am much better now. Had I known what I know now, I would have done much better.

  • Your parents are so intense and strict because they want you to do well. Tell them how you feel, it will help. If your parents did not care they would not be doing this. Personally, I understand as I never liked an authority figure but in some aspects i wished my parents had pushed me much harder in school. I'm sure you're not ugly and everyone in high school trash talks each other. In high school i was not attractive AT ALL. When I was 13+14 I had quite a few friends, but I also had people who …

  • I have sort of been in your shoes. This is growing up- people change you grow distant from people you thought you were close with. You go through phases. When I was younger I felt this way A LOT. Girls will come and go- there are so many of them. Don't be upset about your stupid ex girlfriend. She is clearly a whore and probably has an STD by now. Block her number tell her you don't want to hear about how she's becoming the town bicycle and tell her shes a classless whore. Please don't do anythi…

  • You know what? I think it is a GREAT thing you haven't lost your virginity. Let me tell you why 1) Do you know how many people have stds now a days? I actually know a ton of people with STDS. NOT GOOD 2) Most guys sleep around when they are younger and when they finally find someone they want to have a serious relationship with- the girls are severely turned off by the fact that the guy has slept around. The biggest turn off for a girl is a slutty dude. I don't want an STD. I would be much more …

  • Guess who's back!?

    SuperHotFemale - - Advertising Agency


    Hey guyssss so my girlfriend who is super wealthy and I decided to start a blog. Mainly because most of the blogs on the internet consist of fashion wannabes or people just posting boring fashion pictures. when I look at a blog I love seeing the way someone is dressed, the clothes they have, their room,'s true. internet people love rich people... so i dunno if any of you have blogs but if you do- follow mine. I'm just starting it up but so far we have some interesting posts Anyways i…

  • Re: Abortion

    SuperHotFemale - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from brantleyj2011: “murder simple as that i don't understand why this is such a huge debate.” Abortion is not murder depending on how far along one is in the pregnancy. I don't understand those who say a woman should not be able to have abortion unless she was raped- then she can abort the child. If your view on it is that it is murder- then whether the woman was raped or had consensual sex it is still "murder", therefore your views and statement is extremely contradictive. I think aborti…

  • Um like a $3500 handbag and my bmw is kinda expensive a bit tooooo

  • I would advise you to force yourself to go out with your friends. It will help. Also, if you're going to be alone in your room you should do some exercising. It will get you healthy and exercising puts you in a better mood.

  • I'm the same way with my boyfriend. Think of it this way. IF you don't trust him you'll always be upset in the relationship. If you do just let things go and let your guard down, you'll be happier. If he's gonna cheat, he's gonna cheat. Might as well be happy when you're together.

  • If he's 27 and ur 16, he's a pedophile. Ew.

  • Re: The Hottest Girl?

    SuperHotFemale - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ~+ bear +~: “:hitit:” winner