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  • Hmm. Well I have an iphone. As far as music capabilities, they're exactly the same. But having the network, you can use apps like Pandora wherever you go. If you haven't heard of the app theres an identical version that runs on a pc. Its like an internet radio thing that picks songs based on what you like n stuff like that, but its the best one around. The touch still has wifi but you don't get that on the move. And I think you can purchase songs n get them downloaded diractly to the phone. So t…

  • Re: Alienware

    MME1122 - - Technology and the Internet


    hmm is assus good? I hadn't heard of them until recently... Are their netbooks good?

  • Eh. It happens to me too. If me n my girlfriend r gettin it on like once a week or so then i tend not to do it at all...but if were not seeing each other for a bit n I'm just at home than I will. It depends on how much time I spend just sitting around I guess... And when I go away to camp for a week I don't even think about it.

  • Re: Lip Piercing

    MME1122 - - Fashion


    My girlfriend wants her lip pierced...=] As for the ring n the stud...can't you switch it whenever, like an earing?

  • Re: What do you shave?

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Autumn Sunset: “Nope, apparently they grow back leg hair, all prickly and stuff.” yeah thats what I thought. Idk, they said it doesn't grow back as fast as your legs so you don't get stubble. I still think its weird...

  • Re: What do you shave?

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Hmm this thread is old. Anyway. I was talking with some of the freshmen girls...they shave their arms. I don't mean their armpits, like their forearms. Everyone else thought it was odd... Does any one else here do that? Not for like sports reasons or anything just because.

  • you don't need to have like a big sweatband for ur wrist, but if you have a bracelet it would help. Are you trying to hide scars or fresh cuts? Scars are easier to hide if you ask can put stuff on em without irritating or infecting them. and its closer to your real skin color. Anyway. If you have just a bright colored bracelet, idk like one or 2 of those plastic livestrong type ones, it'll draw the eyes attention and they won't notice the scars/cuts. usually. And that's assuming its jus…

  • lol. its like on hat episode of southpark! when mr garrison goes to see his dad n hes upset cuz his dad never molested him so he thinks his dad doesnt love him so his dad goes to the bar n asks the guys if they would have sex with their son so save his life. and they bring up all kinds of crazy scenarios like this =] it was a good one

  • Re: Weird Weird Weeeeird

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Hmm. Sounds like maybe you're not over your ex completely. Especially if he was your first, it'll be hard. And you said you were completely head over heels for him. Even if you really like this guy you might not be completely over your ex, so its hard to be with someone else. Does it remind you of your ex maybe?

  • Re: puss all over my penis

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Sounds like some kinda STD or something. Did you bang a dirty hooker? Seriously though. Doctors are used to dealing with things like that and they're proffesionals. They aren't guna have all kinds of comments about whther you're too small or too big...and I highly doubt the latter. Anyway theres nothing we can really do for you here, except tell you to go to the doctor. If you don't wanna go to your regular doctor or something you could show up at the emergency room...or the hospital. And you wo…

  • Hmm. You said he cut up his face, so you might get stuck paying medical bills. Just take that into account... He could also sue you. And make you pay for like, pain and suffering or some crap like that.

  • If you really want a purpose, and if you want to have accomplishments to be proud of, it takes time. In middle school I joined the wrestling team. I got pretty good after my 3 years in middle school. I wasn't great, I wasn't as god as all the stars in my town (which just happens to have all the top notch wrestlers) but i wasn't the worst. Anyway I just never thought I was god at it and I hated the tough practices so I quit when I got to high school. I regret it now...I don't play any other sport…

  • Quote from Crimsonflame: “I hear punching a girl in the boobs is the female equivalent.” Ha, I've actually discussed this with girls. It kinda depends on the girl...some girls it will hurt and some girls it wont. I think its also worse for girls with bigger boobs... And then they started telling that it hurts more when they're on their period and the just get sore from that no matter what. That was more than I needed to know but ya.

  • Re: my this normal

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    My girlfriend is pretty small, shes 16 and about 4'10". She practically dies...sometimes even gets a fever. she has some medcine for it now, but I buy her some chocolate too. She says it helps, and either way chocolate makes her happy =] But she says one of her friends is small and she gets it bad too, So i guess its a trend in smaller girls.

  • Re: I straightened my hair!

    MME1122 - - Fashion


    Hmm. looks like a puffy version of Shane Dawson...but people seem to love his hair so there ya go. Look him up on youtube hes hilarious =]

  • Hmm...first off the PS3 and Xbox 360 grapics are almost identical. When their analyzed with a computer the PS3 is slightly better, but not enough that your average person would notice. Second...that three year warranty on the Xbox only covers 3 red lights. That being said...that is the most common problem. And yes there were overheating issues on the first models but they resolved that pretty quickly. The Xbox is a computer. Would you set up your desktop crammed in with other things like a DVD p…

  • *Sigh* Notebook coolers are just a scam. Yeah, you'll feel some heat if you keep it on your lap, but it'll get a little warm on a tabletop too. All you have to do is keep the air vent clear...and if it's really a problem let some air get underneath the laptop. It's the same scam as the famous Xbox "Intercooler"...if anything, it blocks the air vent more.

  • You don't have to pay to download it for an iPhone. Its a ripoff that you do for the iPod. But hey, I got an iPhone so why do I care?

  • Uhm. Yeah. thats a little too much. And thats a good way for a girl to get an infection...ass to pussy? like r u nuts?

  • Re: How Long.......

    MME1122 - - Teen Sexuality


    Ha, I don't think I've gone longer than a week...maybe like a week and a half. That goes for like jerking off and gettin if I'm gettin some I won't masterbate for a month or so at a time.