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  • Re: question for GIRLS ONLY

    SoyaBeanire - - Teen Sexuality


    It sounds to me like she faked it. At least she was trying to help you feel good... Ok. With me sometimes it can get intense where my eyes kinda water&I'll wanna slow down or pause for a few seconds...but I never "can't take it anymore." lol I demand more. Now she probably is feeling some pleasure but sounds like she's exaggerating. Maybe (I experienced this) she feels pleasure but after a while she goes 'dry' so she wants to stop. But when you decide to go again she gets aroused and it's good f…

  • I do. That time of the month makes me hornier. Usually I'll do it in the shower or after taking a bath and have a dark towel to...absorb the small stains. Or I'll rub my clit if a tampons in and it won't make a mess. My friend doesn't care. She'll still cam with her bf while on it, stain her sheets to make 'em look like someone was murdered, and just throw them out. That's costly but she's got a job, her money.

  • I like dating the parents. lol :] I've done it, also "dated" my ex's siblings. Even now that we're split I'm still very good friends with the parents and they love me like a daughter. And I don't think it'll be awkward with your bf away. It'll show them that even with their son not around you like them.

  • Re: time of the month. :/

    SoyaBeanire - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from DREAM3R: “Let him find out on his own :lol:” Yes. :] That way you can laugh at him. But yeah I've always been open with any bfs. So I would mention it. They were never grossed out and it still wouldn't stop my last ex... Just go ahead and tell him.

  • Re: Favorite candy?

    SoyaBeanire - - Health and Fitness


    anything sour

  • Ah man I can't choose a top one. But one time I put a lot of effort into looking nice, including wearing painful heels. The guy didn't pay any attention to me whatsoever, talked about stupid things, acted weird, made me pay for everything, and like, he kept ordering a bunch of random food which he didn't even eat! Then when I answered a phonecall he said I was rude for "ignoring him" nutcase. Then on the ride home he said corny bullshit then pounced on me to french me. The guy...worst kiss…

  • Aww cute stories. =D All people I hate are hated for a good reason and I would never date them. But there was this guy years ago that was an exception. The very first time we met he pushed me into a wall of wet paint (not too hard). My brand new top was ruined. ]: And my hair was white for the rest of the day. He'd always shove me around and was too tall and big to physically shove back. We'd always argue, yell, insult each other (but he'd never say anything to hurt me), and he even stole some o…

  • It's never gonna be good if he keeps things bottled up. There's gotta be some openness from both ends otherwise it'll feel like something's missing and that can mess up a relationship. You should talk to him. Tell him "Don't think this is stupid ok? I just wanna tell you how I feel." Explain how you understand and respect him but would like him to talk a little more and that he can trust you. Remind him that discussing what's on your mind with someone close (especially problems) is not stupid at…

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “The best movie date I went on, was the one I went to alone” Amen! xD My movie dates with a bf have all sucked. They're too shy to get "busy" in a public place..

  • No. 'Cause I'm into that&would gladly piss on him. Now, a scat fetish would though. lol this reminds me of the grandpa from Boondocks when he said"Why wouldn't I want a golden shower? I like gold and I like showers."

  • Re: Craigslist call girl

    SoyaBeanire - - Teen Sexuality


    ^^^^haha Yeah he's right. But having sex and 'getting it over with' will not make you more outgoing. =/ If you wanna be more outgoing and make the pussy rain then just change your attitude. Stop feeling bad that you've never dated/fucked. You're still 19. It's not like you're 80. Be confident in yourself and talk to girls. But it's up to you. If you wanna use a hooker to get it over with, go ahead. Oooh but to answer your question: never hired one. A guy I knew [21] did try it though. Said the g…

  • Exactly. And just respect her. Be patient, be kind, be understanding, and make her feel special.

  • Things always get boring in relationships. It's an up&down thing. Sometimes you feel the sparks, sometimes you're numb. If you really care about/ love your boyfriend just talk to him. Probably he feels it too. Together you can find ways to get the spark back.

  • Both but a lot more on personality. It's most important to be emotionally attracted but you also need to be physically attracted. A guy doesn't have to be gorgeous [my ex is fucking ugly] but there's always gotta be something I like about his looks like hair, smile, height, etc.

  • Agree with the comments above. It was only 3 days so she thought you were flirting, got hurt, and saw it as a bad sign that if the relationship continued you'd keep it up and get worse. So she dumped you to protect herself. It's a misunderstanding.

  • @heart:Yeah true. @Grym: ugh I hate those mixed signals. Experiencing that too. he won't erase our anniversary even though he's doing all kinds of horrible shit. @Kev: yeah. very nasty one. even now the drama continues. tears me apart.

  • Re: Vagina.

    SoyaBeanire - - Teen Sexuality


    Maybe people would keep marrying and divorcing since sex would only exist during marriage. lol It would easy and common and maybe people would tie the knot very young.

  • I was the same way at your age. All my friends had kissed a ton of people, had tons of bfs/gfs while I never did. I was always told I was pretty, always hit on by cute guys, but just never got a bf. But then once I stopped worrying something magical happened: I unexpectedly got my first kiss [and it was perfect at the perfect time], got my first "other things", and started gettin' bfs. So don't worry and wait for the time to come. Once the time does come you'll be having tons of bfs and you'll s…

  • Do you return/want back the things you gave each other during the relationship [rings, shirts, cards, stuffed toys, etc] after a break up? Or do you prefer to just keep/let them keep it? Have you ever burnt/thrown away anything? For me...some things are ok to be kept, some are ok to be given back. But in my current situation it just felt fucking good throwing a ring my ex gave me in the ocean.

  • Aw that's sad. ]: It's good the kid's ok though. Just my first. Suicide. And that's how we broke up. I wish my last ex did though. I'd be happy and throw a huge party.