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  • Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from James-Bond-007: “Hi, that was precisely the question why I came to this site, I'm not sure if I have started or not I'm 13 ” You have started if you have experience any of the usual changes. The exact order may be different for different people but if you've noticed that you balls or penis have started to grow, you have noticed pubic hair, started getting erections, started ejaculating etc. then you have started puberty. ” Mainly my voice has changed and I have h…

  • Bi or Curious

    James-Bond-007 - - Gay


    Quote from NoahWilson66: “The other day I went to a public pool with a couple of my friends and when changing I couldn't stop myself from looking and really wanted to touch them. I've never done anything with a guy before. How do you know if you're bi or just curious? ” Personaly I dont really want to touch but I admit I definitely look

  • Naked in front of ther boys

    James-Bond-007 - - Gay


    Quote from Anwon: “have you ever been naked in front of other boys. Like walked out of bathroom at your house or came out your room naked with another boy there. Did the other boy feel comfortable or uncomfortable. ” My brother all the time if that counts At volleyball when we take the shower At the swimming pool when I get changed

  • I have just kissed a girl sometimes but it was just to try and see how it feels but we weren't dating or whatever Does that count ?

  • Quote from Vic2022: “I'm transgender girl basically I have a boy's body but feels definitely more like a girl than boy. So if I have a crush on another boy does it makes me straight or gay ? Guys if you are straight would you date a transgender girl ? Knowing full well she has a boy's body Girls if you're lesbian would you also ? You both have the right to say no I wont be offended ” If you're sweet and cool... why not

  • how many pairs of jeans do u own?

    James-Bond-007 - - Fashion


    5 or 6

  • What clothes did you last buy?

    James-Bond-007 - - Fashion


    New tee shirts

  • Shorts and tee

  • Wooow there is a 300 page thread about underpants ? Dang ! My briefs are white with some prints

  • Boys have you ever...

    James-Bond-007 - - General Advice


    At the beach or when we play football at the park

  • Are you gay/bi/straight

    James-Bond-007 - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm not sure, normally I prefer girls but sometimes I find some guys sweet and cool I'm not sure I would go as far as dating one though

  • Nudity/Sexuality

    James-Bond-007 - - Teen Sexuality


    I did that when I was younger my brother does it sometimes but now I dont stay naked except in my shower lol

  • Quote from Dylanp123: “Originally posted this in another section but think it might be more suited here. Age: 13 Ethnicity: english Height: 5'6 Weight: 125 Leg hair: yes Armpit hair: like around 3 Chest hair: no Pubes: no Butt hair: no Head hair colour: brown Body/pubes hair colour: black Penis size: unsure, like 3 or 4 Circumcised (yes/no): yes Are most people in your area circumsized: no Do you shower naked at school: sometimes Would you say your penis is smaller or larger than people your age…

  • Yes. That's how I started to masterbate lol I did itvfor a while before I got the idea to use my hand

  • Which hand?

    James-Bond-007 - - Teen Sexuality


    I use both hands because my junk is so big... Just kidding I use the right

  • Do you sleep naked?

    James-Bond-007 - - Teen Sexuality


    No, usually in pjs or at least in underpants, sometimes barre torso but not completely naked

  • Prefer cut or uncut

    James-Bond-007 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from pahern0317: “I shouldn't say everyone in USA is cut. But here where I live everyone seems to be cut. School, friends, swimming pools and beach changing rooms. It's very rare to see someone is not cut. But I have heard that a lot of Hispanic boys don't get cut. ” Why is that ? I live in uk, not many people are circumsized, is it more common in the USA ?

  • Advice

    James-Bond-007 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Jimin125: “I want to get a bf but I live in a super anti-lgbtq+ town and so im scared Any advice? ” I take it as you're gay, I guess you need to find out if your crush may be interested in another boy

  • I'm on vacation with my brother in the same room so kind of hard to be alone for the moment, I may not do it for a few days