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  • Quote from BattleForTheSun: “Deck him/her in the face with a plank. Or fist, whichever you prefer.” Definitely. or just disregard it.

  • Quote from jerry: “I got the perfect solution: straight males and lesbians in one bathroom straight girls and homosexuals in another” Then dudes would pretend to be gay.

  • Re: Dexter: Season 5

    Dexter. - - Films, TV and Books


    A spoiler alert in the title might be nice, here we are still waiting for season 3...

  • Quote from FallenAngel: “Just be yourself and not worry. :)” If he's gonna be himself he is going to be a shy and awkward, worse advice ever, from experience. Like kevmo and the MVP said, don't over think it, and kill that shyness. Good luck dude

  • Quote from Tootsie: “Okay so I'm 15, I lost my virginity August 20. I did it twice that same day. The first time hurt the second time hurt like HELLLLL! It wasn't with my boyfriend[don't judge me]. I didn't have one, but two weeks later I did. He fingered me and that did not feel good! I've also tried fingering myself but no luck. So I recently had sex again about a week ago with the same guy I lost my virginity to and instead of it hurting I couldn't feel ANYTHING i felt him going in me but aga…

  • You just need to love yourself and accept yourself, I spent a lot of time trying to be accepted by others, but the truth is, others are others, they come and go, you can always count on yourself. You need to like yourself, and feel worthy of everything you have, because you are, and nothing should take that away from you.

  • Do you have pimples? If you stop drinking it they will be gone. Replace that crap with natural juice, it will still contain tonnes of sugar but it will be fructose instead of glucose, which is 100 times sweeter but 100% healthy.

  • Quote from breakboy: “imagine they're naked” But then I get a boner. :blush:

  • Quote from ANTI CONDOM: “ Calm down. If your friends can't help, then make new friends. ” Or learn to live without friends, some people are made to be fine on their own. Stop cutting, it's useless, you might think it helps but it isn't helping at all, just the fact you're using it to say how much your life sucks means you know it's bad, and kinda pointless. Why do you cut? if I knew why people cut themselves I'm sure I could help much more, don't say "Because my life sucks", you can be sure ther…

  • 1. Good looking 2. smart(not school smart, stuff that isn't taught in schools) 3. sporty 4. tall 5. can put up with my crap Number 5 is the hardest to find

  • You should really learn html and basic CSS. What you can do is search for free templates and use those, they look okay ish, and you can edit them, but don't forget to give credit to the maker. example There is also the builder another example

  • Re: Help me to save our Earth.

    Dexter. - - General Advice



  • Re: Help me to save our Earth.

    Dexter. - - General Advice


    Quote from Ashique: “try avoiding these simple few things. 1. use a fan. stop using ac. infact burn all the acs in the house 2. use more public transport like buses trains and use cycles for short distances. burn ur car this might be the most painful 3. after ur turn off the tv with remote make sure u unplug it as well. same with computers, home theatres n other systems that comes with a IR/Bluetooth remote 4. plant new trees on ur garden. 5. persuade a few developed countries including usa to s…

  • She seems to actually be busy... Keep chatting to her like you do normally, and ask her next week I suppose, that is if she doesn't ask you out first

  • Re: Help me to save our Earth.

    Dexter. - - General Advice


    No we can't. You can be sure of that, read my previous post, I kind of explained it. MONEY, do you know what people do for MONEY? there's no way major oil companies will stop producing and searching for more, they would lose money, and have to fire TONNES of people that worked hard to be where they are. Nature has it's way, you can be sure we aren't gonna be the ones to *Kill* it.

  • Re: Help me to save our Earth.

    Dexter. - - General Advice


    Global warming on its own is harmless, what I have noticed is the increase in extremes, we had out hottest summer this year with a maximum of 45ºC, and the coldest winter in 50 years with a minimum of -4ºC it usually doesn't get close to 0 in the winter, and not over 37ºC in the summer. We also got rain records, 1100mm this year only, which is more than the last two years combined. there is no fighting global warming, there is no helping earth, it has "lived" perfectly after worse disasters, it …

  • I've been depressed most of my life, gladly I managed to deal with it without drugs, get a hobby, be passionate about it, make yourself do exercise, you really have to try and get out of where you are, it will seem hard at first, but just exercising will release a good dose of hormones in your brain, making you feel better. Don't take antidepressants, any form of pill is loaded with things most haven't heard about.

  • Quote from dusk: “this” smurfette_smurfs_.jpg

  • Gladly I've never gotten any, it would be damn hard to hide.