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  • It really sucks what you went/have been going through. I've had a few medical problems before, but nothing that bad. I know the feeling that you're all alone in the world, and if you ever wanna talk, I'll talk to you. It'll be great to be able to talk to someone completely disconnected to the rest of your life(school, work, family, etc) once in a while huh? From what I can tell, I'm probably not your age, but I'm pretty mature for my age. I can give you my IM if you want. :)

  • Many parents hit their kids in order to discipline them, so what do you think is the fine line between the two? And do you think beating is alright? I think that hitting isn't ok, and should only be used in drastic situations... And the difference is that when a parent is discipling a child, they have their child's well being in mind. But then again, some horrible things are done with good intentions...